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October 14, 1954, Saint-Ambroix, Gard:

Reference for this case: 14-Oct-54-Saint-Ambroix.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


The regional newspaper Le Provençal for October 14, 1954, had reported a tall tale that supposedly occurred near Saint-Ambroix in the Gard: "Seven weird and tiny beings have sown mysterious seeds before disappearing in a phosphorescent machine - Several hunters in the region claim this."

Their press correspondent in Nîmes said that "testimonies of various sources" inform that in the woods of the commune, several hunters reportedly saw seven little beings having a vaguely human shape, and when the hunters came in, these homunculi reportedly rushed to a phosphorescent machine that flew away and disappeared.

The hunters reportedly "returned a few moments later" and, it is said, found on the spot where they had seen the "Martians", a number of weird-looking seeds strewn on the ground.

These seeds were apparently presented to various seed companies in Saint-Ambroix, who were unable to identify any known species.

The newspaper added that "according to various information", they would have been sent to a laboratory to check the accuracy of this information, "that some deny and that others confirm."

Many newspapers then took up this news in summaries, which then appeared in the UFO literature via Jacques Vallée.

In 1975, the magazine INFO-OVNI had indicated, without details, that it was a hoax. In 1979, the "skeptical" ufologists Gérard Barthel and Jacques Brucker indicated that "this parody was invented by some inhabitants of the locality", and that a collaborator of the Association of the Friends of Marc Thirouin (the AAMT, a ufology association), during a counter-investigation, "had already sniffed the hoax."

In 1980, a ufology group of the region, GREPO, published in its newsletter Vaucluse ufologie #18-19, the documented solution, published in the newspaper Le Midi Libre for October 16 1954:

A group of hunters from St Ambroix (Gard) claimed, for their part, to have met Martians who, coming out of a Saucer, had given them mysterious seeds. These seeds were presented to the seedsman of the country who claimed not to know their origin. Of course, he was in collusion with them: these seeds were intended to produce castor plants. As for the nimrods, they had naturally seen Martians only in their imagination.

In 1997, Jean Sider wonders why Barthel and Brucker had "exhumed this case from its grave" since it had already been explained a long time ago, two days after the story was publicized in the national press, when the regional newspaper Midi Libre for October 16, 1954, had admitted that the story was nothing but a joke played by a seed salesman and some friends.

Sider added that a ufology association, the A.A.M.T, also made it clear in 1970 that the story has no other reality than that of a joke.

This does not prevent that some continued to spread this story, especially on the Web, without his explanation, although the explanation was here in this page when it was first published in 2003.





... are they the pilots
of the flying saucers?

According to the latest reports of witnesses who came yesterday to enlarge, in a way that has become usual, the "flying saucers" file, these are:

- 1. Phosphorescent and piloted by tiny beings who plant mysterious seeds on earth;

- 2. Four-meter torpedoes containing hairy beings;

- 3. Luminous spheres from which small space divers descend;

- 4. Craft capable of 300,000 kilometers per second and piloted by intelligent plants monitoring the progress of humanity.

It is several hunters from the commune of Saint-Ambroix, in the Gard, who advance the theory of the mysterious planters. The hunters told reporters that they recently saw seven tiny beings "vaguely shaped like a human body."

When the hunters tried to approach these beings, they say, they rushed towards a phosphorescent craft; which flew away.

The hunters do not specify the shape of the craft; they affirm, on the other hand, that they discovered, at the place of the take off of the latter, a certain number of seeds of strange aspect, which they made examine by seedmen. These found it impossible to classify them in a known species.

Night encounter

It is with a "mysterious hairy individual" emerging from a torpedo that an employee of the station of Montluçon, Mr. Laugère, made, he said, a weird encounter, Sunday evening.

Mr. Laugère specified that he was leaving his workplace and crossing the tracks near the S.N.C.F. bridge, when he saw, he declared, a metal craft posed at a short distance from a diesel tank intended for the supply of railcars. Beside the apparatus, which had the shape of a torpedo and could have been four meters long, was, added Mr. Laugère, a man all covered with hair "unless he was dressed in a coat with rather long hair."

Surprised I asked him what he was doing but he answered me in intelligible terms where it seems to me to distinguish however the words "gas oil", stated in substance the railwayman.

A small-sized diver, with a large head in relation to the body, two huge eyes. This is the description given the day before last night by a Toulouse resident, Mr. Olivier, of a mysterious character descended, he says, towards 7:35 p.m., from a spherical craft which had just landed on a vacant lot.

Mr. Olivier, an industrialist, was, he said, accompanied by an employee, Mr. Perano, and a young boy of about fifteen when the craft, luminous and reddish in color, landed. The witnesses then saw, they say, come towards them the character whose diving-suit shone like glass.

are watching us? ...

Finally, for the scientist Hermann Oberth, builder of the infamous "V-2", "saucer pilots are plants endowed with reason."

According to Oberth, who exposed this theory the day before yesterday to an A.F.P. correspondent, the "Uranids" - the name with which he baptized these plants - are thousands of years ahead of Earthmen both in regarding their spiritual evolution than their technique.

The "Uranids", says Oberth, move in "saucers" capable of reaching a speed close to that of light: 300,000 kilometers per second.

They fly over the earth, concludes the scientist, to monitor the progress of humanity in the atomic sciences because these advances "represent, he says, a danger for the whole cosmos."




