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News and sighting reports, April 2012:

Some of the UFO observations and ufology news in April 2012 are listed on this page. Please note that these are not studies, but second hand observation reports, although mostly obtained from reliable and well known sources.

04.30.2012"UFO video" over St Albans, England, U-K..
04.23.2012A fake "French Defense official document" debunked in France.
04.25.2012Crop circle in Las Predices, Argentina.
04.17.2012Large disc-shaped object in Pompano Beach, Florida, USA.
04.12.2012The Mars Monolith again.
04.12.2012So-called UFOs photographed in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
04.01.2012claims of UFO visits in the sky of Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

"UFO video" over St Albans, England, U-K.

The comment of the video says: "UFO Sighting over St Albans, England in April 2012. Four UFOs Caught on Camera, Just 30 km north of London. This video first was incorrectly located in Mexico. The video was filmed by Josha Moritz and his wife in St Albans near London in England. Thanks for the correction."

The video shows four small white spots in the daylight sky. These resemble ordinary toy balloons more than alien spaceship.

Source and video at:


On May 2, 2012, the website of the regional newspaper "L'Union" reports that "Sunday", therefore on April 29, 2012, Karen Péru and her husband saw "four fire balls oscillate in the sky", Rocroi direction ,and that the investigator Jean-Luc Lemaire launches a call for witnesses.

Karen reports: "I closed the two shutters. It was 11 p.m., Sunday. My husband was watching the TV in the other room. And, there, I saw four balls which advanced. That started above the building over there" from the window her dining room, over a building close to the Rimbaud cemetery.

She is described as "very upset" and "not believing her eyes", "not having slept in the whole night", wondering "Why would be alone in the universe?" after having seen three "very close together" balls and a fourth a little more isolated Her husband confirmed this, saying that the balls were "smaller than the evening star but larger than a normal star", while his wife was getting her glasses.

The balls are described as "one behind the other. It advanced gently horizontally, in a continuous motion. WE opened the window to see whether something were to be heard, it made no noise".

The color is "orangeish", "a little like the old car headlights", the movement "continuous towards the North-West ", a bit wavy, it is lost from sight after one minute approximately.

In short, all the aspects of description suggest, once again, Chinese lanterns, but this possibility is not even evoked in the article...


Crop circle in Las Predices, Argentina.

The newspaper Diario de Cordoba, cordoba, Argentina, reports on April 26, 2012, that a "crop circle" was found on april 25, 2012, in a field located in the Las Perdices rural aear.

No UFO was seen. Nothing is extraordinary about the crop circle, indeed just a circle in the crop, diameter 25 meters.

Since 1980, some people still think crop circles are "made by UFOs" or "messages to humanity" by some sort of "higher power" or "superior intelligence"; however, the evidence for such theories is null, whereas evidence that they are just made by people is overwhelming.

A fake "French Defense official document" debunked in France.

In UFO meetings or on web forums, there were presentations of an internal memo allegedly from the French Defense which allegedly told about a French government defense service busy stuying UFOs and "O.A.N.I" ("Objet Aquatique Non Identifié" - Unidentified Submarin Objects).

"UFO-skeptic" ufologist Jean Marc Donadieu (Aka "Nemrod" on French web forums) and others showed that it is a forgery which had briefly circulated on the net before disappearing as the recipient apparently spotted the fraud; but after this disappearance it surfaced again, found apparently in the "cache" of the Google search engine.

The fraudulent nature of the text is quite obvious as the English word "HOME" appears on the top of the first page. Jean Marc Donadieu tells his investigation and the various evidence of frauds he found in an article (French only) summarized at:

A more detailed version is at:

Large disc-shaped object in Pompano Beach, Florida, USA.

A witness reported to NUFORC on april 18, 2012, about his sighting on April 17, 2012, 10:50 p.m., in Pompano Beach, Florida, USA, of a large disk seen during 5 to 8 minutes:

"Traveling west on Atlantic Blvd. from work to home observed an airborne object near intersection of Dixie Hw'y. in Pompano Beach, Florida. Object was traveling notheast ."

"I pulled over as I thought it was an aircraft about to make an emergency landing on roadway & got out of my vehicle to observe.I then saw it was about 20 times larger then a airplane and was shaped like a flat top straw hat & looked to be metallic. At least 50 times the size of a full moon's appearance in the sky. The upper portion or cabin had windows all around with light on inside which reflected out on to the deck portion giving me an excellent view. It was low and slow flying. About 300 to 400 feet high."

"I watched it travel at that same steady slow speed for a few minutes until it went out of sight due to surrounding area of trees & homes. No tall buildings were in area. Returned to my vehicle & drove a few blocks and relocated flying in sn same direction & speed until I lost sight ! of it again."

Source: NUFORC web report form at

The Mars Monolith again.

The very famous movie "2001 A Space Odyssey" directed by Stanley Kubrik, based on the book by Science-Fiction author Arthur C. Clarke, made popular the image of a "monolith"; which in the story was placed on the Moon by aliens. This "monolith" impressed people so that when some spotted a quite natural rock, having an vertical apparently position, was spotted on a satellite photo of the Martian surface, a buzz was created on the web, and the MSNBC portal wrote about it:

But we also have the Above Top Secret web forum at:

... where we can learn that MSNBC serves again a topic that started 3 years ago and was dealt with then...

So-called UFOs photographed in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The owner of a blog called "Wandering Dervish" believes he took photographs of UFOS on the 12, 6, 4, 2 April, 2012, apparently in the area of Castelar, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. There is no report of any visual observation, only images, strongly degraded by compression and cropped.

These are in fact very likely once again photographs of birds appearing blurry because of their movements, something ufologists call "Blurfos". With the popularization of digital camera that do not require expensive printing og negatives, "UFO" and crackpots websites are "invaded" by these so-called UFOs.


claims of UFO visits in the sky of Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Having allegedly taken place "at the beginning of April" (on April 1st?), visits of "luminous balls" would have created "panic in Russia". It seems that one claims that inhabitants of Saint-Petersburg managed to capture these "balls" which they think are "UFOs", while commentators of foreign TV news show call them "spaceships" or even talk of "droppings of aliens."

The videsos surfaced on the usual websites, dailymotion, youtube, the majority showing things which could range from pure computer forgeries - how could this be disproved, with these low quality videos of generally of anonymous origin? And isnt't April 1st an appropriate date for this sort of hoaxes? - to commonplace Chinese lanterns.

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This page was last updated on May 15, 2012