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News and observation reports, December 2009:

Some of the UFO observations and ufology news in December 2009 are listed on this page. Please note that these are not studies, but second hand observation reports, although mostly obtained from reliable and well known sources.

12.31.2009Chinese lanterns called "UFOs", Worcester, U-K.
12.28.2009Light in sky in Belper, U-K.
12.22.2009Snow circles in Hoeven, the Netherlands.
12.13.2009Scientists say the methane found on Mars is not brought to the planet by meteor strikes.
12.12.2009Ceara UFO Research Center, in Brazil, provides figures.
12.09.2009Spiral rocket smoke in Norway.
12.07.2009Exopolitics" and conspirationist predictions of "ET disclosure".
12.01.2009U-K. Ministry of Defense closed their UFO hotline.

Chinese lanterns called "UFOs", Worcester, U-K.

A Worcester man saw one or two Chinese lanterns on New Year's Eve at about 9 p.m. and took a picture; which show the typical trace and color of Chinese lanterns. He reported no particular strange characteristics, no "impossible maneuvers". At night, the usually longer automatic exposure duration makes the Chinese lanterns distorted by the camera moves; the man did not understand that and believed the "UFO" changed shape.


Light in sky in Belper, U-K.

An anonymous Belper resident said she spotted some strange lights over Belper as she was out walking her dog along Green Lane and Mill Street on December 28, 2009.

She said it was a very bright golden light, hovering high in the sky over the Chevin, near Farnah Green, around the same size and shape as a street light, but much higher - too high to be cast by a helicopter or plane. It was initially steady, before it rose up into the sky very quickly until it was barely visible to the naked eye, she added. She said "The golden ball was at this time very small but still visible when it passed behind a cloud. I waited for the cloud to pass over but saw nothing more. I am sure what I saw was unusual and just wish I had been in company with someone, other than my canine friend, who could coroborate this account."

The newspaper says no word about it but description is quite a perfet description of a Chinese lantern.


Ceara UFO Research Center, in Brazil, provides figures.

Since its creation in 1959, the Center for UFO Research of Ceará investigated 3418 UFO sightings reports or elaien encounters reports, and in this 700 are considered honest. "The majority of the reports are untrue", says the Center's president, Reginaldo de Athayde.

The group currently has 312 members, but "only nine or ten really work on the investigations". These ufologists go on location, with photo and video cameras, instruments, and document the events as well as possible, taking sand, stones or water samples, and devote several months to finding possible ordinary explanations before giving an estimate.

Ceara also notes that Quixadá is the city where most alien encounters are reported, but these are found everywhere in Ceara, for example in Baturité, Crato, Guaraciaba do Norte, Juazeiro do Norte, Massapê, Morada Nova, Pacajus, Quixeramobim, São Benedito, Sobral and Viçosa do Ceará.

The president of the ufology group mentions three cases which were found proven: a senior military police officer who had been abducted in the town of Palhano in 1992, another man who was taken by aliens in Pond Maraponga in Fortaleza approximately 20 years ago, and a phenomenon which occurred in the State de Ceará in 1994, when thousands of people saw luminous objects in the sky.


Spiral rocket smoke in Norway.

Norwegian media reported that in the morning of December 9, 2009, numerous residents of Trondelag and Finnmark in the north of Norway were puzzled to see a spiraling smoke in the sky, and many called the Norwegian weather institute on this matter, to the point that the institute had to stop their hotline.

Wheras astronomers commented that the phenomenon was not an aurora borealis, others estimated that it might have been a Russian rocket launch failure: the out of control missile starting to rotate can of course produce a spiraling smoke trail. This explanation was confirmed the next day.

The explanation was even provided in advance, by the Arkhangelsk radio, who had alerted that the Russian Navy would carry out several missiles test launch over the White Sea between December 7 and 10, including one in the night of December 9.

But meanwhile, the media, particularly on the Internet, and "UFO" websites, claimed that the Norwegians had reported a "UFO", and some continue to claim that and ignore or hide the explanation.

The highest ricicule is reached once again by "Dr. Michael Salla", who self-claims he is doing "exopolitics", and started to suggest from his Hawaiian home that though the smoke is that of an out of control missile, the missile's failure must obviously have been cause by the aliens... to impress US president Obama.


"Exopolitics" and conspirationist predictions of "ET disclosure".

Ever since ufology exists, some people propose without showing any real evidence of that governments would know in an unquestionable manner that we are visited by aliens.

Using circular logic, they claim that the reason they can't prove it, is that these governments prevent them from producing the (alleged) evidence.

Last month, chaps claimed that on November 27, 2009, US president Barrack Obama was going to "disclose" some unspecified "truth" coming from the US government about our planet being visited by aliens.

This "disclosure" did not take place. It was the XXXXth claim of this sort, and there will more. These chaps, a so-called "Dr. Pete Peterson", and one "David Wilcock", close to a so-called "Project Camelot" and the webmasters of a website that claimed to reveal visits by aliens called "Ebens", and even the visits of their planet by US explorers, are not deterred. "Exopoliticians" such as Michael Salla explain shamelessly that this "Obama disclosure" was delayed to "soon", because it was ..."disclosed" too soon.

The hullabaloo goes on: some of these people now claim that president Obama will "disclose" extraterrestrial visits on December 10, 2009 when he does his speech for his reception of his Nobel Prize.

U-K. Ministry of Defense closed their UFO hotline.

Nick Pope, who formerly worked a the U-K. Ministry of Defense's UFO desk, says on his website:

"With effect from 1st December 2009, the Ministry of Defence terminated their UFO project, ending over 50 years of research and investigation. The news was slipped out in a way designed not to attract attention, by making an amendment to an existing document in the Freedom of Information section of the MoD website, entitled "How to report a UFO sighting". The announcement states that "in over fifty years, no UFO report has revealed any evidence of a potential threat to the United Kingdom" and goes on to say that "MOD will no longer respond to reported UFO sightings or investigate them". Having worked on the UFO project from 1991 to 1994 I am sorry to see MoD disengage in this way. I believe that where evidence suggests that UK airspace has been penetrated by an unidentified object, this must automatically be of defence interest and should be investigated properly. Indeed, I am sure that sightings from pilots and uncorrelated targets tracked on radar will continue to be looked at, albeit outside of a formally constituted UFO project. From the Fifties to the present day, MoD received around 12,000 UFO reports. While most were misidentifications of ordinary objects and phenomena, around 5% remained unexplained."


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