Seven odd and tiny beings reportedly sowed mysterious seeds

before disappearing in a phosphorescent craft
Several hunters of the area claim this

Nîmes (C.P.).
Testimonies of various sources inform us that in the woods of the commune of Saint-Ambroix (the Gard), several hunters reportedly [...] having a vaguely human shape. When the hunters approached, the homunculus's rushed towards a phosphorescent craft which flew away at once and disappeared. Coming back a short time later the hunters noted that in the place where they had seen the "Martians", a certain number of seeds of odd appearance were strewn on the ground.

These seeds were allegedly shown to various seed resellers of Saint-Ambroix, who were unable to identify any known species.

According to various information, they would have been sent to a [...] to control the exactitude of this information, that some deny and others confirm.


Nîmes (C.P.).
Mr. Pitot, Nîmes resident, saw yesterday in the night "something abnormal" in a street of the suburb, Edgar Mouton street. This machine which he was unable to identify in an absolute manner, suddenly rose in the airs and disappeared without any noise nor light.


Saint-Chamas (C.P.).
Saturday, October 9, at 08:15 p.m., a mysterious machine, coming from the direction of Cornillon and going to Istres, passed above Saint-Chamas at approximately an altitude of one thousand to fifteen hundred meters.

This craft was disc-shaped of the size approximately of a plate seen at this distance. It was incandescent, letting escape a very thick smoke of fiery color which formed a long luminous trail.

After having crossed Saint-Chamas, it climbed higher and disappeared suddenly above Istres.

A "stack of cigars" with two colors in the sky of the Gard

Nîmes (C.P.).
After the policeman of Nîmes who saw a stack of cigars soon changing into a quadrilateral from where red and orange gleams escaped, an S.N.C.F. [national railway] employee, Mr. Martinet, living in the workers suburbs of the farmhouse Mathieu, road of Avignon, had his glance attracted by a ball of fire which moved in the sky, in direction of the plate of Garons.

Mr. Martinet who was on the point of going fishing in Bellegarde and had waken up for that at 5 o'clock had [...]



Seed of saucers

NIMES, [?]. - Several hunters in the commune of Saint-Ambroix (the Gard), recently saw seven tiny beings whose shape vaguely reminds that of a human being. When they tried to approach, the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent machine which flew away at once.

At the place where the pilots of the flying saucer had been, the hunters discovered on the ground a number of seeds of bizarre appearance; which they had examined by seeds resellers. The latter found it impossible to classify them into a known species.



are moving
in the South of France now

and "Martians" were seen
in Toulouse and in the Gard

TOULOUSE, October 14. - Mr. Jean Marty, 42, resident of Leguevin (Haute-Garonne), said that he had seen in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, a luminous disc measuring 6 to 7 meters in diameter and 2 m. 50 in height land in the middle of a field, the disc was orange.

Mr. Marty worked around 10:30 p.m., in his workshop located on the road to Toulouse, in front of a field, 1,300 km from Leguevin. Looking up, he saw a light jet.

Intrigued, he went out, crossed the road and went towards the disc which then rose in the air, noiselessly, vertically, and disappeared at a prodigious speed.

Mr. Marty went to the middle of the field to check the place where the object had landed. He did not find any trace there but found, posed on the grass, two sheets of glossy paper, white, covered with printed letters.

The sheets were neither soiled, mor damp, nor crumpled, but absolutely clean as if they had just been torn from a new brochure. Mr. Marty handed them over to the gendarmerie. They were examined by a former soldier who spent many years in Indochina and who lives in retirement in Leguevin, Mr. Maggy. He declared that it was a text in kuoc-nu, Annamite dialect, and that this text dealt with questions concerning Vietminh and Vietnam. It was later established that they were extracts from a Vietnamese newspaper, probably deposited there by Indochinese who camped there. There are, indeed, in the region of Toulouse, many Indochinese.

Continuation in 2nd page under the title




(Continued from the 1st page)

On the other hand, oily traces were found this morning in several places on a vacant lot located in a suburb of Toulouse.

According to the statements of three witnesses, a mysterious craft piloted by a character dressed in a diving suit, would have landed on this ground yesterday at 10:35.

The Air police questioned these three people, including an industrialist, who maintained their statements by specifying that the mysterious individual, measuring approximately 1 meter 20 exceeded the craft of the head and must have, consequently, bend to enter it.

One of the witnesses assured that the "saucer" was surrounded by iridescent reflection and emitted around it a slight mist. He added that having wanted to approach, he had been held at twenty meters by a paralyzing force and that, when the spacecraft rose in the sky, he was violently thrown to the ground.

"Martians" in the Gard

NIMES, October 14. - Several hunters in the town of St-Ambroix (Gard), recently saw seven tiny beings whose shape vaguely recalled that of a body human. When they tried to approach, the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent machine, which flew away immediately.

At the place where the occupants of the "saucer" were, the hunters discovered on the ground a certain number of seeds of bizarre appearance, which they had examined by seed producers. The latter were unable to classify them in a known species.



Nimes. -- Several hunters of the municipality of Saint-Ambroix (Gard) recently found seven tiny beings whose shape was vaguely reminiscent of a human body. When they tried to approach the beings rushed to a phosphorescent craft, which immediately flew away.

At the location where the pilot of the flying saucer had been, the hunters discovered on the ground a number of seeds of a weird appearance, that they had examined by seed dealers. They found themselves unable to classify them in a known species.



Descended from a mysterious craft
a diver,
with huge, small eyes,
appeared to a
former Toulouse aviator

Toulouse. -- A small diver with a big head compared to the body, huge eyes, such is the description given by a Toulouse resident, Mr. Olivier, of a mysterious character, coming down from a spherical object which had just landed at 7:35 p.m., on a vacant lot.

