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UFOs A to Z: W.

Click! Wackenhut
Click! Wall, Sir Patrick
Click! Walton abduction case
Click! Walters, Ed
Click! Wambez (Sighting)
Click! Wasco 1958
Click! Washington 2002 sighting
Click! We Are Not Alone
Click! Webb, Walter
Click! Weeki-Wachi Springs
Click! Weldon, Ross
Click! West, John Anthony
Click! West Freugh incident
Click! White Sands
Click! Williams, Gordon
Click! Withdean (encounter)
Click! Wolbert, Richard
Click! Wolski, Jan
Click! Wolf, Leonard
Click! Wow!
Click! Wright Patterson AFB
Click! Wykoff, Robert C.


A private US government contractor that provides security at the Nevada Test Site.

Wall, Patrick

Major Sir Patrick Wall (1916-1998) was a British Member of Parliament for thirty years, and pursued the question of UFOs in the House of Commons in a quest for more openness from the Government. Following his retirement from public life, he became President of the British UFO Research Association.

He was awarded the Military Cross in the North-West Europe campaign and was awarded the US Legion of Merit the same year, for his services during the invasion operations in northern Italy and the south of France during WW2.

Sir Wall

Walton abduction case

In November 1975, a group of six tree-trimmers were driving home from work in a truck in the Sitgreave-Apache National Forest in Arizona, USA. The driver stopped the truck when he noticed that a flying saucer was hovering about fifteen feet above some nearby trees. Travis Walton approached the craft on foot, despite the objections of his workmates. He was then knocked to the ground by a blue and white light. When the men in the truck saw this, they were terrified and sped off down the road leaving him for dead. Once they had calmed down, they returned to that spot and couldn't find any sign of Travis or the flying saucer. Five days later, Travis was returned to earth wondering what had happened to him for the past few days. He found out by undergoing hypnotic regression, the same technique that was used in the Hill abduction case. This is what the regression revealed: When he came to after being knocked out by the blue and white light, he was lying on his back on a table in what he thought was a hospital. It was not a hospital, a fact that was brought home to him when he focused on three figures standing around him. These were aliens, Travis described them as looking like 5-foot fetuses with mushroom-white skin and they wore tight-fitting, tan-brown robes. On seeing this, Travis got very scared and tried to attack them, but they just backed off into another room, leaving Travis alone, so he started to walk around. He walked into a separate room and saw a large backed chair in the center of it with a few buttons on one arm of the chair and a lever on the other. He played about with those and the ship responded to some of his actions. A more human-looking alien wearing a helmet then walked in and took him for a guided tour of the ship, ignoring any questions that Travis asked him. They then walked into a hangar containing three other saucers and was met by three other human-like aliens, two men and a woman. Travis was then put onto a table and a mask was put over his face. The next thing he remembered he was waking up on a pavement in a village a few miles away from his home watching the saucer move off silently.

Walters, Ed

An architect resident of Gulf Breeze, Florida, USA who claims to have witnessed UFO activity and taken several pictures of UFOs.

Wambez (sighting)

In the morning of November 18, 1969, Mr. Toutain, a veterinary doctor, regional counselor, and city mayor, is driving by car when he sees above the territory of the community of Wambez in the Oise, France, an orange circular light of 3 meters in diameter rising from a pasture from the western angle of the crossroads of roads N30 and D95. The thing flies in a circle at 100 or 200 meters altitude. The doctor stops to observe, and the thing performs a second circular manoeuver at 500 or 600 meters altitude, then flies away at very high speed in direction of Gournay-en-Bray. The doctor reported to the gendarmerie squad of Songeons, which carried out an investigation immediately that morning but did not find particular explanations.

