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October 20, 1954, Effiat, Puy-de-Dôme:

Reference for this case: 20-Oct-54-Effiat.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


In his 1969 book "Passport to Magonia", ufologist Jacques Vallée noted in his catalog of "UFO landings" that on October 24, 1954, at 09:00 p.m., between Biozat and Effiat, on the road from Clermont to Vichy, the engine of a scooter stalled as an egg-shaped object took off from the edge of the road and climbed noiselessly, leaving a luminous trail behind.

Elsewhere, ufological catalogs from the 1970s report that according to the newspaper La Montagne of Aurillac for October 29, 1954, on October 27, 1954 at 8:45 pm, between Effiat and Vichy, one "ML" had his attention attracted by a yellowish disc rising in the sky taking a reddish color. The object had three green light points around its perimeter.

To make things confusing, in other catalogs from the same years, the case sometimes appeared as "Effiat" and sometimes as "Biozat", with dates such as October 24 or 27, 1954.

Vallée had not given his source, and many referred to Vallée, others cited the case as two different cases with these different dates and different places.

I found that in the regional newspaper Le Petit Maconnais for Wednesday, October 27, 1954, it was reported that an insurance agent living in the suburb of Vichy, who wanted to remain anonymous, had seen an "unidentifiable craft" between Effiat and Biozat, "Wednesday evening" - which should therefore be the previous Wednesday, October 20, 1954 - around 9 p.m.

Returning from Clermont-Ferrand, heading by scooter to Vichy, he saw in a field, 40 meters to his left, a strange object in the shape of an egg rising slowly and silently. The "craft" left behind a brilliant, yellowish trail with three greenish dots.

The newspaper added that according to the "statements of this reliable witness, as he approached the craft, the headlight of his scooter went out and the engine began to falter before stalling. It was only after the disappearance of the craft in a northerly direction, towards Moulins, that the insurance agent was able to restart his engine and continue on his way."

In the regional newspaper Le Journal du Centre for October 29, 1954, no date was given, but it was said that the witness was Jean Lalle, 25, living in rue du Sport in Vichy. The time is given as 09:15 p.m., his moped was a Vespa, the place was on the road from Effiat to Vichy, a short distance from the milestone marking the limit between the departments of Allier and Puy-de-Dôme.

He had seen a craft rise vertically, appearing to take off without any noise from a meadow about fifty meters from the road, then after having gained altitude, the craft, which was lit, put out its lights and disappeared into the pitch black night. And, "curious detail, the engine of Mr. Lalle's scooter stopped when the lights of the craft came on."

After the departure of the craft, Mr. Lalle was able to restart the engine of his scooter without any difficulty, and he had resumed his journey to Vichy, where on his arrival he went to register his discovery at the police station to the inspector on duty.

This newspaper added that Mr. Lalle, "who is a well-balanced boy, judges that he was not the victim of a hallucination." For more peace of mind, he went "yesterday morning" to follow the same path: his Vespa did not stop, although he had a passenger on the tan-sad. He easily found the place of takeoff of the mysterious craft, but he did not find traces. He also questioned the owners of a neighboring farm, but they had not seen anything, they were in bed at the time of the observation.

In the regional newspaper Le Courrier de Saône-et-Loire of the next day, October 30, 1954, the witness is called "Jean Lasse", and it is said that having gone to the police station in the city (given this time as Clermont-Ferrand instead of Vichy), he gave the following story:

"- I was returning by scooter from Clermont-Ferrand when my engine misfired inexplicably. I then shifted down, thinking of poor carburetion. But the engine stopped dead. At that moment, a yellow glow came from the trees of the nearby forest, then turned red and an ovoid craft rose silently, leaving behind three green dots; and everything disappeared. Without any intervention, my engine restarted."



A strange craft has been observed by a scooterist of Vichy

Vichy. -- The flying saucers, always on the agenda, still come to appear in the regional chronicle as, Wednesday evening, around 9 p.m., a nonidentifiable craft was observed in the sky of the bourbonnais between Effiat and Biozat.