Mr. Olivier, owner of the Javel-Neto establishments, rue des Fontaines, in Toulouse, was accompanied by an employee, Mr. Perano, and a young boy of about fifteen. All three saw the luminous object, spherical in shape and reddish in color. Then, [they] saw the figure coming towards them, whose suit, according to witnesses, shone like glass.

The mysterious individual, measuring approximately 1.20 m., protruded by the head and therefore had to bend to enter it.

One of the witnesses assured that the saucer was surrounded by iridescent reflections and emitted around it a light mist. He added that having wanted to approach, he had been held at about twenty meters by a paralyzing force and that, when the spacecraft rose in the sky, he was violently thrown to the ground.

Subsequently, Mr. Olivier, a former aviation pilot, drew in chalk, in a striking manner, on a door, the diver. "I didn't believe it," added Mr. Perano, "but I saw it like I see you. It is quite a shock."

After a very short time, about a minute, the diver returned to the luminous sphere, which flew away vertically, silently, and disappeared into the sky at a prodigious speed, leaving a trail of fire.

A torpedo in Montluçon

For his part, Mr. Laugère, from Montluçon, was leaving his work and crossing the tracks near a S.N.C.F. bridge, when he saw a metallic object placed a short distance from a diesel tank intended for the railcar supply. Beside the apparatus, which was in the shape of a torpedo and could be four meters long, was a man covered in hair, unless he was dressed in a long-hait

Read more on the last page under the title:



coat. Mr. Laugère, surprised, asked him what he was doing. The stranger replied in unintelligible terms, but the railwayman though he distinguished the words "diesel", however.

Mr. Laugère did not ask for more and went to alert his comrades. No sooner had they made 100 meters than he saw the craft rise vertically, without any noise. It soon disappeared from view. Only the fear of the irony of his comrades had prevented him from telling his adventure; which dates back to Sunday evening.

Seven tiny beings
and weird seeds

Several hunters in the town of Saint-Ambroix (Gard) have recently seen seven tiny beings whose shape vaguely recalled that of a human body. When they tried to approach, the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent object, which flew away immediately.

At the place where the pilots of the flying saucer were, the hunters discovered on the ground a number of seeds of bizarre appearance, which they had examined by seed makers. The latter were unable to classify them in a known species.

The army says "No"

As a result of the investigation which had been opened by the military authority, after the publication of information announcing that the soldiers charged of the handling of a headlight installed at the Metz fair, had seen, and Sunday evening, a mysterious luminous circle, the military governor published the following press release:

"It is reported in the press about the observation of unknown craft by a post of the antiaircraft forces deployed at the Fair-Exhibition of Metz. It is not necessary to take into account this information in this particular case."

Note that the military authorities rarely recognized the existence of these saucers, even if the testimony of many and often serious people are sometimes very disturbing.

Plants endowed with reason

"The pilots of the "flying saucers" are plants endowed with reason" - such is the theory which exposed to a correspondent of Agence France-Presse professor Hermann Oberth, inventor and builder of the famous "V 2" rocket.

According to the German scientist, the "Uranids" (this is the name he named these plants with) are thousands of years ahead of Earth men, both in terms of their spiritual development and their technique. The homeland of Uranids is a planet where there is no oxygen in the gaseous state; which prohibits the development of animal life. Plants, on the other hand, get the oxygen they need from the oxides in the soil.

This planet would be outside the solar system, but the mysterious craft in which intelligent plants travel could move at a speed close to that of light (200,000 km per second).

Those of these craft seen above the Earth would be responsible for monitoring the progress of Earth's humanity in the atomic sciences, because these advances "represent a danger for the whole Cosmos."

Two jet planes
are chasing
a saucer

MARSEILLE. - In the sky of Vaucluse, two jet planes chased a flying saucer.

Around 2 p.m., in Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, yesterday afternoon, two children signaled in the sky a white disc surmounted by a spherical cap. This craft that part of the population was able to see for a long time launched two powerful fires, varying from white to purplish.

Alerted, the Caritat air base sent two jet planes. Shortly after, the airmen announced by radio: "We spotted the craft which escaped at a speed higher than that of our aircraft."

The vision of the craft lasted nearly ten minutes above Fontaine-de-Vaucluse.



with huge eyes,
came down of a mysterious
craft that appeared
to three Toulouse residents

Toulouse, 14. -- A diver of small size and, with a large head relative to the body, two enormous eyes, such is the description just made by a Toulouse resident, Mr. Olivier, of a mysterious character, descended from a spherical craft which had just landed on a vacant lot.

Mr. Olivier, owner of the Javel-Meto establishments, rue des Fontaines, in Toulouse, was accompanied by an employee, Mr. Perano, and a young boy of about fifteen. All three saw the luminous craft land, spherical in shape and reddish in color. Then they saw a figure approaching them whose spacesuit, according to witnesses, shone like glass.

Subsequently, Mr. Olivier, a former aviation pilot, drew in chalk, in a striking manner, on a door, the diver.

"I couldn't believe it," added Mr. Perano, "but I saw him as I see you. It comes as a shock."

After a very short time, about a minute, the diver regained the luminous sphere which flew off vertically, silently and disappeared in the sky at a prodigious speed, leaving a trail of fire.

Oily traces were noted this morning in several places of the vacant lot, located in a suburb of Toulouse.

According to the statements of three witnesses, the mysterious craft, piloted by a character dressed in a diving suit, would have landed on this ground yesterday, at 7:25 p.m.

