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Observation reports January 2002:

Some of the UFO observations in January 2002 are listed on this page. Please note that these are not studies, but second hand observation reports, although mostly obtained from reliable and well known sources.


Retired telecoms engineer Jerry Horlan stood in his Broadfield kitchen at 05:00am on Thursday, January 31, 2002 when he was gripped by an eerie sense that he was not alone.

He was astounded to see a circle of strange lights hovering over the south side of Gatwick Airport. He explained: "I had been up all night and was just making myself a cup of coffee when I saw something very strange out of the window. Hovering over the south side of the airport were 12 bright lights circling slowly round. I just could not believe what I was witnessing."

The father-of-two tracked the objects for more than an hour until dawn began to break last Thursday morning and the lights slowly moved away from the airport and disappeared.

Mr Horlan, 58, who lives in Farnham Close, Broadfield, continued: "It was a unique experience. I have travelled all around the world and never seen anything like that before. I am not saying it was definitely a UFO but it would be good to get some sort of explanation to account for what I saw."

The skies over Gatwick Airport have seen a number of close encounters over the years with witnesses reporting seven suspected UFO sightings alone in the summer of 1996. This prompted skywatcher Larry Dean, from Brighton's Skysearch agency to suggest aliens were watching Gatwick to study earthly air travel.

English newspaper Crawley News wrote: "But Government officials and BAA have continued to dismiss these strange events and refused to recognise the existence of UFOs. Commenting on the latest spotting, a BAA spokesman said: "We have run a check and can report nothing out of the ordinary at that time, but we have passed the information on to air traffic control which is looking into it."


The web camera used for the survey of the Mexican volcano continues to provide images which occasionelly show insects, birds, dust, reflections, stars at night, and other things which might be UFOS hovering of manoeuvering above and around the volcano.

Possible objects appear as cylinder shaped or as two connected cylinders or, more usually as slightly flattened or discs. Among the most interesting images are those when or one or more of these objects seem to move in different directions, and on some images it is noticeable that they might indeed be objects at a distance, above the volcano because of seemed to be covered by the clouds and the smoke of the volcano when these smokes and clouds are pushed by the wind. I now gathered approximately 200 such images or successions of images over a period of a little more than one year.

Moreover, a MUFON investigator (Mutual UFO Network, an well known US group), Janet Bucci, said she has indeed observed UFOs on location on July 3, 2001, appearing as small elliptic lights with changing colors, hovering slowly or stationary and sometimes connected by a metallic looking flash of light.


Teletrace Channel 13, in Santiago, Chile, announed that nine UFOs have been filmed by one of their cameraman in Santiago's Octava Region. He was busy filming some tourist images in Lota when he inadvertantly captured up to nine UFOs crossing the clear, blue sky.

Felipe Martinez had focussed his camera on a steeple topped by the weather-vane of a cockrel, as the objects flew across the shot very quickly from left to right. Tapes of the incident are now being analyzed in Chile in order to try and determine just what it was that was filmed.


The mayor of Adiyaman City, Halil Isik informed TUVPO, a private Turkish UFO investigation group, that moving lights were observed in the sky at five different locations on January 26-27 and that the relevant authorities had been informed.

Isik also stated in his written report that the police departments received many calls about the lights on January 26, at about 11:00pm which were from the eastern part of the city (regions of Tut, Golbasi, and Besni).

The traffic police who were on duty during that time in this region also confirmed those lights on Adiyaman-Kahta way by cable. They reported that security region police were sent to this area immediately and saw star-shaped lighted objects scattering lights, and rotating on their axis. These were filmed using a night vison police camera for six hours.

Also, on Jan 27 two of these objects with lights were observed on the west side of Adiyaman at 02:15 and later observed and filmed by a camera from the roof of the security department on Jan 29 , at 02:20. These same lights were also confirmed by some police authorities and staff on the same date from Besni region and near the city center. TUVPO has announced they will show the Video footage soon.

The private ufology association TUVPO (Turkey UFO & Paranormal Events Research Organization) has published its "Report No 127" on Februray 1st, and it says:

"The lights which are described as UFOs by many people, had caused a panic around Adiyaman. The lights, which are supposed by some new age groups to be aliens/UFOs, have also been recorded by police cameras."

"Scientific studies indicated that similar events had been experienced in this region and all of these had the same characteristics. Also, The National Observatory has participated in these studies. Adiyaman is located in the first-degree earthquake zone of Turkey. All the regions where the lights are observed, originated from an active fault line."