An insurance salesman living in the suburbs of Vichy, who wishes to remain anonymous, coming back from Clermont-Ferrand, travelled by scooter towards Vichy, when, around 9 p.m., he saw in a field within 40 meters on his left, a strange object having the shape of an egg rising gently and without noise.

The craft left behind itself a brilliant and yellowish trail with three greenish points.

According to this worthy of faith witness' statements, at the time when he approached the craft, the headlight of his scooter extinguished and the engine started to misfire before stalling short. It was only after the disappearance of the craft in the direction of the north, towards Moulins, that the insurance salesman managed to restart his engine and resume his travel.


A "craft" in the sky of Vichy

VICHY. -- Returning by Vespa from Clermont-Ferrand, one of our fellow-citizens, Mr. Jean Lalle, aged 25, living street of the Sport in Vichy, saw at 09:15 p.m. on the road from Effiat to Vichy, at little distance from the milestone marking the limit between the departments of Allier and Puy-de-Dôme, a craft rise vertically and without any noise. It appeared to take off from a meadow at about fifty meters from the road; it was lit and, curious detail, the engine of the scooter of Mr. Lalle stopped when the lights of the craft ignited.

After having taken altitude, the machine extinguished its fires and disappeared in the black night.

Having been able after the departure of the craft to restart the engine of his scooter without any difficulty, Mr. Lalle resumed his travel to Vichy and on his arrival went to make his discovery filed at the police station to the inspector in duty.

Mr. Lalle who is a balanced boy judges that he was not victim of an hallucination. For more peace of mind, he went yesterday morning to travel the same trip: his Vespa did not even stop despite he had a passenger on the back seat. Mr. Lalle easily found the place of takeoff of the mysterious apparatus but did not find traces. He also interrogated the owners of a nearby farm: those did not see anything, and due, as they were in bed at this late hour (for the countryside).



CLERMONT-FERRAND. -- Mr. Jean Lasse [Jean Lalle], from Vichy, went to the police station of the city and made the following account:

- I was returning by scooter from Clermont-Ferrand when my engine had unexplainable failures. I then retrogressed, thinking of a bad carburation. But the engine stopped short. At this time, a yellow gleam left the trees of the very close forest, then became red and an ovoid machine rose silently, leaving behind him three green points; and all disappeared. Without any intervention, my engine started again.

The young man, who is well balanced, affirms not to have been victim of an hallucination. One wonders however how his engine could restart, without him actuating [remainder is missing]

[Ref. jve1:] JACQUES VALLEE:




Oct. 24, 1954


Biozat (France). Between Biozat and Effiat, on the road from Clermont to Vichy, the engine of a motor scooter died as an egg-shaped object took off from the side of the road and rose without noise, leaving a bright trail behind. (Personal).


The magazine indicates that among the cases that need a re-investigation or an investiagetion, there is:

"306 10/24/54 Biozat"

[Ref. jve3:] JACQUES VALLEE:


306) October 24, 1954, 09:00 p.m., Biozat (France):

Between this village and Effiat, on the road from Clermont to Vichy, the engine of a motor scooter died as an egg-shaped object took off from the side of the road and rose without noise, leaving a bright trail behind. (Personal).

[Ref. jve3:] JACQUES VALLEE:

24 October 1954, 21h00. Biozat (France)

Between this village and Effiat, on the road from Clermont to Vichy, the engine of a motor scooter died as an egg-shaped object took off from the side of the road and rose without noise, leaving a bright trail behind. (Personal).


10/27/1954 08:45 p.m. between Effiat and Vichy Witness Mr. L. (unknown).

"The witness's attention was drawn to a yellowish disc rising into the sky, turning reddish in color, with three green dots on its periphery..."

Regional press "La Montagne - Aurillac" for 10/29/1954

This last case is very similar to the two previous ones. In addition to the case reported by Vallée, you should know that Biozat is just between Vichy and Effiat.


October 27 (La Montagne for 10/29) between Effiat and Vichy 08:45 p.m..

M. L... had his attention drawn to a yellowish disc rising without noise in the sky. He noticed that it was taking a reddish color and that it had three bright green dots on its perimeter. A likely landing.


October 24 (J. Vallée, case no 306) Biozat 09 : 00 p.m..