The Air Police questioned these three people, who maintained their statement by specifying that the mysterious individual, measuring approximately 1.20 meters, protruded from the head and therefore had to bend to enter.

One of the witnesses assured that the saucer was surrounded by iridescent reflections and emitted a light mist around it. He added that having wanted to approach, he had been held back at about twenty meters by a paralyzing force and that, when the craft rose in the sky, he was violently thrown to the ground.



The saucers

(Continued from first page)


Nîmes. -- Several hunters from the town of Saint-Ambroix (Gard) have recently seen seven tiny beings whose shape vaguely recalled that of a human body . When they tried to approach the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent craft which flew away immediately.

At the location of the flying saucer pilots, the hunters discovered a number of odd-looking seeds on the ground, which they had examined by seedsmen. These were unable to classify them in a known species.


Hamburg. -- "The pilots of the "flying saucers" are plants endowed with reason" - such is the theory that exposed to a correspondent of Agence France Presse Professor Hermann Oberth, inventor and manufacturer of the famous V-2 rocket.

According to the German scientist, the "Uranids" (such is the name with which he baptizes these plants) are thousands of years ahead of Earthmen, both in terms of their spiritual development and their technique. The homeland of the "Uranids" would be a planet where there is no oxygen in the gaseous state, which prohibits the development of animal life. Plants, on the other hand, get the oxygen they need from the oxides in the soil.

The planet in question would be outside the solar system [...] of that of light (300,000 kms per second).

Those of these craft seen above the earth would be tasked with monitoring the progress of Earth mankind in atomic sciences because such progress "represents a danger to the entire cosmos".


Coming down from a mysterious machine, a diver of small size, but with enormous eyes, appears to three Toulouse residents

The pilots of the saucers are plants gifted of reason" the V2 manufacturer says.

Toulouse, October 14. -- A diver of small size with a large head compared to the body, two enormous eyes, such is the description that was just made this evening, by a resident of Toulouse, Mr. Olivier, of a mysterious figure, who came down of a spherical craft which had just landed on a vacant site.

Mr. Olivier, owner of the Jaret Netis establishments, rue des Fontaines in Toulouse, was accompanied by an employee, Mr. Perano and a young boy about fifteen years old.

All three saw the mysterious craft of spherical form and reddish color land. Then they saw come towards them, the figure, whose diving-suit, according to the statements of the witnesses, shone like glass. Thereafter, Mr. Olivier, former aviation pilot, drew with a chalk, in a dramatic manner, on a door, the diver. "I did not believe in it, says Mr. Perano, but I saw it as I see you, it was quite a shock".

After a rather short time, one minute, the diver reinstated the luminous sphere, which went away vertically in the sky, without noise, at an extraordinary speed while launching a wake of fire.


Oily traces were noticed this morning in several places of the ground, according to the witnesses statements, the machine would have landed the day before on this place at 07:35 p.m.

The police force of the Air questioned these three people who confirmed their statements. While specifying that the mysterious individual measuring approximately 1,20 m, exceeded the craft by the head, consequently bending to enter in it.

One of the witnesses ensured that the saucer was surrounded by iridescent reflection and emitted around a slight fog around it.

He added that having wanted to approach, he had been stopped at about twenty meters by a paralyzing force. When the craft rose in the sky, he was violently thrown at the ground.

Strange contact near the Montluçon station

The flying saucers file increased of several testimonies of which the most important seems to be that of an employee of the station of Montlucon, Mr. Laugère, who made contact Sunday evening, with an individual who came out of an apparatus in the shape of a torpedo.

Mr. Laugère left his work and crossed the ways near the bridge of the SNCF [national railway co], when he saw a metallic machine posed at little distance from the fuel oil tank intended for the rail-car supply. At side of the apparatus which had the shape of a torpedo and could have been four meters in diameter, was a man, all covered of hair, unless he was dressed of a coat with quite long hair.

Mr. Laugère, surprised, asked him what he was doing. The unknown answered him in unintelligible words, but the railwayman however seemed to distinguish the words "Fuel oil".

Mr. Laugère did not ask him for more and went away to alert his comrades. He had hardly gone a hundred meters, when he saw the apparatus rising vertically without any noise. It soon disappeared from his view. Only the fear of the irony of his comrades had prevented him, until today, from telling his adventure.

The disc did not land...

A second testimony was collected: that of a 17-year-old young man, Marc German, resident of Pontault, who declared at the police station of this locality, that he had seen in the night, during approximately half an hour, a machine which was in his opinion, a flying saucer. This machine was in the sky within 200 or 300 meters of altitude and had the shape of a very shining disc. Ir remained thirty minutes motionless then left at a vertiginous speed, leaving a trail of fire behind. The young man stated that he had not alerted the police station earlier for he had made a point of remaining on the spot in case the saucer would have landed.

A ball in the sky of the Creuse

In St Marc-de-Lombaud (the Creuse), residents of Vallières saw, in the night from Monday to Tuesday, a white ball which moved in the sky. The ball changed color, disappeared and reappeared before disappearing definitively.

A simple balloon

On the other hand, a development was just made today by a person, about the "saucer" which was seen above the area of St Andre, at the limit of the department of the Eure and the Eure-et-Loire, Saturday towards 06:30 p.m.

Mrs. Amonts from Groth-Soret affirmed that the object was only a simple balloon. "A sketch, she said, appeared painted in red color on the top of the balloon and the ropes maintaining the nacelle".