The full report is on Thanks to TUVPO for their investigation and results.


At the XVIIIe Festival Science et Frontière from January 22 to 26, in France, the famous and controversial CNRS Study Director Jean Pierre Petit talks for more than an hour, exposing knowledge he said he gained from scientists involved in US "black programs." He talks about MHD propulsion, as used in the secret plane Aurora, says it is now ten years that Aurora flies at Mach 10, that the US recovered UFOs and their occupants and learned from that how to confine their power source, anti matter.

The full video of his speech, in French, is available here in Real Video format.


The Miami Herald US newspaper reported that the Peruvian Air Forces have now set up a nationwide system to track alleged UFOs, whose flashing lights seem to be distracting pilots and radar operators from doing their jobs.

"The Air Force is concerned about the disturbances in our air space," said Air Force Commander Julio Chamorro, who sees unidentified flying objects as a threat to national security.


The newspaper Rockingham News, Plaistow, in New Hampshire, USA, published an article on January 25 about bright lights performing aerobatics in the New Hampshire Skies.

The newspaper said unidentified flying objects are not unusual in Rockingham County: "At an increasing pace over the last decade, UFOs have been sighted performing a gymnast's repertoire of aerial maneuvers. The Web site lists 33 documented sightings since 1995."

Last Thursday at 10:04 p.m. Fremont Police Officer H.D. Wood was dispatched to Main Street to investigate a report of two objects hovering silently in the air. The objects were described as "bright and full of lights," according to the police report. Officer Wood said he had such calls before, though his department lacks any protocol to handle these situations.

Wood said the witness was describing the actions of the UFOs as he was en route. The witness described the objects as hovering silently in the air. The larger of the two objects flew south toward Sandown. The smaller object flew north toward Brentwood. They were gone when Wood, assisted by a Brentwood police officer, pulled up.

"We arrived on the scene and (the witness) said, "I'm not crazy. I'm not on drugs," Wood recalled. He said the witness and the witness's wife and daughter all saw the objects. The witness claimed a passing motorist also saw the event but didn't stop. Wood investigated the area, saw no evidence the snow had been disturbed and wrote his report. Without other witnesses or any physical indication of a visitation, Wood said he considers the case closed.

Wood said his first reaction when he received the call was to seek background on the caller. He described himself as a skeptic, but said he absolutely believes the witness did see something.


Leyla Degirmen, UFO Roundup correspondent in the Balkans, has come across a strange story in the Turkish newspaper Milliyet, which stated on for January 4, 2002, that an alien skull was found last May in Asenovgrad, a city located 100 kilometers (60 miles) southeast of Sofia, Bulgaria.

"On May 21, 2001, a villager found an unusual skull on Rodolp Mountain in Bulgaria," somewhere near Ardino and Madan, about 200 kilometers (120 miles) south of Sofia, the national capital.

"Some scientists held a meeting in Asenovgrad. Prof. Yordan Yordanov, one of the best-known anthropologists in Europe, claimed that he had never seen a human or an animal skull like this in his life. Katya Melamet, one of the archaeologists at the Bulgarian Science Academy, has also told that she has never seen anything like this."

"The story of the villager is also very interesting," Leyla writes, "He claimed that he had seen five people, with yellow metallic clothes, in his dream. They told the villager to go to the area on the 21st of May, and when he went there, he found the skull and a (small) elliptical metal object."

"The skull is (weighs) about 250 grams and has six holes in it to (which apparently) belong to the senses. The skull also has no mouth hole. This summary is from an article published in Milliyet on January 4, 2002.

Says Leyla: "I thought it is a very important discovery, but the strange thing is that I cannot find the source of this information, or any other news related to it, no matter how hard I try. Milliyet is a leading newspaper in Turkey, and they have been very reliable for over thirty years."

Joseph trainor commented: "Another "now you see it, now you don't" newspaper story, eh? It could be a hoax. Or maybe somebody tampered with Milliyet's website. It's unlikely that aliens buried one of their own in the rugged Rodolpi range. Could it be that the aliens were bushwhacked by military units operating in the area during World War II, and a dead alien was hastily buried there? Perhaps more of our readers in southeastern Europe can contribute additional information."

