The index page for the 1954 French flap section of this website is here.
Reference for this case: 8-Oct-54-Uzerche.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.
The regional newspaper Le Nouveau Nord Maritime for October 12, 1954, on page 8, reported from Limoges on October 11, 1954, that "last Friday", therefore on October 8, 1954, around 10 p.m. in Uzerches in the Corrèze department, two young people, Charles and Alphonse Beaujou, who were driving by car on the road to Eyburie, had seen at the height of the xastle of Fargeas and in the direction of Espartignac, a huge extremely brilliant ball.
The two young men had stopped their vehicle and were able to observe the ball for about a quarter of an hour; it turned from white to orange and then red before disappearing in the direction of Lagraulière.
Other people saw the same phenomenon, the newspaper said.
In his 1958 book, pioneering ufologist Aimé Michel mentioned the case without any detail, and with the wrong date of October 9, 1954; which will then be repeated by other ufologists.
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Munster (Westphalia). 11 August (A.O.P.). - Mr. Hoge, a film operator in his trade, told DPA that he saw four men leaving a flying saucer near Munster on Saturday night.
These men, about 1 m 20 tall, have a highly developed thorax and a large head. On the other hand, their lower limbs are small and lean.
Mr. Hoge was returning home when he saw a blue light in a field sixty meters off the road. He thought it was a crashed plane and then he realized that the brightness came from an object with a cigar shape. Four men, in rubber suit, worked under the machine. None of them uttered a word.
Hoge watched them work for 10 minutes, without getting closer, because he was afraid. Finally the four men, using a sort of ladder, returned into the cigar, which, a few meters after taking off, took the form of a saucer throwing a dazzling light.
Sunday evening October 3, around 7:10 p.m., train driver Clavaud André, from the Limoges depot, was driving the train 1547, which leaves Ussel around 6 p.m. On his trip, between the stations of La Celle-Corrèze and Plainartigue, between km 445 and 444, at the end of a curve at 70 km-h, he was suddenly surprised to arrive on a large luminous circumference of about 100 meters in diameter.
In his surprise and his emotion, he slowed down his convoy by a violent stroke of the brake, which enabled him to better observe this phenomenon, he extinguished his headlights and was completely dazzled by the power of this pink light beam and as he approached, the circumference moved slowly on the right, overlooking a deserted hill where only heather grows and where he was able to distinguish the few fir trees existing in this country, as if they had been in crystal so powerful these rays were, and when he reached the place of this phenomenon all went off and disappeared leaving a trail of white smoke rising towards the sky.
According to collected information, several residents of the area also saw it.
We have mentioned that a ball of fire had been seen from the heights of the road to Eyburie in the direction of Espartignac.
Today we must point out that another ball of fire similar to those seen everywhere was seen Sunday evening October 10 by many residents of Uzerche in the direction of Saint-Ybard.
The phenomenon has been observed of the heights of La Pomme, as well as the terraces of the street of Justice (west side), between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. approximately.
The ball of fire seemed to oscillate up and down and then disappear after a lateral movement. It was wrapped in a glowing halo. This "apparition" is discussed at length in our walls.
Saucer or not saucer the residents of Uzerchois were not the victims of a collective hallucination in several districts at the same time.
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Carcassonne. -- Yesterday evening, around 4 p.m., while driving his car, Mr. Jean Bertrand, a mechanic in this city, saw, flying at low altitude, a spherical machine of shiny metal whose upper part seemed to be made of plastic. He was able, he says, to easily distinguish two human shapes in this apparatus which disappeared at high speed in the east direction.
Limoges. -- Last Friday, around 11 p.m., in Uzerches (Corrèze) two young people, Charles and Alphonse Beaujour, who were driving by car on the road to Eyburie, saw, above the castle of Fargeas and in the direction of Espartignac, a huge, extremely bright ball.
The two young men who stopped their vehicle, for a quarter of an hour, looked at this ball which changed from white to red before disappearing in the direction of Lagrulière.
Other people have seen the same phenomenon.
Poitiers. -- Mr. Roger Barrault, a laborer in Lavoux (Vienne) declared that, riding a bicycle on Saturday around 7 p.m., he had been suddenly stopped by a double beam of light emanating from a sort of "diver" barely 1.50 m. tall with boots without heels, very luminous eyes and a strong mustache.
The diver strolled about a minute on the road, says Barrault, then suddenly disappeared into the nearby forest.
