The index page for the 1954 French flap section of this website is here.
Reference for this case: 4-oct-54-Montceau.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.
In the absence of contemporary sources for the moment, I must fall back on the version of Aimé Michel's 1958 book, "Mystérieux Objets Célestes", the author indicating that he had learned of the case from the pioneering ufologist and journalist Charles Garreau, based in the region where the sighting occurred.
Aimé Michel tells us that about twenty people, including two gendarmes, all observed at 7:00 p.m. on October 4, 1954, a round luminous object rising from a place called "les Chavannes" near Montceau-les-Mines, not far from the railway line towards the coalmines, the object having then spun towards the horizon, the maneuvers being carried out in total silence. Only the departure of the object was observed.
At the end of the 1950s, Guy Quincy, a French archivist interested in the matter, noted in his catalog that on October 4, 1954 at 7:00 p.m., there had been an observation of a "cigar" posed on the ground on the road to Blanzy, at a place called Les Chavannes, 2 km north of Montceau-les-Mines in the Saône-et-Loire department.
It was then the ufologist Jacques Vallée, in his catalog of "UFO landings", who noted the case on October 4, 1954, this time at 6:30 p.m., in Montceau-les-Mines at the location "Les Chavannes". He gives about twenty witnesses including "Rémy Gaudicourt, of Sanvignes", and speaks this time of a "circular" luminous object which would have risen from the vicinity of the railway line, to leave vertically. He indicated that his source was Aimé Michel.
In their 1975 book "Face aux Extra-Terrestres", Charles Garreau and Raymond Lavier reported the case on the same date of October 4, 1954, around 6:45 p.m., "in Sanvignes in the Saône-et-Loire", speaking about twenty witnesses, including two gendarmes, who saw a luminous disc rise at a place called "Les Chavannes", "between the buildings located there and the coalmine railway." They added that "the craft made no noise and no one had seen its landing."
Finally, a different version (or another case that would confirm this one, or not) is noted by the ufology bulletin Vimana 21, of the A.D.R.U.P. ufology group, #10-11 of the 3rd quarter 1982: according to this source, which gives the newspaper Le Bien Public for October 4, 1954, as their source, two workers, Messrs. Sebastiani and Buratto, declared having seen, along the road from Blanzy to Montceau-les-Mines, "a craft take off with a shrill whistling sound". The craft had the shape of a very dark yellow cigar with a length of 3m and a diameter of about 60 to 80cm.
[Ref. aml1:] AIME MICHEL:
Aimé Michel indicates that the witnesses were about 20, including two police officers, and that all of them observed at 07:00 P.M. on October 4, 1954, a round luminous object raise from the location called "les Chavannes," in the vicinity of the railway to the coalmines, the object then dazed towards the horizon, all in complete silence. Only the take-off of the object has been observed.
Elsewhere in his book, he tells that he learned of the case by the Charles Garreau file, and that it was reported in Fate magazine.
[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:
October 4
[... other cases...]
07:00 p.m.: Montceau-les-Mines (near,on Road of Blanzy--S&.;-L.): Cig/grnd
[... other cases...]
[Ref. gqy2:] GUY QUINCY:
October 4, 1954: Montceau-les-Mines (2 km N. of, of Rd. of Blanzy, at the place called Les Chavannes--Saône-et-Loire): 20 people including 2 gendarmes (luminous round UAP taking off)
[Ref. jve5:] JACQUES VALLEE:
172 | -004.39551 | 46.69200 | 01 | 10 | 1954 | 13 | 00 | 1 | *MONTCEAU LES MINES | F | 0017 | I |
[Ref. jve1:] JACQUES VALLEE:
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192) October 4, 1954, 06:30 p.m., Montceau-les-Mines (France):
At the place called "Les Chavannes", about 20 people, among them Remy Gaudicourt of Sanvignes, saw a circular, luminous object rise from the vicinity of the railroad tracks. It took off vertically. (M 138)
[Ref. jve2:] JACQUES VALLEE:
The author indicates that on October 4, 1954, about twenty people saw a circular, luminous object, that rose in the vicinity of the railway close to Montceau-les-Mines, with the exact place "Les Chavannes." It flew away vertically and disappeared.