My comment: last year I found a news item on the web site of the respected "Times Of India" narrating that a group of extraterrestrial beings spent a day visiting the city of Bangalore, helped by human interpreters... I respectfully asked the newspaper if it is some kind of Indian hoax day tradition, but no answer was gicen and the web page is still available. Other such example exist. Last year a major Swiss radio apparently with the benediction of the SETI Project, announced that an alien ship is penetrating the solar system. Two days ago, Reuters announced that an Irishman solved the world's energy problem with some breakthrough discovery. What can I say? Truth? Stupidity? Hackers, hoaxes? Or a simple way for a newspaper's webmaster to attract visitors? My position: I do not trust the daily Press at all, I trust serious field investigators, military officials, pilots, and scientists, but definitely not the press and the media. Their goal is to sell, to ignore disturbing news or to provide false or unchecked information is ok to their owners if it increases their profit.

Many thanks to Leyla Degirmen and Joseph Trainor for this report.


On Tuesday, January 22, at 10:00pm, in the coastal city of Maldonado, 100 kilometers east of Montevideo, Uruguay's capital, a teenaged girl spotted a dark triangular UFO with a white light at each corner as it passed over the port city.

Rosario de Arca reported in an email interview, "One of my daughters observed three luminous points that moved in the sky from south to north. They caught her attention because they didn't maintain a straight orbit but rather zigzagged through the sky."

"She called us, and when we came out, I saw that the luminous points were approximately the size of a sixth- magnitude star. They moved in tandem about 50 degrees in altitude from the point at which I originally saw them, still going from south to north."

"We could see them for about 30 seconds. Then they disappeared quickly. The night was very clear, without clouds. The moon was already hiding. We were in front of our home when we saw the phenomenon."


On Tuesday, January 22, 2002, at 03:05 local time, at Francisco de Montejo Development, Mérida, Yucatán, México, the engineer David Antonio Triay Lucatero reported a close encounter of the first kind.

He described an elongated discoidal shaped, silvery-white in color, accompanied with no sound or odor, seen for 20 seconds. He stated:

"I was standing outside, looking at the sky to the north, when I saw a discoidal object emerge from a small cloud at an altitude some 30 degrees over the horizon. It moved from West to East at high speed, making a small curve toward the Southwest and then returning to a Northwest heading. Its movements appeared to be intelligently guided; when I calculated that its heading lead it toward a cloudless area, I ran into my house to get some 16 x 50 binoculars and an Olympus f=50mm camera with Fuji Superia ISO800 film. This one minute delay in returning to the place where the sighting occured meant that the object had already vanished from sight. No trace of it was found after scanning the sky with binoculars, stressing the fact that its heading took it toward a part of the sky that was free of clouds."

The sky had scattered clouds at 764 meters (2500 ft), the wind was blowing ESE at 29.0 km/h (18 mph). The object left no trail in its path. It could be seen as having a metallic volume (sic). It was estimated that the object's size was about 1/4th that of the full Moon when seen at the East of the sky.


Two wild horses have been found dead near Rocky Mountain House, in the province of Alberta, Canada. One of them was "sliced in half" according to the Edmonton Journal. The province and Alberta SPCA are investigating but few details are being made public.

Investigators have "never seen something like this," said Lisa Block, spokeswoman with Alberta Sustainable Resource Development which is conducting the joint investigation with the SPCA. Block did not give further details, but said other than the fact one was cut in two, the corpses showed "no signs of obvious cruelty." It's not known if the horse was dead before it was mutilated. An SPCA investigator refused comment.


Several new instances of UFO activity have been reported in the vicinity of Mount Popocatepetl, southeast of Mexico City. On Saturday, December 29, 2001, at 10 p.m., a commercial aircraft passing over the city of Puebla, 200 kilometers (120 miles) east of Mexico City, encountered an oval luminous UFO. According to Mexican ufologist Alfonso Salazar, the crew of the aircraft "radioed the control tower at the international airport in Mexico City, specifically asking about 'strange traffic in the zone.' The air traffic controllers responded that there was nothing unusual on the tower's radar screens."

On Tuesday, January 8, 2002, the robot TV camera monitoring volcanic activity at Mount Popocatepetl, a stratovolcano 5,542 meters high, picked up a suite of images of three possible UFOs rising from the summit. The possible UFOs were of an obscure color and they stood out against the clear blue sky as they hovered above the cone of the volcano. They remained in that position for several minutes, and then they vanished completely. Other similar events occured on January 6. I have captured the event as many other have, at this time I must say that other explanations such as reflections, dirt on the lenses ans so on have not yet be excluded.


