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February - March 201. The web is busy with news that an intelligent extraterrestrial signal was captured by the SETI project via its radiotelescope in Arecibo.

I stumbled across this while browsing the "news" for 2012 on the French website "Les Repas Ufologiques":

Independently from this document, an anomalous signal was captured by the Arecibo telescope a few weeks ago, here is the link to the article:

One ca suppose that there exist other cases of detected signals which will never be told to the public. The big "disclore" momento will never occur, disclosure can be done only smoothly, first among "initiated" (you, the readers of this article, are "initiated", de facto). This kind of document is part of it, don't hesistate to publicize it.

Ludovic Chapier

"Gosh, those bastards who hide the truth!" - Isn't it? Luckily, there are "initiated" to reveal the hidden truth...

Come on, I'm no spring chicken. Most of the time, it proves that those who "hide the truth" are just imaginary, whereas poeple who make a fuss about nothing without checking are out there...

Cited as being the source, we get the "Wikistrike" website, at:

That "Wikistrike" strikes me as just a blog about anything, not really the kind of primary source for such a big news. Headings categories are such as "Politics - International politics - Economy - Religion - Strange - Science - Technology - Earth - Health - Astronomy - Weather - Ecology - Biodiversity, etc, etc. The "about" by the way of I should get informed me on the authors leads to a e-shop page. I also find publicity for "online predictions"... and in the "Latest news", sit down, I am told that Germany demands that Greece destroys the Parthenon!

Smells like a BS blog...

The article by one Vincent Rousseau says:

An "alien" [or "foreign"] signal regarded as interesting and worthy of a thorough investigation was picked up by the radio telescope of Arecibo, in Puerto Rico. The signal, according to reports by astronomers, would have itss origin in a zone not yet completely defined, located between the constellation of Pisces and the Ram. The researchers, who isolated the signal three times, believe that the frequency cannot from now on be regarded any more as "natural". the same noise was already collected in the past and had led to false illusions, it is thus necessary to be careful.

Up to now, this would almost seem believable. But the article continues with badly formulated assertions that anyone with a brain would understand to be quite suspicious:

The universe abounds in intelligent forms of life - the astronomers showed Seti with a great enthusiasm, but for obvious reasons, it is necessary to try to keep the feet firmly on the ground, and to await the results of other investigations.

"The universe abound in intelligent forms of life?" I also think so, but to make a factual assertion of this as if what is a reasonable conjecture to me were now a proven fact...

And "the astronomers showed Seti with a great enthusiasm"... it feels like a text from a foreign-speaking website badly translated by some automatic translator.

and indeed, under the article, there is a reference to a soucre: # plus

A hyperlink that can't function, with these spaces at the end...

But easy to fix:

This is what you get:

A lamentable Italian blog with new age musak, "poetic" imagery, an introduction saying:

Raccontarvi la nostra storia sarebbe inutile e fuorviante, poichè le emozioni che ci hanno travolto ed i fatti che abbiamo vissuto sono stati un viaggio dentro noi stesse... a ritroso tra le stelle... Questo blog vuole essere uno specchio da condividere con voi che leggete... un percorso da fare insieme... Gli argomenti che trovate esprimono distintamente le poliedriche personalità di ognuno di noi..e nella nostra diversità converge la nostra Unicità...sino ad arrivare a Voi...

To re-tell you again our history would be useless and misleading, since the emotions which crossed us and the facts that we lived were a travel in ourselves... moving back among stars... This blog wants to be a mirror to be shared with you who read it... a trip to make together... The topics distinctly express the polyhedric personalities of each one of us... And in our diversity our Unicity converges... until arriving at You...

Oh my, what a load of ball, that new age nonsense... As for the tackled topics... Feng Shui, Aleister Crowley, cartomancy, divination and even the miserable contactee Siragusa... all mixed with alleged "quantum physics", the Hopi indians and "Levitation".

And that would be the source of this news... Let's be serious, this is totally worthless. How can anyone with a brain re-publish stupidities from such a website!

What does the SETI Institute say? Nothing like this claim; which is clearly just one more rumor from the Internet copied and recopied by gullible people!

( )

I bet some uneducated webmaster from here or there read an article about some past interesting signal picked up by the SETI Institute - there were a few, though without certainty as of its extraterrestrial intelligent nature - and believed that it was very hot topicality, and copy after copy, from new age blogs to crackpot blogs to UFO websites, the big news was made up...

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This page was last updated on March 7, 2012.