In a list of cases that the magazine called for investigation or re-investigation, there was:
192 4-10-54 Montceau-les-Mines
Charles Garreau and Raymond Lavier report that on October 4, 1954, at about 06:45 P.M., in Sanvignes in the Saone-and-Loire, some twenty witnesses among whose were two gendarmes saw a luminous disc rising at the locality "Les Chavannes", between the buildings located at this place and the railway of the collieries. They specify that the craft did not make any noise and that nobody had noticed its landing.
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October 4, 1954, 06:30 p.m. Montceau-les-Mines (Saône-et-Loire).
At a place called "Les Chavannes", about 20 people, including Rémy Gaudicourt, from Sanvignes, saw a circular luminous object rising from the vicinity of the railway. It went away vertically.
The two authors indicate that in Sanvignes-les-Mines in the Saone-and-Loire, on October 4, 1954, at 06:30 p.m., twenty people among whose two gendarmes observed a luminous object and circular which rose vertically, at the locality "Chavannes", not far from the railway of the collieries. It then moved away towards the horizon. The takeoff was without noise. There were no witnesses of the landing.
The authors indicate that the sources are the Vallée catalogue, case 192; "A Propos des Soucoupes Volantes" page 174; and "Face aux Extraterrestres" page 60.
[Ref. gep1:] UFOLOGY GROUP "GEPO":
10/04/54 | (18.30) | Montceau les Mines | L | 100VX Y |
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IN SAINT-BRIEUC: Several people claimed to have seen at 300 or 400 m of them, last night, around 08:45 p.m., a cigar flying at an altitude of 50 m. The machine could be 15 meters long and was intermittently lit with a pink glow. It was moving noiselessly.
IN BREST: Mrs. Henry, farmer, said she saw on Thursday and Friday evening at the same hour in the sky, a purple cylindrical craft that moved noiselessly from west to east.
IN LILLE: Mr. Anicet Corneille, farm worker, said he saw last night in Comines, a machine in the shape of a cigar 8 to 10 meters long and 3 meters wide, which moved at a height of 40 meters, and gave off a bright purple glow. After flying over the city, for a few seconds, the craft reportedly disappeared in the sky. Statement confirmed by a motorist passing through Comines.
IN MONTCEAU LES MINES: Two workers, Messrs. Sebastiani and Buratto, said that they had seen at the edge of the road from Blanzy to Montceau, a craft take off with a shrill whistle. The craft had the shape of a very dark yellow cigar with a length of 3m and a diameter of about 60 to 80 cm.
The source is said to be the newspaper Le Bien Public.
3964: 1954/10/04 18:30 10 4:24:20 E 46:42:20 N 3333 WEU FRN S&L 7:A
Ref# 30 FIGEUT[sic]&RUCHON: OVNI: Le 1er Dossier Page No. 118 : ROAD+RAILS
[Ref. tps1:] TED PHILLIPS:
Ted Phillips listed the case as a "top" case in his "preliminary list of top cases":
Report 10/4/54 Montceau, France: multiple witness, disc, 10 minutes, traces.
[Ref. lgs1:] LOREN GROSS:
4 October Montceau-les-Mines, France, (about 7.00 a.m.)
Twenty witnesses, including two policemen.
Michel wrote:
"The sighting at Montceau-les-Mines (Saone-et-Loire) is outstanding for the number of witnesses—about twenty, including two policemen. Around 7 p.m., every one of these persons saw a round, luminous object rise vertically from a place called Chavannes, not far from the colliery railroad track, and then shoot away toward the horizon. The object moved in absolute silence. Strangely, in this case only the departure was seen, no one is known to have seen it come down " (xx.)
(xx) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery pp. 138-139
[Ref. djn1:] DONALD JOHNSON:
On this Day
October 4
1954 - Montceau-les-Mines, France. At 6:30 p.m. about 20 people, among them Remy Gaudicourt of Sanvignes, saw a circular, luminous object rise vertically from the vicinity of the railroad tracks. There were no traces found. (Sources: Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery, p. 138; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 217; Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France, pp. 118).
[Ref. jbu1:] JEROME BEAU:
Monday, October 4, 1954
18:30 In Montceau-les-Mines (France), at the location "Les Chavannes", approximately 20 people among them Rémy Gaudicourt, of Sanvignes, see a circular luminous object rising near the railway. It moves away vertically.