Kaleeh Rodgers writes form Van Buren County:

"I was on my way home from Church Wednesday Night January 16, 2002, and my friend Carla was driving. I was sort of gazing out the window in boredom when I saw an odd shaped object that had two beam-lights that shot straight forward, like a flashlights beam. It had a triangular hook on the bottom of it. This object stood completely still, it didn't seem to move in the least. Carla said something to me, and I looked at her to reply, but when I looked back, the object that had stood so still had disappeared into the dark night's sky."

Thanks to Kaleeh Rodgers


Bright lights in the night sky have befuddled a Rapides Parish couple. However, the eerie lights may have been nothing more than bombing range flares.

Raymond and Audrey Cupples were in their Sharp community home on La. Highway 8 at about 8 p.m. Wednesday January 16, when Cupples noticed a "big, brilliant light" southeast of the residence. The light appeared just above a distant tree line, Cupples said.

"I said, 'Audrey, Audrey, come here and look at this,' " Cupples said. "It was strange. I'm 59 years old, and I've never seen anything like this."

Cupples said he stood in his front yard watching the light - "a brilliant pinkish and red color" - for nearly two hours. It would flash on and off at varying intervals, he said.

At the same time, higher in the sky, between six and 10 smaller lights were steadily blinking off and on, he said.

Cupples said the large light, which did not appear to be moving very much, was not round but more of an elongated oval shape.

Mrs. Cupples said she came out and "saw it twice. I didn't know what to make of it."

Her husband said the large light "did not illuminate the surrounding area." Rather, he said, it was creating the luminescence.

The other smaller lights were not near the large light, Cupples said. And they "moved around like a helicopter would," except there was no sound, he added.

By 10 p.m. the lights were gone. Coincidentally, Cupples said he also saw two brilliant "shooting stars" fly overhead during the sighting.

Dan Nance, a spokesman for Fort Polk and the Joint Readiness Training Center, confirmed that A-10 aircraft were flying over the Camp Claiborne range at approximately the same time as Cupples sighting.

"They did drop flares, as they are allowed to do, which could account for the lights seen in the sky in that vicinity," Nance said.

Patrick Thompson, air traffic manager for Alexandria International Airport, confirmed this. He said the range "was active with flare drops" and that "they light up the sky pretty good."

However, Thompson said the flare drops were scheduled to end at 7:45 p.m. Cupples' sighting lasted until about 10 p.m., more than two hours after the end of the flare run.

Cupples, who is a justice of the peace in Sharp, said he is not seeking publicity - he simply wants to know what it was he was seeing Wednesday night.

"I'd be surprised if more people didn't see this," Cupples said, adding that it was not light from the Boise Cascade plant or the Cleco plant but that it was more from the direction of Cotile Lake and Camp Claiborne.

Several people interviewed in the area said they did not see anything unusual Wednesday night.

On nearby Cleco Lake, resident John Pleasant said he did not see anything. He did say that if Cupples reported seeing something, he probably did.

"He's not the sort of person to make stuff up," Pleasant said. "He's a sensible person."

Strange lights in the sky are nothing new in Cenla.

In 1977, Dale Shexnaider and some friends claimed to have had a close encounter with a UFO near Cotile Lake.

And in 1980, Boyce resident Henry LaCour told The Town Talk that he had "seen hundreds" of UFOs in the area and that there was a "landing base for UFOs in the Red Dirt area."

There also have been sightings of UFOs over Iatt Lake in Grant Parish and in southwestern Winn Parish in recent years.

Cupples is convinced he saw something extraordinary. "Something's happening," he said. "It's not a natural phenomenon, but then I'm not saying it was extraterrestrial either."


On Friday, January 11, 2002, at 5:50 p.m., Herbert F.C. stepped outside his home in the Hietzing section of Vienna, the capital of Austria, and then he "saw the object heading heavenward. I heard several loud booms, and then I looked up and saw a bright yellow-orange light."

"At first I thought it was a passing airplane. And then out of it came several smaller lights. I called my son who was upstairs in his room. My 14-year-old son went to his window and saw 'something like a star' rising upward rapidly. A moment later, four more bright UFOs passed directly over our house. These lights hovered briefly and then departed to the north."