Seven tiny beings seen in the Gard...

Several hunters of the commune of St Ambroise (the Gard) allegedly saw recently seven tiny beings with shapes vaguely resembled that of a human body. When they tried to approach, the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent apparatus which flew away at once.

On the site where the pilots of the flying saucer had been, the hunters discovered on the ground a certain number of seeds of odd appearance; which they had examined by seed resellers. The latter were unable to classify them into a known species.

The "pilots" are plants:

Hamburg. -- "The pilots of the "flying saucers" are plants gifted of reason". Such is the theory that Professor Hermann Oberth, inventor and manufacturer of the famous "V.2" rocket, exposed to a correspondent of Agence France Presse.

According to the German scientist, the "Uranids" (this is the name he baptizes these plants with) are thousands years more advanced than Earth as well with regard to their spiritual evolution and their technique. The fatherland of origin of Uranids would be a planet where there is not oxygen in a gas state, which prohibits the development of a animal life. The plants on the other hand, draw the necessary oxygen from oxides contained in the soil.

That planet would be outside the solar system, but the mysterious machines in which the intelligent plants move could travel a speed close to that of the light (300 000 km/s). Those of these machines seen above the earth would be in charge of watching progress of earth's humanity in the atomic sciences because this progress "is a danger to the entire cosmos".




Seven dwarfs

Nîmes, 14. -- Several hunters in the town of St-Ambroix (Gard) have recently seen seven tiny beings whose shape vaguely reminded that of a human body. When they tried to approach, the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent object, which flew away immediately.

At the place where the pilots of the flying saucer were, the hunters discovered on the ground a number of seeds of bizarre appearance, which they had examined by seed makers. The latter were unable to classify them in a known species.

A paralyzing force

Toulouse, 14. -- Oily traces were found this morning in several places on a vacant lot located in a suburb of Toulouse.

According to the statements of three witnesses, the mysterious machine, piloted by a character dressed in a diving suit, would have landed on this ground, yesterday at 7:35 p.m.

The Air police questioned these three people, including an industrialist, who maintained their statement by specifying that the mysterious individual, measuring approximately 1.20 m. protruded from the craft by the head and therefore must have had to bend to enter it.

One of the witnesses assured that the saucer was surrounded by iridescent reflections and emitted around it a light mist. He added that, having wanted to approach, he had been held at a distance of 20 meters by a paralyzing force and that when the object rose into the sky, he had been violently thrown to the ground.





The "saucers" leave
oily stains
and unknown seeds

Saucers are no longer happy to appear and disappear. They also abandon, on takeoff, suspicious traces that intrigue the official investigators.

In Toulouse, Mr. Olivier, industrialist, accompanied by an employee, Mr. Perano, and a fifteen years old young boy, saw, Wednesday evening, a luminous machine, of spherical shape and reddish color, land. Then they saw a small scuba diver with a disproportionate head with huge eyes coming towards them.

Subsequently, Mr. Olivier, a former pilot, drew with chalk, in a striking manner, on a door, the diver. "I didn't believe in it," added Mr. Pernao, "but I saw it as I see you. It is quite a shock."

The diver returned to the luminous sphere, which flew off vertically, silently, and disappeared into the sky at a prodigious pace, leaving a trail of fire.

Yesterday morning, oily traces were found in several places.

The air police questioned the three witnesses, who maintained their statements and clarified that the mysterious individual, measuring approximately 1.20, was one head higher than the craft.

One of them even added that having wanted to approach, he had been stopped at twenty meters by a paralyzing force and that, when the spacecraft rose in the sky, he had been violently thrown to the ground.

Several hunters from the town of Saint-Ambroix (Gard), reportedly saw seven tiny beings who rushed towards a phosphorescent craft, which took off when they approached.

Near the landing site were seeds of an unknown species.

"Intelligent plants"

According to Professor Hermann Oberth, inventor and builder of the famous "V-2" rocket, the pilots of the "flying saucers" are plants endowed with reason and which would be thousands of years ahead of the Earth, both in terms of their spiritual development and their technique. Their homeland of origin would be a planet where there is no oxygen in the gaseous state, which prohibits the development of animal life. But plants, on the other hand, get the oxygen they need from the oxides in the soil.

This planet would be outside the solar system. The mysterious craft, in which intelligent plants travel, could move at a speed close to that of light (300,000 kilometers per second).

They would be responsible for monitoring the progress of mankind in the atomic sciences, because this progress "represents a danger to the whole cosmos."

[Ref. lcx1:] NEWSPAPER "LA CROIX":


Saucers, cigars, etc.

A luminous disc pursued
(but in vain) by two
jets fighters

At the beginning of Thursday afternoon, the population of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse was moved by the presence above of the small city of a white disc surmounted by a spherical cap.

The lower circular border of this disc bore, intermittently, two powerful lights, varying from white to purplish, passing through red.

The air base of Caritat (Vaucluse), alerted, immediately directed two jet fighters which, soon after two turns on Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, gained altitude and dived on the "disc".

By radio, the pilots of the planes announced that the craft was in sight, that they were chasing it, but that it escaped with a speed higher than theirs.

From Vaucluse, the disc was clearly seen sweeping away, pursued by the two jets.

The Seven Dwarfs
of "Motorized" Snow White?

Several hunters in the town of Saint-Ambroix (Gard) recently saw seven tiny beings whose shape vaguely recalled that of a human body. When they tried to approach, the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent craft, which flew away immediately.

At the location of the flying saucer pilots, the hunters found a number of odd-looking seeds on the ground, which they had specialists examine.