Between this village and Effiat, on the road from Clermont to Vichy, the motor of a scooter stalled when an egg-shaped object took off from the edge of the road.


10/24/1954 Biozat (9 p.m.).

A scooter engine stalled as an egg-shaped craft took off from the side of the road, leaving a trail of light behind it. Jacques Vallée "Un siécle d'atterrissage" N° 306).


For the year 1954 (the base year of our statistics), we recorded 9 cases in which car engines were stopped. However, for 8 of these observations listed below, the "Flying Saucer" was posed on the road!

24/10/1954 Biozat (V.c N306).



049 10/27/54° 08:45 p.m. Effiat - Vichy

Yellow disc that rises while becoming red, possible landing (cf 46)



October 27, 1954 - EURE

The engine of a motorbike is blocked by a craft of blinding luminosity.

(réf. "FRANCE-SOIR" du 30/10/1954)


10/24/1954 Biozat (9 p.m.).

The motor of a scooter stalled as an egg-shaped craft took off from the edge of the road leaving a luminous trail behind. Jacques Vallée "Un siècle d'atterrissages" N° 306).

[Ref. rsd1:] RAY STANFORD:

In his book about the famous UFO landing in Socorro, Ray Stanford indicates a number of other sightings of egg-shaped craft that may be significant in this regard.

Among those cases, he indicates that on October 24, 1954, on the road from Clermont-Ferrand to Vichy, France, the engine of a motor scooter stalled while an egg-shaped object took off from the roadside, producing a bright trail as it departed.

[Ref. gab1:] JEAN GIRAUD:

Jean Giraud and the "G.A.B.R.I.E.L." group indicate that on 10/24/1954 in Biozat in the Puy de Dôme, between Biozat and Effiat, an egg-shaped object silently rose from the edge of the road leaving behind a luminous trail.

When it took off, the machine stalled the engine of the scooter of the witness.

The source is indicated as "Jacques Vallée".

[Ref. gab2:] UFOLOGY GROUP "G.A.B.R.I.E.L.":



The "Saucers with a volume of revolution"

[... other case...]

No. 2. 10/24/1954 Biozat (Allier) 9 p.m.; size unknown.

[... other cases...]

N° 2 is the perfect type of the "Compact Saucer", [...] as for N° 3 [...], they are undeniably "Structured Saucers".


DATE 10/24/1954

HEURE 09:OO p.m.

PLACE Biozat (Allier)



The engine of a scooter stalled as an egg-shaped craft took off from the edge of the road leaving a luminous trail behind.


Catalogue J. Vallée


No investigation was made on this case.


10/24/1954 Creuzier-le-Vieux (Vichy) Unknown hour.

"A shiny egg-shaped craft stopped for a moment at high altitude and started in the same direction at a speed greater than that which animated it when it arrived."

Regional Press "Centre - Matin" for 10/29/1954

"... The apparatus was silent, yellowish in color when it left; he took on a reddish hue..."

Three green dots were visible on its edge"

Regional Press "La Montagne - Aurillac" du 10/30-31/1954

It could be the same craft. A third article may contain a date confusion but correspond to the same case was published.

10/27/1954 08:45 p.m. between Effiat and Vichy Witness M. L. (unknown).

The witness had his attention attracted by a yellowish disc rising in the sky, taking on a reddish color.

The object carried three green luminous dots on its edge..."

Regional Press "La Montagne - Aurillac" for 10/29/1954

This last case is very similar to the two previous ones. In addition to the case reported by Vallée, you should know that Biozat is just between Vichy and Effiat.


The two authors indicate that according to the newspaper "La Montagne" for October 29, 1954, a motorist travelling between Effiat in the Puy-de-Dome and Vichy in the Allier saw on October 27, 1954 at 08:45 p.m., a yellowish disc having three luminous points on its edge, which rose and took a reddish color.


The two authors indicate that in Biozat in the department of the Allier, on October 24, 1954, at 09:00 p.m., a witness observed an object in the shape of an egg which flew away roadside while releasing a luminous trail. The engine of the witness' scooter stalled at the time of the observation.