Herbert added that he contacted the Flugsicherung (Air Traffic Control) at Vienna's international airport, but the controllers "had no reports of UFOs on their radar screens at that time." He reported his observation by email.

Many thanks to Joseph Trainor, UFOinfo.


Two of the young teenagers, Jean F. and Nelson C, who are residents of one of the parcels of the central area of Villa San Rafael in Calama, Chile described a chilling experience that they went through last Saturday, 12 of January at approximately 11:45 PM.

It all began when Jean noticed that his pet snake escaped from its cage. His friend Nelson noticed it was gone, so they began looking for it outside among the rubble of the parcel. They recall how half an hour before, their two dogs strangely began to howl and cry; however, it did not seem to be important at that point in time.

They searched for the pet snake together when suddenly, at about 30 meters from where they stood, they saw what appeared to be a stray dog. They immediately picked up rocks to throw at it to avoid an attack. However, to their surprise, the animal stood there, motionless and fearless; it did not get scared nor it ran away as ordinary dogs normally do. Shortly afterwards, the strange animal began to move towards them. The movements it made as it walked were very strange. It used two legs at a time. It made very small and short leaps like a rabbit. Suddenly, it stopped and it stood up on two legs. The teenagers shortly began to feel some kind of energy. "It was like an electrical shock in the stomach," they said. It later walked again (upright) making a loud dragging noise, making small leaps and only moving one of its legs. They thought that it might have been hurt after they threw rocks at it. They noticed the weird shape of the animal. "It was like a rugby football with legs," one of them said.

Jean began to feel frightened and started to move away from the animal. On the other hand, Nelson felt a strange need to get closer to creature; he got as close as 2 meters away from it. The animal appeared to emit a strange luminosity that apparently, was bright enough to light a small area around the animal in spite of the nighttime darkness of the place.

Nelson was mesmerized as he stared at such strange-looking animal. He remembers a detailed description of it. According to him, its head was like the one of a large dog and it had a flat nose like a bulldog. Its eyes were slanted and pale-red in color, which could only be seen when the creature turned its head from side to side like small lizards do. At that moment, Nelson claims that he heard a voice in his head saying, "don't stare, just run away."

They provided further descriptions of the alleged animal. Its ears were flat, round and large. Its arms were short, they had elbows and the hands had three fingers. It had hair like the one on a wild pig. Its legs were like the ones from a goat. The feet had also three fingers and a membrane like ducks, but somewhat shorter. He does not recall seeing nails because the grass was covering the tip of the fingers.

On its curved back, they were able to notice a spinal section covered with amounts of even thicker hair. According to the teenagers, the "thicker" hairs grew in small separated sections or groups down the spinal area and they pointed downwards. Most of the hair of the animal was gray, but the tail had a white tip. The tail appeared to be three times ticker than the one on a dog but it was very short; it was about 5 centimeters in length.

Nelson finally fled terrified form the area. He also described how he felt an inexplicable bone-chilling cold sensation. Finally, the teens returned home and did not want to go back to take a second look at the creature. These testimonies were taken separately from the teenagers, and yet, both accounts concurred entirely.

The report came from Jaime Ferrer R. through the Calama UFO Center / Miami UFO Center It is noted that the last names of the eyewitnesses are not being revealed in order to protect their privacy. On another note, some of Jaime Ferrer's work is mentioned in the book "Mothman and Other Curious Encounters", page 106, by criptozoologist Loren Coleman.

Editor's note: probably a confusion with some nightbird.


Many German citizen called the "Gesellschaft zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften" (GWUP) a private group that investigates paranormal phenomenon, to report that on new year's eve, besides fireworks, there were reddish-orange glowing balls in the sky.

In Mannheim the telephones of the UFO registration office CENAP rang, and numerous people reported being frightened by the sight of these heavenly bodies. Werner Walter of CENAP began his investigation and discovered that the UFOs people were seeing were in fact miniature balloons.

These balloons have been available on the market for some years, according to Walter, but apparently only in large number this past year. They are available with a diameter of more than one and a half meters and can appear as large as the full moon. Fuel flames, which are distributed on the surface of pizza plate, provide for a flickering appearance. The balloons are of red and white kite paper and can remain visible up to 20 minutes as they rise upward.