Washington DC 2002 sighting

In the early morning of July 26, 2002, 50th anniversary of the famous Washington 1952 radar and visual UFO sightings, several people called a radio station to report seeing a bright blue or orange light with jets fighters in pursuit. One of the witnesses, Kenny Rogers of Waldorf, Maryland, living near Andrews AFB and used to seeing USAF jets, was quoted the next day in the Washington Post about the bright-blue object he saw traveling "at a phenomenal rate of speed" and an Air Force jet right behind it but outtaken by the light's speed. Andrews Air Force Base confirmed that they scrambled two F-16 jets to check out what the NORAD had told them was a "target of interest", however NORAD's Maj. Douglas Martin denied that the pilots had seen anything and told the Washington Post that the pilots found nothing. A Major of the Army, Barry Venable, said that all that was known is that whatever the target was, it had disappeared during the attempted intercept. Washington Post journalist Steve Vogel managed to get more information from unofficial and anonymous military sources: Andrews AFB picked up an unidentified target at 01:00, tried to contact it by radio with no answers, and notified NORAD. When the two scrambled F-16s arrived the target vanished from the radar screen. Lt. Col. Steve Chase, of Andrews, AFB said it was a routine check and that the radar track may have been caused by a low flying small plane. However, that interpretation did not fit what FUFOR investigator Joan Chase heard form Kenny Rogers in the reconstruction of the incident on location: the constant pale blue in color and star-like light was high up in the air at 35 degrees and sped at meteoritic speed, then dipped slightly and finally ascended to an 85 degrees position, the entire duration being of 3 to 4 seconds.

We Are Not Alone

Authoritative and best-selling account of the search for extraterrestrial life and intelligence by Walter Sullivan, science editor of the New York Times. First published in 1966, it was destined to become an early SETI classic, alongside Sagan and Shklovskii's more technical book "Intelligent Life in the Universe."

Webb, Walter

Walter N. Web, born in 1934, graduated in biology from Mount Union College, Ohio in 1954 and started a career in astronomy under the teachings of Dr. J. Allen Hynek at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory's Optical Satellite Tracking Program from 1957 to 1958, and now retired from Charles Hayden Planetarium, Boston. He was the astronomy consultant of four UFO investigation associations, a member of MUFON and CUFOS and a UFO witness himself in 1951. He was the first investigator of the Betty and Barney Hill sighting, among others. He found out that among the noise of UFO sighting reports caused by commonplace phenomena, there exists a core of manifestation that are totally unique and that very strong circumstantial evidence points at extraterrestrial visits as their cause.

Walter N. Webb

Weeki-Wachi Springs

On March 3, 1965, at about 02:00, John Reeves, a Brooksville resident aged 65, was out walking when he came upon a disc-shaped object twenty to thirty feet in diameter, and about eight feet thick in Weeki-Wachi Springs, Florida, USA. Around the rim were a number of slats similar to a Venetian blind, which opened and closed. The object was resting on four struts, and a fifth extended from its underside, holding several disc-shaped "steps". Then a humanoid figure with a transparent, spherical helmet, dressed in a silver grey, tight fitting suit approached Reeves and examined him. The entity's head was similar to a human's head except for the very wide-set eyes. Then the humanoid fetched a small box-like instrument from inside the UFO and pointed it at Reeves, who decided to run away, but the instrument was apparently harmless: as he looked over his shoulder, Reeves saw that the box was flashing. He also said that the entity had come so close to him that his helmet banged against Reeves's head. Later, footprints were found at the landing site, and Reeves also discovered two pieces of tissue-like paper at the scene of the encounter which bore strange symbols of handwritten appearance, which he gave to US Air Force investigators at McDill Air Force Base and the Pentagon, who then said the paper-like stuff is common material and that they have partly decoded the message that said "Planet Mars. Are you coming home soon? We miss you very much. why did you stay away too long?", and concluded the story was a hoax. According to Coral Lorenzen of APRO, it has been suggested that the silly message was an attempt to mislead humans, for some reason, if the encounter itself was assumed genuine. Other ufologists charged that the US Air Force did not give him the message back and invented its meaning to ridicule the sighting, while most wisely stated that it could simply be a hoax as the witness was alone, as extraterrestrials are unlikely to handwrite silly messages on pieces or tissue, as anyone can create footprints and as no corroboration of the sighting was found whatsoever.