Caen. -- Mr. Christian Couette, son of a plumber from Tesse-la-Madeleine, was riding a bicycle in the direction of Ranes, when near the pond of Lande-Forêt, on the commune of Bauvain, he was overtaken by a strange luminous craft which, at high speed, grazed the treetops. The object, about 4 meters in diameter, had the shape of a fireball domed on top. He was able to observe it for about ten seconds.
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Bonn, 11. -- A "flying saucer was observed for about two minutes by 13 members of a gliding school above the aerodrome of Ockstadt, near Frankfurt.
The 13 pilots and student pilots were watching the progress of a monitor when they saw appearing above the glider in flight, at about three thousand meters above sea level, a "slightly swollen silver disc" which moved without the slightest noise. The witnesses, including several former Luftwaffe aviators, are formal to declare that they cannot have been victims of an optical illusion.
Beirut, 11. -- The newspaper "L'Orient" reports this morning a statement by Mr. Max Favell, representative in Beirut of a German firm, who claims to have seen Saturday at 10:15 p.m. (loc.) at the seaside a motionless craft in the sky which emitted a whitish light.
Mr. Favell clarified that the craft which was a few meters from the ground landed for a few seconds and then took off vertically, rotating on itself and soon disappearing into the sky. The witness did not notice any trace on the ground at the place of landing of the craft.
Following the publication of this statement, a journalist. Mr. Abdelkarim, revealed that he had also seen the same day but around 7:00 p.m., a kind of red ball moving in the sky and coming from the North. Mr. Abdelkarim, fearing that little credit would be given to his "vision", had not revealed it to anyone.
Alexandria, 11. -- Egypt in its turn enters the competition of flying saucers. At the start of Saturday night, several hundred residents of Alexandria reported the presence in the sky of a luminous object which seemed to change from red to orange, then to green and gray-blue. Officials from the meteorological service at the Alexandria aerodrome alerted the Helouan observatory, near Cairo, by telephone, asking that the phenomenon be photographed. However, it disappeared before the observatory's special telescope could be prepared.
The deputy director of the observatory, Mr. Azouz Ismail, told the press that it could be an aurora borealis. A magnetic storm was, indeed, observed for forty-eight hours, which would make the explanation plausible.
Yaounde, 11. -- Several reliable people claim to have witnessed one of these phenomena called "flying saucer" last night.
These are Colonel Cauvin, director of hygiene and prophylaxis services in Cameroon; Dr. Menu, chief doctor of the Yaounde hospital; by MM. Dumont, director of security services in Cameroon; Pailleux, adviser to the Territorial Assembly of Cameroon; Moreau, administrator, deputy mayor of Yaoundé, and their wives.
All these people, gathered at the chief doctor of the Hospital, were preparing to go to the movies when they were intrigued by the attitude of the house dog who suddenly started to growl and bristle his hairs. Thinking that strangers were lurking near his house, Dr. Menu went out and saw a bright object in the sky. He immediately called his guests, who all then declared that they had seen, almost vertically above the plate where the hospital is located, a huge, brightly lit, motionless disc at an altitude of about 600 meters.
This "appearance" lasted fifteen seconds. The machine was very exactly of the shape of a mushroom whose people could not exactly assess the diameter, under which a cylinder swayed very slightly, of a length equal to the diameter of the hat and also very bright.
Suddenly, the "saucer" took the direction of the east, and its volume seemed to decrease visibly. Then it stopped for a few seconds before quickly gaining altitude and disappearing.
Read more on the 8th page.
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Carcassonne, 11. -- Saturday evening, around 4 p.m. while driving his car, Mr. Jean Bertrand, a mechanic in this city, saw, flying at low altitude, a spherical craft of shiny metal, the upper part of which seemed to be made of plastic. He was able, he says, to easily distinguish two human forms in this craft; which disappeared at high speed in the east direction.
Limoges, 11. -- Last Friday, around 10 p.m., in Uzerches (Corrèze), two young people, Charles and Alphonse Beaujou, were driving by car on the road to Eyburie, saw at the height of the castle of Fargeas and in the direction of Espartignac, a huge extremely shiny ball.
The two young people, having stopped their vehicle, watched this ball for about a quarter of an hour, it turned from white to orange then to red before disappearing in the direction of Lagraulière.
Other people saw the same phenomenon.
Poitiers, 11. -- Mr. Roger Barrault, farmer in Lavoux (Vienne), said that, riding a bicycle, around 7 p.m. on Saturday, he had been suddenly stopped by a double beam of light emanating from a sort of scuba diver hardly 1.50 m. tall with boots without heels, very bright eyes and a strong mustache.