The witness reports from Granite falls that on January 10, 2002, "...around 3:20 PM, when my mom and I were on our way home when I noticed a bunch of lights and thought I saw a plane hovering above the mountains. The object began to move closer in our direction. When we pulled up to the stop sign it was almost over us and we could see that it was a round silver disk with colored lights all around it. There was a smaller silver disk rotating in the center. We got out of the car and we noticed that it made no noise and headed west towards the water."


According to the Annanova news agency a Florida man wants $10 million for an object he claims is from a UFO which could hold the secret to defying gravity.

Physicist James Hughes has advertised the sale in a newspaper. He claims he's been offered $7.5 million and wants $10 million. He claims that if he sells the object, he will use the money to help improve airport security.

He says a friend of his friend was in a New Jersey landfill site 45 years ago when a UFO dropped the piece. He gave it to Mr Hughes because of his scientific background, the mycfnow website reports. Hughes claims he had the object tested at a university laboratory and that it contains unusual metal alloys.

I have found no trace of the story on the mycfnow web site.


On Tuesday, January 8 at 15:15 hours, a UFO was seen by a multitude of drivers along Seville's Route S-30 in the vicinity of Montequinto. The UFO was cylindrical in shape, with two whitish lights in its "bow" and "stern" respectively. Its overall aspect was metallic and wingless; there was only a protuberance visible on its nose (comparison is made to the Concorde jet) and two further protuberances were seen on its aft section. It traveled in a constant direction toward downtown Seville, and although the day was overcast, it flew at such low altitude that it was perfectly visible. Its size was judged to be roughly that of a twin-propeller military helicopter. The proportion of this object is relative, since there were no perpendicular objects (except for the clouds) with which to estimate its dimensions.

Translation to English (c) 2002 Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology. Special thanks to Jose Antonio Roldan and Manuel Bautista.


The witness was in parking lot at Midlothian Turnpike at 5:45 PM when he noticed a colored light flying over on January 7, 2002. At first he thought it was a low flying airplane, but it caught his eye because the color was a beautiful bluish green and very bright. The witness reports:

"I noticed it was moving at a steady rate of speed and no other lights and no sound. I then noticed how fast it was moving and yelled at my coworker to look but it passed very quickly horizontally from west to east at what appeared to be exactly the same altitude. It didn't look like a shooting star-because it was too low, no tail, and the light was a steady rate of speed and much too fast & silent for an aircraft."

Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC director,


Reported from Tutlock, on January 7, 2002, five objects were observed flying in single file by a qualified aerospace observer. The objects were equally spaced and flying on west trajectory without navigation lights. The objects were white luminescent and observed for approximately 10 seconds. The observer was in process of aligning Jupiter with 6.3 mm eyepiece and looked up from telescope at 9:03 PM and noticed what first appeared to be meteorites, however, the objects were moving at only 1/2 speed of meteorites as compared to Leonid shower average. They were first observed at 35 degrees elevation in the East (plus or minus 5 degrees) and last observed at 30 degrees elevation West (plus or minus 5 degrees). The flying objects did not deviate trajectory, but remained single file, equally spaced. The objects had approximately one degree of spacing between them as observed from the ground. No sound was heard. Jupiter was beginning to blur slightly due to fog. My hypothesis is that the objects appeared to be in low Earth orbit, allowing sunlight to be reflected, causing a white luminous appearance. The objects may have been space debris, but unusual due to the exact same spacing between them. No classification has been set at this time. The observer has spent 27 years in the aerospace environment, with full knowledge of all nonclassified aircraft, and limited classified aircraft including SR 71 and Air Transport experience with nighttime identification capabilities for most aircraft.


A witness from Bel Air in Maryland reports what might be correlated to the previous report:

"As we were driving south bound on Tollgate Road on January 7, 2002, we saw a bright fluorescent green colored glowing egg shaped object with a faint blue center. It was traveling from northeast to southwest at 5:49 PM, and seamed to suddenly drop from the sky. It followed a path that started high and decreased lower in the sky even though when the object did disappear it was still very high but lower from where it started. We listened for an explosion like fireworks, but we heard or saw nothing. We figured it could not have been a meteor because the object would have been white, red, or yellow and it would have not followed a curved arc shaped path. The object from our car window was very large and it was traveling at an extremely fast pace, like a falling star. The object had a faint blue center surrounded in green. There was no tail. You could definitely see a blue dot in the center of the object and you could also notice where the objects edges were. When the object disappeared it was going very fast and was still very high above the horizon. It disappeared instantly with no explosion, sound, or change of shape or color.

Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center


The witness noticed a streaking white light similar to a "shooting star" flying over on January 7, 2002, at 5:55 PM, but it was two or three times larger. The light suddenly turned into a blue light that was even larger and then accelerated forward at an incredible rate and was no longer visible.

It might be a jet starting post combustion, the report does not permit any conclusion.

Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center


The Centre for Malaysian UFO Studies says six sightings were reported last year as opposed to three in 2000.

One man claims he was abducted for 11 days after meeting a square-headed alien. Ufologist Ahmad Jamaludin, from the centre, said of the abduction to the The Star: "This could be the first reported UFO abduction in Malaysia. Although the 11-day period was a little odd, as most UFO abduction victims usually go missing for two to three hours or up to five days only."

He said three of the sightings were reported in Sabah, two in Kedah and the other in Penang and that the fact that there were some UFO activities around Kota Kinabalu at that time could lend some credence to the claim.

Ahmad, who has studied UFOs since 1978, says his research on the phenomenon shows there is a link between the UFO sightings and Earth's seismic activity: "Gravitational forces emitted by objects in space cause the Earth's fault lines to shake, causing earthquakes and, at the same time, act as a guide for UFOs to reach Earth," he said.


On January 6, 2002, the witness from Allbrook was walking his dog about 9:30 PM, when he heard a military jet approaching from the southeast. He states:

"I saw a light which appeared to be a jet followed by another fighter jet, then all of a sudden the second fighter hit the after burner to increase its speed. The jet appeared to be trying to catch the first object. When the jet finally got close to the first object, it made a 90 degree turn, and just flew off to the south and was gone in a blink of a eye. The second fighter turned around and headed back towards Miramar Base. I have never seen an object change direction so quickly and have a speed well above anything we have; I would guess it flew at a speed of 5000 miles per hour. It was out of sight in a less than a tenth of a second. I just got a glimpse of its tremendous speed out of the corner of my eye. We rarely have any military fighters fly over. They were probably flying under 20,000 feet and none have ever kicked in their after burners."

Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC director,


KTRK TV, in Houston Texas said on January 07 that several Pearland residents spotted a strange object in the sky on Sunday.

Pearland resident Rocky Flint captured it on videotape on Sunday afternoon January 6 with his video recorder in Pearland. It appears to be a burning object in the sky. His wife, Cynthia Flint, said it was hard to miss: "It resembled a floating fireball." "There's nothing to describe what it was. It's so unique and so different. I've never in my whole life seen anything like it." "He (her husband) couldn't believe what he was seeing. He said that it looked like a UFO."

Frame from the video

The fiery shape appears to remain stationary for several minutes before moving downward and then disappearing.

The two airports in the area could not provide an explanation. The Brazoria county sheriff's department also received some calls, but they couldn't find anything. NORAD was called by KTRK TV and also failed to provide answers. Several other phone calls came to the TV from viewers who also saw some type of "fire in the sky."

Before Sunday, Mrs. Flint didn't believe in UFO's. She said "I'm not a big believer of them. But I can't describe what I saw up there, either."


A possible UFO was shown on three frames from a webcam located in Rachel, USA, and pointed at the skies of the infamous Area 51. It appears as a dark roundish and possibly saucer shaped object that might have been slowly flying through a portion of the sky. The size, distance and nature of the filmed object can of course not be assessed.

It must be noted that the private webcam on is managed by a UFO fan and intended to show UFOs. The webcam's main site is at

Thanks to AG for emailing the three frames.


Unusual white lights were spotted hovering over the West End of Billings Saturday January 5, at about 6 p.m and reported in the Billing Gazette newspaper. A Billings woman, who asked that her name not be printed, said she and her husband were in their pickup truck when they spotted a lighted, half-spherical object hover about 1,000-feet above an area near 36th Street West. The object had one flashing light and hovered for about four minutes.

"My husband knows airplanes and he said, 'Those aren't any airplane lights.' As soon as he said that, it took off," she said. "Within two seconds, we couldn't see it. It was that fast. I don't know what to make of it."

A Billings man who spends most of his evening riding a bicycle in the downtown area said he spotted the flying object, but thought it was just a very fast aircraft.

No sightings were reported to the Billings Police Department, Montana Highway Patrol or Yellowstone County Sheriff's Department, various officers and dispatchers said. Calls to the Billings Logan International Airport control tower went unanswered Sunday evening. A meteorologist at the National Weather Service said people should call the agency if they spot anything unusual in the sky. "We didn't see anything here," he said, "but we weren't looking, either."