Weldon, Ross

During the great Northeastern power blackout of November 1965 in the US, flight instructor Ross Weldon was in landing approach of the Hancock Airport strip when he and his passenger computer technician James Booking saw a huge glowing and fiery object of some 100 feet wide close to the ground. After landing, they immediately reported the globe to the airport officials. It was later noted by ufologists that the globe, which was reported to have hovered above the Clay power substation, was actually precisely hovering exactly over that power station that was said to be the station where the problem that created the Northeastern power blackout had started.

West, John Anthony

Interested in tunnels beneath the Sphinx and pyramids in Egypt.

White Sands

White Sands Missile Range is located about 100 miles from Roswell and was the site of the first atomic bomb detonation in 1945. It was then known as White Sands Proving Ground. Personnel at White Sands were the first officially to report an unidentified flying object in the sky on July 1, 1947. Many UFO sightings occurred at White Sands in the subsequent years, often publicly reported by military and scientific personal there.

Williams, Gordon

Wing-Commander Gordon Williams was overall base commander of Woodbridge RAF/USAF joint Air Base during the Rendlesham forest close encounter at the base's gate in 1980. A very dubious report claimed that he not only ventured into Rendlesham Forest to see the object, but communicated with aliens while there. However, this alien communication episode by Gordon appeared totally invented when ufologists checked into this with him.

Withdean (encounter)

On February 4, 1951, early in the morning, a girl named only as Sheila was in her mother's garden in Withdean, Sussex, U-K., when she reportedly saw a grey-green and glowing object with a flattened dome. Three entities wearing buff-colored clothing floated out of the object towards her, then returned to the object which took off and disappeared. They had bald domed heads. 20 years later, Sheila, who had moved in Western Australia, encountered a UFO which forced her off the road near the Darling Hills.

Wolbert, Richard

Assistant Chief of Police, Richard Wolbert, was one of the witnesses of a flurry of UFO reports on March 21, 1973, around Saylors Lake in Pennsylvania, USA. He saw a teardrop-shaped object move across the sky, pass between the moon and the mountains and go down towards Shawnee just before 09:30 p.m. There were many dozens of reports from various people around this time in this place, suggesting some real event occurred.

Wolski, Jan

On 19 May 1978, farmer Jan Wolski (right, with beret), driving a horse and car near Emilcin in Poland, was suddenly stopped by entities with slanted eyes. He described being taken up by a tube into a sort of "bus in the sky" which hovered above him at the edge of a wood. On board, the entities undressed him and performed a medical examination before letting him go. There was no amnesiac block placed on him or arising in him from the shock at the incident, he recalled everything in consciously.

Investigating ufologists said that Wolski has no knowledge of the UFO subject and was indeed is basically an uneducated countryman who gave very simplistic descriptions. They managed to draw the UFO from his indication (Right, bottom). Psychologists at the University of Lodz became interested and interrogated him, and to their surprise they found that he was apparently sincere and truthful.

Wolf, Leonard

Following the 1966 report on UFOs by NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena), member of the Space Committee, representative Leonard Wolf, told the House of Representatives that he believed the report should be published to reduce the dangers of panic or concern amongst the American people. He stressed that he believed it was a careful evaluation of UFOs, in contrast to "frauds and illusions". Wolf went on to urge open hearings at the US Congress on the matter of UFOs.


The "Wow!" radio signal is a powerful signal coming from space detected by the Big Ear radio-telescope in 1977 during the SETI project. SETI was an attempt to detect extra-terrestrial radio signals from outer space. Though powerful and clearly artificial, the "Wow!" signal remained inconclusive because it could be detected only once despite some further attempts. It has also be suggested that it might have been a terrestrial signal reflected back to Earth by a piece of space debris.

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

Stories say it is a storage base for crashed UFOs in Dayton, Ohio. It housed the famous Hangar 18. There was also a movie made about the crashed UFO called "Hangar 18". Wright-Patterson Air Force Base was the home of the Foreign Technology Division that studied captured foreign aircraft, the home of ATIC, the Air Technical Intelligence Center, and the home of Project Blue Book, an Air Force UFO reports investigation effort.

Wykoff, Robert C.

Lieutenant Robert C. Wykoff is a US Navy physicist. On August 10, 1950, he saw a strange disc-shaped object manoeuvering in the sky near Edwards Air Force Base in California, where many such sightings occurred.

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