The latter could not specify the species.

Bleached by a saucer

A resident of the village of Méral (Mayenne) stated he saw in the sky a bright orange ball which landed on the ground. The disc, flattened and dome-shaped, with a diameter of 5 to 6 meters, gave off a blinding glow, illuminating the countryside within a radius of 200 meters.

The craft was transparent and inside, a black shape was observed. The disc remained like this for ten minutes, whitened, and quickly disappeared towards the North. The observer then went to the place where the object had landed. There was, he said, a sort of bright cloud that was slowly falling to the ground. When he got home, he noticed that his clothes were covered with a white layer of a slightly sticky material, like paraffin.

A craft lands
in "Saint-Pierre-Halte"

A boy baker from Calais said he saw at 3:40 a.m. in the morning, Thursday, at a place called "St-Pierre-Halte", on the road to Saint-Omer, a yellow and shiny craft posed on the railway track.

The curiously shaped object was, according to the baker, two meters high and four meters in diameter.

The daily Maroc-Presse, from Casablanca, announces that an engineer from Meknes who was traveling to Port Lyautey by car, declared to have been stopped on the road, in the forest of Mamora, a man dressed in a brilliant outfit.

This man, who measured 1 m 20 meters approximately, then walked towards a stopped craft on the right of the road. Hardly did he take place inside that the craft disappeared at high speed.




Several hunters of the commune of St Ambrois [sic] (Gard), are said to have recently seen seven tiny beings whose vaguely reminded of that of a human body. When they tried to approach, the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent machine which flew away at once. On the site where the pilots of the flying saucer had been, the hunters discovered on the ground a certain number of seeds of weird appearance which they hade examined by seeds resellers. Those were unable to classify them in a known species.


Full article here.




Martians all over France

If the dance of flying saucers over France remains at the current rate, we will have a hard time finding a Frenchman who has not seen such a "craft" in the near future. Indeed, every day, dozens of discs are reported across the country. Not content with having seen them move in our sky of France, eyewitnesses told to have seen, with their own eyes, weird apparatuses land, from which came down no less weird living beings, oddly dressed, very polite, but who were little talkative, unless they speak an incomprehensible language. These mysterious hosts returned to the air almost immediately, silently and vertically.

So, very recently, Mr. Labassière and his wife, who were returning from Saintes (Charente-Maritime), saw a kind of scale waddling at low altitude. The scourge was dazzling green; one of the trays was red and the other orange. After taking an immobile position, these two plates detached to land in a field. Two small beings then left each ball and, after crossing each other, changed craft. The two craft then returned to their original place and the phenomenon disappeared in a dazzling flash.

In Livry-sur-Seine, two farmers saw a strange being the size of a man, without ears, but whose body was covered with abundant brown hair. He gestured for them to approach, but panicking, the two men fled with all their legs.

In Saint-Ambroix, in the Gard, several hunters claimed to have seen various small "Martians" who vaguely resembled human beings. They were flying in a phosphorescent machine. The hunters collected, at the place where the "Martians" had landed, curious seeds that no one has yet managed to identify.

Dreams, hallucinations, bad jokes? Difficult question to decide for the moment. But if some are convinced of the arrival of the Martians on our planet, if others shake their heads, incredulous, there are some who have this obsession with flying saucers almost play a bad trick on them.

This is particularly the case for Mr. M. Ruant, farmer in Sinceny, near Chauny (Aisne). In the evening of October 17, he was busy repairing his car in a meadow near his home, when two shots were fired in his direction. The pellets crashed onto the body of his vehicle, not far from his head. Mr. Ruant filed a complaint, and the investigation immediately opened made it possible to quickly find the author of the shots: a neighbor, Mr. Faisan, who believed "seeing a silhouette moving in the light of the headlights, to be in the presence of a Martian busy repairing his flying saucer."

Less "saucerophobic" than Mr. Faisan, Mr. Raymond Rodel, president of the "Martians welcome Committee", promised the first of them who would come to the capital a series of festivities in his honor, including a lunch at Maxim's, a reception at the Paris City Council and an audience at the Elysée. In addition, 1 million francs would be paid to whoever, the first, can prove irrefutably having seen a Martian.

Obviously if, believing to meet an inhabitant of the planet Mars and you ask him: "Are you Martian?" he answers you: "No, I'm French", as happened to one of our compatriots, you can forget the bonus.




There is something to be left speechless: meet a Martian! To believe that they gave themselves the same goal, our (planetary) neighbors: visit to the earth, but where? On the small bit of France.

Think about it! The Martian of the Montluçon railway employee was covered in hair... only one word pronounced: gas oil.

At l'Ambroix (Gard), they were seven. Presumably it was a delegation going to the Ministry of Labor for better wages.

It is possible to get lost when traveling in saucers, cigars, barrels, discs, fireballs, mushrooms, circles, funnels and other contraptions.

Near Châteaubriand, he was dressed in a gray hat, shod in boots and reportedly said in French: "Look. But do not touch."

Gentlemen and ladies of Mars, do not be pretentious. If you have something to stun us, so do we:

Ah! Meet a Martian and stun him!


Michel Carrouges lists as a case with small occupants but lacking details that with hunters of Saint-Ambroix in the Gard as witnesses, on October 14, 1954. He says that there were allegedly seven small beings but no details are available about them.

