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News and observation reports, August 2010:

Some of the UFO observations and ufology news in August 2010 are listed on this page. Please note that these are not studies, but second hand observation reports, although mostly obtained from reliable and well known sources.

08.25.2010Quite stunning ideas are issued in 2010 about Titan by exobiologists.
08.21.2010Chinese lanterns in the sky of Béthune, France.
08.14.2010Strange lights reported over Qualicum Beach, British Columbia, Canada.
08.14.2010Aviation personal in Brazil must report their UFO sightings for the Public Records.
08.12.2010Multicellular life forms on Earth 2.1 billion years old.
08.08.2010Luminous dots in the Bas-Bugey, France.
08.05.2010Newly released UFO files from the UK government.

Chinese lanterns in the sky of Béthune, France.

The website of the newspaper "La Voix du Nord" reported on August 24, 2010, multiple observations in the skies of the area of Béthune, Sunday, August 21, 2010 at 02:40 a.m.. Descriptions, of a "string of yellow-orange luminous balls", should immediately make think of Chinese lanterns, entirely, but the newspaper does not consider this explanation, which they probably ignore. The Gendarmerie and GEIPAN are said to have been alerted:

For once however, the explanation was then given in the newspaper later in another web page of their website, although the Chinese lanterns are called "mini montgolfiers made out of resin". Whereas Chinese lanterns are indeed "mini montgolfiers", they are obviously not "made out of resin":

The newspaper scoffs at "science-fiction buffs" who would be "disapointed", and indicates that about fifty "mini montgolfiers" would have been released "Saturday evening" - more probably Sunday towards 02:40 a.m. - around Seclin at a wedding party.

And as a matter of fact, the next day, shortly after I published the above, La Voix du Nord's website published a new article where the Chinese lanterns explanation is given more accurately:

Thinking about it, the lanterns, that's difficult to believe. With the wind, they would have scattered. There, the lights formed a regular straight line and the spacing between each sphere was perfectly identical."

This is not a good refutation: suffice that a person lights and launches the lanterns one after the other with regularity for this effect to occurs. Thereafter, the winds, at random, disperse them more and more, obviously. They are obviously not aligned from the start when several people light and release several lanterns at the same time.

Finally, we learn that in addition to the lanterns released at the wedding in Seclin, there was also a release of about fifty lanterns at a birthday at the Duflot room, in Annezin, and that another launch is scheduled near Norrent-Fontes, close to Bruay, this next weekend.


Strange lights reported over Qualicum Beach, British Columbia, Canada.

Brian Vike, of Houston, B.C., webmaster, said he received a report of a sighting on August 14, 2010, at 10 p.m. Two residents in Qualicum Beach, whose names Vike would not release, said they were watching the meteor shower when they saw two strange lights in the eastern sky.

"They caught my eye, due to their obvious colour, which differed from the stars around them," the report said. "They were flickering and shifting from red to blue and then to white. They were about as far apart as a loonie coin held at arm's length and were pinpoints of light."

The report went on to say the lights were moving in an odd manner.

"I was surprised to note that the two points of light then began to rotate and switched positions gradually, with the 4 o'clock light moving to the 10 o'clock position and vice versa," the report said. "Then they began to move directly apart from the 10 and 4 o'clock positions, but very slowly. The top light began to gradually fade and the bottom light subsequently blinked right out and vanished suddenly."

About 15 minutes later, the two lights re-appeared, creeping slowly across the sky towards the north star.

When the lights got to the little dipper, they appeared to stop moving.

"They remained motionless for about a minute and then the top light began to shimmer and shake, flashing blue, red, white colours very brightly," the report said. "Three blue streams or rays of light briefly shone out of this top light and pointed towards the bottom light."

After a few seconds, the bottom light increased in brightness very rapidly and "departed with shocking speed to the west."

The other light, the report continued, simply ebbed away and vanished without any apparent motion.

Commenting on the report, Vike said the sighting will likely remain unexplained.


Aviation personal in Brazil must report their UFO sightings for the Public Records.

According to a decree published in the Official Journal of the Union of Brazil, the military and civilian pilots as well as the national air traffic controllers must from now on report any UFO sighting to the services of the command of aerospace Defense.

Information will be gathered at the Public Records, Rio de Janeiro, and should be accessible to all interested people.

The chief of the Air Force, Juniti Saito, specified that the air forces would only record the observations on a special form, that they do not have "a specialized service to perform scientific research on these air phenomena".


Multicellular life forms on Earth 2.1 billion years old.

"The discovery in Gabon of more than 250 fossils in an excellent state of conservation brings, for the first time, the proof of the existence of multicellular organisms there 2,1 billion years ago. A capital discovery: until now, the first forms of complex life (with several cells) went up to 600 million years approximately. Of various forms and sizes, these new fossils indicate an organized and complex origin of life much earlier than that allowed so far. They thus change our current knowledge on the appearance of life. These specimens were discovered then studied by an international and multi-field team of researchers coordinated by Abderrazak El Albani of the "Hydrogeology, clays, grounds and alterations" laboratory (NRS-INSU/Poitiers University). This work is published on July 1 in the journal Nature."