The diver strolled about a minute on the road, says Barrault, then suddenly disappeared into the nearby forest.
In Tourriers, 17 km from Angoulême, around thirty people saw on the night of 8-9, a "kind of cigar" which remained stationary at about forty meters above the national road Nr 10, during about twenty minutes. The craft, which had two fins, then decided to leave at a speed of around 250 to 300 kph.
Calais, 11. -- Several residents of Calais saw on Saturday morning around 9:15 a.m., a brilliant craft which moved in the sky.
On the other hand, a motorist from Calais saw at night, over the road to Boulogne-sur-Mer, a luminous object.
- It was 9:15 p.m., said the motorist, when to the left I saw a gleam coming from the fields and which could be that produced by the dynamo of a bicycle. The glow suddenly dove towards the road, in my direction, and a machine of very large proportions appeared to me. It was bluish in color, like that which emerged during the war from the windows painted blue. I braked and turned off my headlights. The craft passed over the road. It was a blue disc with above and clearly emerging, a dome. The machine moved silently. It flew over the road, turned and sped towards Calais. I saw it disappear and at that moment the primitive bluish glow gave way to a white headlight as it had originally appeared to me.
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We have mentioned that a ball of fire had been seen from the heights of the road to Eyburie in the direction of Espartignac.
Today we must point out that another ball of fire similar to those seen everywhere was seen Sunday evening October 10 by many residents of Uzerche in the direction of Saint-Ybard.
The phenomenon has been observed of the heights of La Pomme, as well as the terraces of the street of Justice (west side), between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. approximately.
The ball of fire seemed to oscillate up and down and then disappear after a lateral movement. It was wrapped in a glowing halo. This "apparition" is discussed at length in our walls.
Saucer or not saucer the residents of Uzerchois were not the victims of a collective hallucination in several districts at the same time.
[Ref. aml1:] AIME MICHEL:
Aimé Michel notes that an observation occurred on October 9, 1954, in Uzerche in the Corrèze. He indicates the newspaper Le Figaro of October 11 as source.
[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:
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October 9 [, 1954]
[... other cases...]
? [= unknown hour]: Uzerche (Corrèze)
[... other cases...]
[Ref. gep1:] UFOLOGY GROUP "GEPO":
10/9/54 | ( ) | Nice-Tourriers(Ch.) Uzerches | x | 000V2 |
[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:
Luc Chastan indicates in his database that in Corrèze in Uzerche on October 9, 1954, at an unknown hourthere was an "Observation of an object."
The source is indicated as "M.O.C. by Michel Aimé ** Arthaud 1958".
[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:
The website indicates that on 9 October 1954 there was a sighting in Uzerche, France.
The source is noted: Michel, Aime, Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, S. G. Phillips, New York, 1958.
[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":
Case Nr. | New case Nr. | Investigator | Date of observation | Zip | Place of observation | Country of observation | Hour of observation | Classification | Comments | Identification |
19541009 | 09.10.1954 | Uzerche | France |
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With a duration of a quarter of an hour, the color changing from white to red, I thought that it could be the Moon and carried out the verification:
On October 8, 1954, at 10 p.m. from Uzerches, the Moon was at azimuth 184° and the elevation 35°. It set later at 2:12 a.m.
It was in a decreasing gibbous phase, with 84.8% of its surface lit, so almost a "ball".
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The Moon was thus, whatever their position, roughly south of the witnesses. Unfortunately, we do not know where the witnesses were exactly; which does not allow to fully confirm that what they saw was in the direction where the Moon was.
I therefore conclude: possible Moon.
(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)
Uzerche, Corrèze, multiple, Charles Beaujou, Alphonse Beaujou, car, Eyburie, castle, Fargeas, Espartignac, huge, ball, brilliant, duration, white, orange, red, Lagraulière
[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.
Version: | Created/Changed by: | Date: | Change Description: |
0.1 | Patrick Gross | August 26, 2004 | First published. |
1.0 | Patrick Gross | March 8, 2009 | Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [lcn1], [uda1]. |
1.1 | Patrick Gross | December 23, 2016 | Additions [pce1], [dmi1], [ubk1]. |
1.2 | Patrick Gross | February 19, 2020 | Addition [nnm1], Summary. Case date changed, was "October 9, 1954". Explanations changed, were "Insufficient information, possible meteor." |
1.3 | Patrick Gross | April 16, 2020 | Addition [nll1]. |
1.4 | Patrick Gross | May 1, 2022 | Additions [gqy1], [gep1]. |