The witness wo wished to remain anonymous has reported to ufowisconsin on January 5, from Waterford in the Racine County:

"I was sitting out by the farm areas with my son just north of Wind Lake and just south of Waterford. When I was looking at the stars when I saw something that was square shaped if stopped for about 30 seconds and then it started moving slowly and then it disappeared. I would have thought that I was seeing things but my son who is 13 pointed it out to me."

Thanks to Jenny at


The Wiltshire newspaper "Newsquest" has published on its web site that a man who lives in Park Lane, Chippenham called the police to say he has seen a UFO during a power cut that plunged 4,000 homes into darkness on Wednesday, January 4.

He described the UFO as low flying white, blue, red and orange lights.

Homes in Chippenham, Pewsham and Derry Hill were left without heat and light when the power failed at 7.30pm. Engineers traced the fault to an underground cable between Riverside Drive and London Road.

A Southern Electric Company spokesman said: "All but 100 of our customers were back on by 8.45pm, with the last coming back on at 11:00pm." The same area suffered a power cut on December 18 when 1,500 homes were affected. The two failures have been on cables in the same area, but Southern Electric said the incidents were not connected. Both are believed to have been caused by third party damage.


SOBEPS states that reports have arrived unnoticed fron newspapers since the end of August 2001: a dozen manoeuvering luminous spheres have been reported by several witnesse in the evening of August 22 at à Chaumont-Gistoux. In the Brabant Wallon region several occured, and in addition to the case at Mouscron reported in the local press sightings have been reported from Namurs and Verviers, one of them dated December 28. SOBEPS states with their recognized good sense and prudence that they would rather continue their ongoing investigations of these sightings than give dates and names at the moment.

Simultaneously, the "Centre Europeen d'Etudes des Phenomenes Aeriens" in Quevy is calling for witnesses to come forward. Its president Christian Daubioul says that several witnesses saw one or two motionless and silently hovering triangles. One of the witness is a policeman from Mouscron living in the Blommes district 400m away from the French border.

A local newspaper printer that the UFOs are back in the sky of Hainault "as in 1989," mentioning that observations took place December the 6,9,10 and 15 in Hainault and along the French border between 10:00pm and 04:30am.

The newspaper quotes a policeman, witness of the Mouscron UFO: "My first observation was on thursday , 6 december. Parking my car in the garage, I noticed something unusual happening in the sky. Then I saw two triangles, one on the east side, the other on the west. On the three corners of the triangles were blue lights... I observed them with my bare eyes, and with binoculars. I also call my spouse to see the phenomena. On sunday, 9 December, I saw again the two triangles. They were in the exact same spot, apart from the fact that one of them was higher than the other. Then I went back to bed. Around 07:30am, only one of the triangles remained in the sky. But since then, I never saw them again."

The same witness saw an identical phenomena in the sky twelve years ago, at about the same time of the year (that was on the 24 of december). He even went to report his observation with the SOBEPS.

The newspaper quotes Christian Daubioul, who thinks that these cases deserve attention, however he has no clear explanation: "One may think, given the actual war with Afghanistan, that these could be drones under testing... Many things are happening at the military level. But we are still looking for an explanation. Up to now, only the satellite re-entry hypothesis has been discarded".

Finally the newspaper also reports that a lady living in the border district of Mont-a-Leux observed a similar phenomena on 15 December at about 6.40 a.m., just before sunrise. Totally absorbed by the show behind her window, she saw an imposing mass sliding above her street, before disappearing from her field of vision.


Through the "Times of India" newspaper, AFP in Amman, Jordania, reports under the original headline: "UFO in Amman sky hours before 2002," that an unidentified flying object lit up the sky above the capital Amman Monday 31.12.2001 at about 08:00pm, a few hours before the new year, seen by several witnesses as a rectangular luminous object flying in a circle over the western part of the city. It did that for about one minute before disappearing.

Jordan's al-Dustour daily newspaper reported that it had received numerous phone calls from residents who spotted the rectangular light in the cloudy sky.

No definitive explanation has yet been given. The Jordanian meteorological services said the UFO might have been a satellite, the police said it could have come from fireworks or a laser used for the New Year celebrations.

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This page was last updated on February 23, 2002.