[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:
Luc Chastan notes in his database that in the Saone et Loire in "Sanvignes les mines" on October 4, 1954 at 18:30 hours, "Twenty people including two gendarmes observe a luminous and circular object which rises vertically from the locality 'Les Chavannes,' not far from the railway of the collieries, then moves away towards the horizon. The takeoff is carried out without noise. No witness of the landing."
Luc Chastan indicates as source: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... by Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979".
[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:
The website indicates that on 4 October 1954 at 18:30 in Montceau-les-Mines, France, "An object was sighted that had an appearance and performance beyond the capability of known earthly aircraft. One object was observed by 20 witnesses on a railroad for over one minute (Gaudicourt)."
The sources are indicated as: "Michel, Aime, Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, S. G. Phillips, New York, 1958; Bowen, Charles, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, FSR, London, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Vallee, Jacques, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Preliminary Catalog (N = 500), (in JVallee01); Vallee, Jacques, A Century of Landings (N = 923), (in JVallee04), Chicago, 1969; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002".
[Ref. uda2:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:
The website indicates that on 4 October 1954 at 18:30 in Montceau-les-Mines, France, "A circular, luminous object rose from the vicinity of the railroad tracks."
The website adds: "Montceau-les-Mines, France. At 6:30 p.m. about 20 people, among them Remy Gaudicourt of Sanvignes, saw a circular, luminous object rise vertically from the vicinity of the railroad tracks. There were no traces found."
And: "At Les Chavannes, about 20 people, among them Remy Gaudicourt of Sanvignes, saw a circular, luminous object rise from the vicinity of the railroad tracks. It took off vertically. Nocturnal lights were reported."
The source is indicated as: Vallee Magonia Database.
[Ref. nip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":
*Oct. 4, 1954 - Montceau-les-Mines, France. At 6:30 p.m. about 20 people, among them Remy Gaudicourt of Sanvignes, saw a circular, luminous object rise vertically from the vicinity of the railroad tracks. There were no traces found. (Sources: Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery, p. 138; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 217, case # 192; Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France, pp. 118).
[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":
This database recorded this case 6 times:
Case Nr. | New case Nr. | Investigator | Date of observation | Zip | Place of observation | Country of observation | Hour of observation | Classification | Comments | Identification |
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Montceau Mines | France | 19.00 | ||||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Montceau Mines | France | 19.00 | CE I | |||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Montceau Mines | France | 19.00 | CE I | |||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Montceau Mines | France | 18.30 | CE I | |||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Montceau Mines | France | 18.30 | ||||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Les Chavannes | France | 19.00 |
October 4 1954. 1900hrs.
About 20 people, including three policemen and Remy Gaudicourt of Sanvignes saw a circular luminous object take off from a place called "Chavannes" not far from a colliery railway line, and shoot away to the horizon in silence.
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I have sources with clear resemblances and others quite divergent, the divergences relating to the hour, the date (before the 4th, or the 4th for most sources), and the description of the object, sometimes a luminous disc, sometimes a luminous cigar, and in one version, a very dark yellow colored cigar. The thing is sometimes silent, but also takes off with "a shrill whistle" in one version.
As it stands, it's hard to compose a sure version of the event; however, one can very well think of a meteor rising from behind the horizon.
(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)
Montceau-les-Mines, Saône-et-Loire, Rémy Gaudicourt, luminous, circular, vertically, railway, railroad, multiple, police, gendarmes, silent, take-off, fast, vertically, horizontally
Version: | Created/Changed by: | Date: | Change Description: |
0.1 | Patrick Gross | March 10, 2003 | First published. |
1.0 | Patrick Gross | March 16, 2009 | Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [djn1], [jbu1],[lcn1], [uda1], [uda2]. |
1.1 | Patrick Gross | June 19, 2010 | Addition [jve5]. |
1.2 | Patrick Gross | September 13, 2014 | Addition [lgs1]. |
1.3 | Patrick Gross | October 9, 2014 | Addition [nip1]. |
1.4 | Patrick Gross | December 21, 2016 | Addition [nip1]. |
1.5 | Patrick Gross | September 27, 2021 | Additions [gqy1], [via1], [lhh1], [prn2]. |
1.6 | Patrick Gross | April 26, 2022 | Additions [gqy2], [ldl1], [gep1]. |
1.7 | Patrick Gross | July 1, 2022 | Additions [jve3], Summary. Explanations changed, were "Nort looked for yet." |