They indicate the catalogue by Jacques Vallée as source.

[Ref. mrr1:] MARK RODEGHIER:

Oct. 24, 1954

FRANCE, near Biozat: A motorcyclist's engine died suddenly. He was just beginning to inspect it when an egg-shaped object rose into the air from the side of the road. The UFO left a bright trail. The motorcycle could be restarted after the UFO left.
(Passport to Magonia, Vallee; The Humanoids, Bowen)

[Ref. mft1:] MICHEL FIGUET:

This ufologis noted:

256 CEl 24 10 1954 21.00 Biozat 03800 D5 RS, C.V. cas n° 306

[Ref. lgs1:] LOREN GROSS:

October 24th. Biozat, France. (8:00 p.m.)

A Frenchman riding a motor scooter on the road to Vichy had passed Clermont when the engine of his machine inexplicably quit running. At the same moment an egg-shaped object was noticed next to the road in the process of making a soundless takeoff. As the UFO soared away, it left behind a trail of bright vapor. 199.

The source 199 is indicated as "Rogerson, Peter. "The Catalogue." MUFOB New Series 4. Autumn 1976. #38. p.10."


The Belgian ufologist indicates in her catalogue that in France, in 1954, on October 24 in Biozat, "the engine of a scooter stalled at the time when an egg-shaped object took off from the edge of the road and rose without noise, leaving a luminous trail behind."

The source is indicated as: "Jacques Vallée: 'Chronique des apparitions ET' - DENOEL 1972 - J'AI LU COLL. - p. 288, 289".

[Ref. djn1:] DONALD JOHNSON:

On this Day

October 24


1954 - Between Biozat and Effiat, France at nine o'clock in the evening, on the road from Clermont to Vichy, the engine of a motor scooter died when an egg-shaped object took off from the side of the road and rose without a noise, leaving a bright trail behind. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, A Century of Landings, p. 238).

[Ref. jbu1:] JEROME BEAU:

October 1954

Sunday 24

Between the village of Biozat (France) and Effiat, on the road going from Clermont to Vichy, the engine of a scooter stalls at the time when 1 egg-shaped object shape takes off from the edge of the road and rose without noise, leaving behind itself a luminous trail.

[Ref. jsr1:] JEAN SIDER:

109 - October 27, 9:15 p.m., Effiat/Vichy, Puy-de-Dôme.

Mr. Jean Lalle, 25 years old.

CE2 #92. The witness rides a scooter. The engine of his machine stops when a beam of light from a craft that takes off illuminates it with full force.

Local source: Le Journal du Centre, Nevers, October 29, 1954, p. 3.

[Ref. fbn1:] FABRICE BONVIN:

Fabrice Bonvin notes:

Case #027: 24/10/1954, p. 198 (Biozat)


4265: 1954/10/24 21:00 8 3:16:40 E 46:03:20 N 3333 WEU FRN PDD 7:8


Ref# 30 FIGEUT[sic]&RUCHON: OVNI: Le 1er Dossier Page No. 198 : ROAD+RAILS

Larry Hatch recorded the same case twice:

4297: 1954/10/27 20:50 1 3:20:00 E 46:04:40 N 3333 WEU FRN ALR 7:6


Ref#217 Jean SIDER: Le DOSSIER 1954 (2 vol.) Page No. 123 : FOREST

[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates that in the "Puy de Dômes" [sic] in Effiat on October 27, 1954 at 20:45 hours "A motorist on the road of Vichy right on the level of the terminal separating the two departments sees a yellowish disc having three luminous points on its circumference. While rising, the disc took a reddish color."

The sources are indicated as "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... par Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979" et "Les OVNI vus de près par Gross Patrick **".

[Ref. lcn2:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates that in the Allier in Biozat on October 24, 1954 at 21:00 hours, "a witness observes an egg shaped object which flies away from the edge of the road releasing a luminous trail. The engine of the scooter of the witness stalled at the time of the observation."

The source is indicated as "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... by Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979".