"The first traces of life are approximately three billion and a half old: they were procaryotic organisms, i.e. cells without a nucleus. Another major event in life history, the "Cambrian explosion", around 600 million years old, marked the increase of th number of living species, accompanied of a sudden rise of oxygen concentration in the atmosphere. But what occurred between 3,5 billion and 600 million years? Over this period called Proterozoic, scientists have very little information. However, it is during this crucial time preiod that life diversified: next to procaryotes, camethe eucaryotes, single or pluricellular lifeforms whose organization and metabolism is more complex. Of big size, these lifeforms contrast with the procaryotes by the presence of cells which have a nuclous containing the DNA."

"By studying the paleo-environnement of a fossiliferous site located at Franceville in Gabon, Abderrazak El Albani and his team discovered in 2008, totally unexpectedly, the perfectly preserved fossil remainders in 2,1 billion years old sediments. More than 250 fossils were collected to date, among which a hundred were studied in detail. Their morphology cannot be explained purely chemical or physical mechanisms. Of sizes reaching 10 to 12 centimetres, too large and too complex to be unicellular procaryotes or eucaryotes, these specimens present diversified forms, establishing that various types of life coexisted during the beginning of the Proterozoic era. Because these were really fossilized living material!"

"To show it, the researchers used several advanced techniques which make it possible to determine the nature of the samples and to rebuild their environment. Thanks to an ionic probe able to measure the contents of the sulphur isotopes, the relative distribution of the organic matter was precisely charted. This material is what remained from living organisms, which changed into pyrite (an iron disulphide mineral) during fossilization. The researchers were thus able to distinguish the fossil from the Gabonese sediments (constituted of clays). Moreover, using an ultra-sophisticated three-dimensional high resolution scanner (also called an X microtomograph), they were able to reconstitute the samples in their three dimensions and especially appreciate their degree of internal organization in depth, without compromising theit integrity. The method is indeed noninvasive. The evolved and regular shape of these fossils indicates a pluricellular degree of organization. These organisms lived in colonies: more than 40 specimens by half a square meter were sometimes collected. They thus constitute to date the oldest pluricellular eucaryotes ever described."

"By studying the sedimentary structures of this site remarkable for its richness and its quality of conservation, the scientists revealed that these organisms lived in a sea water environment, not very deep (20 to 30 meters), often quiet but periodically subjected to the combined influence of the tides, waves and storms. To be able to develop there 2,1 billion years ago and to be differentiated on a level never reached before, the authors think that these forms of life undoubtedly benefited from a significant but temporary increase of oxygen concentration in the atmosphère. This happened between 2,45 and 2 billion years. Then, 1,9 billion years ago, the oxygen rate in the atmosphère suddenly fell."

"Until nowm it was assumed that organized multicellular life had appeared approximately 0,6 billion years ago and that before that, the Earth was mainly populated of microbes (virus, bacterium, parasites...). This new discovery moves the cursor of the origin of multicellular life by 1,5 billion years and reveals that cells had started to cooperate between them to form units more complex and larger than the unicellular structures. Several working hypothesis are now to be explored: to understand the story og the Gabonese basin and why the conditions were met there to allow this organized and complex life, to explore this site to enrich the fossils collection but also to compare the story of oxygenation of the Earth with the mineralisation of clays appear among the most immediate. But, the most urgent is protect this exceptional site."

Source: INSU Press release

More information: Large colonial organisms with coordinated growth in oxygenated environments 2.1 Gyr. El Albani A., Bengtson S., Canfield D.E., Bekker A., Macchiarelli R., Mazurier A., Hammarlund E., Boulvais P., Dupuy J.-J., Fontaine C., Fürsich F.T., Gauthier-Lafaye F., Janvier P., Javaux E., Ossa Ossa F., Pierson-Wickmann A.-C., Riboulleau A., Sardini P., Vachard D., Whitehouse M. & Meunier A., in Nature, July 1, 2010.

Luminous dots in the Bas-Bugey, France.

The website of the newspaper "Le Progrès" reports that about 02:30 a.m. on August 8 2010, in the sky of Belley, France, Laura Mignot, a saleswoman of the area, saw a "most strange event", described by the newspaper only as about fifteen orange luminous dots, with a quotation of the witness saying "I had the feeling that other small blue or green lights moved around the large orange ones."

I want to recall that Chinese lanterns, preiviously of generally orange color, have been are now available in various colors.


Newly released UFO files from the UK government.

UFO documents release by the Ministry of Defense, U-K., via the National Archive website, continues in August 2010.

The new batch of files contains a wide range of UFO-related documents, drawings, letters and parliamentary questions covering the years 1995-2003.

The files are available for free download in August 2010, fees will be asked for later downloads.


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This page was last updated on August 25, 2010.