[Ref. jve8:] JACQUES VALLEE:


14 Oct., 1954 St. Ambroix France -- 7 tiny beings, mysterious seeds 7

[Ref. jve5:] JACQUES VALLEE:

297 -004.20030 44.27100 11 10 1954 ST AMBROIX-GARD F A
324 -004.20030 44.27100 13 10 1954 ST AMBROIX-GARD F 167 A

[Ref. jve1:] JACQUES VALLEE:


250) October 14, 1954, Saint-Ambroix (France):

Several witnesses saw seven small beings flee into a phosphorescent object when they were approached. It took off immediately. It is claimed that "unknown seeds" were found at the site. (62) (La Croix, 16 oct. 1954).

[Ref. jve3:] JACQUES VALLEE:


October 14, 1954, Saint-Ambroix (France):

Several witnesses saw seven small beings flee into a phosphorescent object when they were approached. It took off immediately. It is claimed that "unknown seeds" were found at the site. (La Croix, 16 oct. 1954).

[Ref. jve2:] JACQUES VALLEE:

The author indicates that on October 14, 1954, in Saint-Ambroix in the Gard, several witnesses saw seven small beings which fled in a "phosphorescent" object when they approached. The object flew away immediately.

[Ref. jpa1:] JADER U. PEREIRA:


This ufologist indicated in a listing of cases of "not admitted to classification" CE3, that the case No. 27 of 10/14/54 in St. Ambroix in the Gard in France with hunters as witnesses is to be classified as "imprecise source" or "with insufficient investigation."

[Ref. cbn1:] CHARLES BOWEN:

The author indicates that on October 14, 1954, in Saint-Ambroix in the Gard, several witnesses saw seven small beings who fled into a "phosphorescent" object when they approached. The object flew away immediately.

[Ref. tps1:] TED PHILLIPS:

Ted Phillips listed "082 OCT 14, 1954 FRANCE, St. Ambroix" among cases with "physical traces" for which, he indicated, no details were available.



425 14 October 1954

ST AMBROIX (FRANCE) Several witnesses saw seven small beings flee into a phosphorescent object when they were approached. It took off immediately. Unknown seeds were allegedly found at the spot. (M250: La Croix, 16 Oct 54)

[Ref. agd1:] ALAIN GAMARD:


Case # Date Time Locality Department Witness(es) name
052 13/10/1954 - Saint-Ambroix. 30 (several)

[Ref. ezr1:] ERIC ZUERCHER:

This author indicates that the case was "a prank organized by the hunters."


We can also add that for the day of 10/14/1954, two cases that turned out to be, one an invention (that of Biot) and the other a hoax (St. Ambroix) are however perfectly orthotenized. In this regard, it should be noted that they do not appear in the book of Aimé Michel because he was not aware of all the observations of the day. We have revised the orthotenic network of today and it is included in the appendix for the day of 10/14/54.


The authors indicate about the case in Saint-Ambroix in the Gard for October 13, indicating the Press and their file as sources:

"Several hunters see seven tiny beings, of humanoid aspect. They try to approach them. But the beings rush towards a phosphorescent machine which flies away at once. The hunters immediately look for traces. They do not find any, but discover odd seed species, which they have examined with seed experts. The experts were unable to identify them."

"Is it necessary to conclude from this strange encounter that the hunters disturbed an horticultural commando with a mission to test the acclimatization on our ground of seeds from another planet?"

[Ref. gab1:] UFOLOGY GROUP "G.A.B.R.I.E.L.":

10/14/1954 Saint Ambroix (Gard)

A group of hunters was able observe seven tiny beings of vaguely human form rushing towards a phosphorescent craft which immediately flew away. At the landing site, the hunters found weird seeds. A seed dealer to whom they were shown was unable to identify them. (J. Giraud, "Centre Matin" of 10/15/54)

In itself, this case is both too incredible and perfectly plausible. We would like to declare ourselves frankly "pro" or "against", but in the absence of additional facts, we are obliged to remain in doubt. Deep doubt, because it seems unlikely to us that serious experiments were not attempted on these seeds, unless it was a hoax. We have cited it only for the record and to enable us to introduce the relationship of two facts so distant in time and space that they deserve our full attention.



54-74 Oct. 14, 1954 Night St. Ambroix, France Type B

Several witnesses saw 7 small beings flee into a phosphorescent object when they were approached. It took off immediately. It is claimed that "unknown seeds" were found at the site.


Source: Vallee, Magonia, p. 227.


The two authors indicate that the following story was published by the newspaper "Le Provençal" for October 14, 1954:

"Seven weird and tiny beings are said to have sown mysterious seeds - before disappearing in a phosphorescent craft. Several hunters of the area claim this."

"Nimes (C.P.) Testimonies of various sources inform us that in the wood of the village of Saint-Ambois [sic] (Gard), several hunters are said to have seen, several days ago, seven tiny beings having a vaguely human appearance. When the hunters approached, the homunculuses rushed towards a phosphorescent craft, which immediately flew away and disappeared. Back a few moment later, the hunters took notice that in the place where they had seen the "Martians", a certain number of seeds of weird aspect strewed the ground."

"These seeds are said to have been shown to various seed-sellers of Saint-Ambroix, who could not identify any known species."

"According to various information, they have been sent to a laboratory for expertise. It was impossible to us to control the authenticity of this information, that some deny and others confirm."

The two authors indicate that "this parody had been invented by some inhabitants of the locality."

They specify that a collaborator of the Association of the Friends of Marc Thirouin (AAMT, a ufology association), at the time of a re-investigation, "had already smelled a hoax."