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 27 October 1954 at 20:50 between Effiat and Vichy, Effiat, France, "Silent yellow disc with lights rises from ground. Glows." And: "An object was observed. It departed by rapidly flying straight up until lost to sight. One yellow disc was observed by one witness in a forest for over one minute. No sound was heard."

The source is indicated as "Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002".

[Ref. uda2:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 24 October 1954 at 21:00 in Biozat, France, "An egg-shaped object took off, leaving a bright trail behind."

The website adds that between Biozat and Effiat, France at nine o'clock in the evening, on the road from Clermont to Vichy, "the engine of a motor scooter died when an egg-shaped object took off from the side of the road and rose without a noise, leaving a bright trail behind."

The website comments that "An object was observed. Electromagnetic effects were noted. One egg-shaped object, about 10 feet across, was observed by one witness in a forest for two minutes."

The sources are indicated as "Bowen, Charles, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, FSR, London, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Vallee, Jacques, A Century of Landings (N = 923), (in JVallee04), Chicago, 1969; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Rodeghier, Mark, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, CUFOS, Chicago, 1981; Falla, Geoffrey, Vehicle Interference Project, BUFORA, London, 1979; Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002".

[Ref. nip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":

*Oct. 24, 1954 - Between Biozat and Effiat, Puy-de-Dome, France at nine o'clock in the evening, on the road from Clermont to Vichy, the engine of a motor scooter died when an egg-shaped object took off from the side of the road and rose without a noise, leaving a bright trail behind. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, A Century of Landings, p. 238, case 306; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 4).

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

This database recorded this case four times instead of one:

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19541024 24.10.1954 Biozat France 21.00 CE II
19541024 24.10.1954 Effiat France 21.00 CE II
19541024 24.10.1954 Effiat France 21.00 CE II
19541024 24.10.1954 Effiat France


October 27 1954. 2045hrs.


A motorist driving between Effiat and Allier saw a yellowish disc, with three bright spots on the periphery take off and take on a reddish hue.

Jacques Bonabot citing C E OVNI M 49 citing Lumieres dans le [sic] Nuit 128 p18)

[Note: Impossible of course to guess whether the source reference "Gross" is supposed to be me, or the US ufologist Loren Gross... Also; it is not true that I cite "Figuet citing..."; my file was more than that.]

Rogerson noted the case as if it were another one:

October 24 1954. 2100hrs.


Between Biozat and Effiat on the road from Claremont to Vichy, the engine of a motor scooter died as an egg shaped object took off from the side of the road, and arose without a noise, leaving a trail behind.

Vallee Case 306)



The available data is meager, so that this could have been many varieties of misinterpretations, including a meteor. The failure would then be a coincidence.

We can note that two newspapers say that the witness was able to restart the scooter engine himself, but that in Le Courrier de Saône-et-Loire [csl1], he is quoted telling the police station that the engine had restarted on its own; which contradicts the previous versions. But this newspaper is probably mistaken on the name of the witness, and on the city of arrival of the witness.

As there was apparently an official statement from the witness, one can hope that one day the gendarmerie or police report could surface, and clarify things.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Effiat, Vichy, Allier, Jean Lalle, night, road, machine, ascension, landing, object, motorcycle, failure, engine, lights, police, investigation


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross December 21, 2005 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross March 2, 2009 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [goe1], [djn1], [jbu1], [uda1].
1.1 Patrick Gross February 10, 2010 Additions [lcn1], [ud1].
1.2 Patrick Gross October 24, 2014 Addition [nip1].
1.3 Patrick Gross December 7, 2016 Additions [gab1], [lgs1], [mrr1], [ubk1].
1.4 Patrick Gross December 8, 2018 Additions [ldl1], [ioi1], [lhh1], [prn2], Summary. Explanations changed, was "Not looked for yet."
1.5 Patrick Gross December 18, 2018 Additions [lhh1], [ioi1], [ldl2], [ous1], [prn1], [mft1], [prn2], Summary.
1.6 Patrick Gross August 22, 2021 Additions [ufa1], [ioi2], [ldl3], [ous2], [ous3]. Summary rewritten.
1.7 Patrick Gross July 2, 2022 Addition [jsr1].
1.8 Patrick Gross July 13, 2022 Addition [gab2].

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