A group of hunters from St Ambroix (Gard) claimed, for their part, to have met Martians who, coming out of a Saucer, had given them mysterious seeds. These seeds were presented to the seedsman of the country who claimed not to know their origin. Of course, he was in collusion with them: these seeds were intended to produce castor plants. As for the nimrods, they had naturally seen Martians only in their imagination.

MIDI LIBRE for Saturday, OCTOBER 16, 1954 - #3 412 -


079 1423 ST-AMBROIX RF30 54 10 13 or 14 250 324 @, CE2, CE3 CS

[Ref. gep1] GEPAN:

[... other cases ...]
73 142.3 St AMBROIX 4.200 44.271
[... other cases ...]

[Ref. mft1:] MICHEL FIGUET:



Press, newspaper at the time headlined "Snowy White and the Seven Dwarves". Prank by the hunters narrated in "INFO OVNI" N.0: "the rabbit and the fox" and "OVNI" p. 669-670. LDLN #249-250 p. 2.

[Ref. cme1:] CLAUDE MAUGE:

St Ambroix 10/13/54 E [="explained case"] : F. p.669-670; F3

The "F." source is said to be Michel Figuet's book; the F3 source is said to be "M. FIGUET, Francat-Humcat, listing 1982."

[Ref. mft2:] MICHEL FIGUET:

Nr of the J. C. Fumoux list Nr of Francat list Localization Date Class Credibility Sources Number of W
078 191 Saint-Ambroix 13/10 CE3 E hoax 4-p. 86 +T

[Ref. mft4:] MICHEL FIGUET:

191 CE3 13 10 1954 hnp [=hour not specified] Saint-Amboix [sic] 30500 D3 E [=explained] (hoax) "OVNI"

[Ref. mft3:] MICHEL FIGUET:



30 - ST-AMBROIX on 10/13/1954
31 - TOULOUSE LEGUEVIN night of 12 to 13

Is Snowy White a "Martian"?

Seven bizarre-looking dwarves fly away in a phosphorescent apparatus near Nîmes...

NIMES, 14 -- Several hunters from the Saint-Ambroix commune (Gard) have recently seen seven tiny creatures vaguely reminiscent of a human body. When they tried to approach, the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent machine, which flew away immediately.

At the location where the pilots of the flying saucer were, the hunters discovered on the ground a certain number of weird-looking seeds, which they had examined by seedlings. They found it impossible to classify them in a known species.


TOULOUSE, 14. -- Mr. Jean Marty, 42, a mechanic, living in Leguevin (Haute-Garonne), said he had seen, in the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, in the middle of a field, a luminous disk measuring from 6 to 7 meters in diameter and 2 m. 50 in height; the disc was orange colored.

Mr. Marty was working around 11 p.m. 30, in his workshop located on the road to Toulouse, in front of a field, 1 km. 500 of Lèguevin. Looking up, he saw the luminous object. Intrigued, he came out, crossed the road and headed for the disc, which then rose in the air, noiselessly, vertically, and disappeared at a prodigious speed. Mr. Marty reached the middle of the field to examine where the craft had landed. He found no trace, but found, on the grass, two sheets of white glossy paper, covered with Indochinese a printed characters.

The investigation launched by the Aviation Security showed that it was simply two pages from a brochure published by the services of Prince Buu Loc and probably left to Leguevin by Vietnamese who came to make a picnic.


Oily traces were found this morning in several areas of a vacant lot located in a suburb of Toulouse.

According to the statements of three witnesses, a mysterious machine, piloted by a character wearing a suit, reportedly landed on this ground yesterday at 19:35 p.m.

The air police questioned these three people, including an industrialist, who maintained


Francat No. 191 case 079 4-p.86

[Ref. jsr1:] JEAN SIDER:

In his 1997 book on the 1954 French flap, UFO researcher and author Jean Sider exerts his wit against debunkers Barthel and Brucker.

Indeed, the two infamous debunkers - Sider's opinion - authored a book of which they claimed to explain cases so far unexplained.

However, Sider notes, this case was already explained long ago: two days after the story broke in the national Press, the "Midi Libre" regional newspaper for October 16 admitted that the story was nothing but a joke played by a seed reseller and some friends.

Sider adds that a private ufology group called A.A.M.T also made it clear in 1970 that the story has no other nature than that of a joke.

So, asks Sider, why do the two debunkers bring the already explained case back to life?


Godelieve van Overmeire indicates that in 1954, on October 14, in France, in St Ambroix, several witnesses saw seven small beings which fled in a phosphorescent object when they approached. It took off immediately. It is said that one found unknown seeds at this site.

The sources are noted "La Croix, 16 Oct 1954" and "Jacques Vallée: 'Chronique des apparitions ET' - DENOEL 1972 - J'AI LU COLL. - p. 279, 280".

She indicates that another version is: "In reality: hoax performed by the hunters."

The source for this is given as "Erich ZURCHER: 'Les Apparitions d'Humanoïdes' - Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979, p. 181,182".


L'Ardennais, Friday, October 15, 1954. (Page 1)

[... other cases...]

The 'chronicle of the saucers'

(Continued from the first page)

NIMES - Several hunters from the town of Sait-Ambroix [sic] (Gard), have recently seen seven tiny beings whose shape was vaguely reminiscent of that of a human body. When they tried to approach, the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent machine, which flew away immediately.

At the location where the pilots of the flying saucer were, the hunters discovered on the ground a number of weird-looking seeds, which they had examined by seedlings. They found it impossible to classify them in a known species.

[Ref. lhh2:] LARRY HATCH:

1954/10/13 St. AMBROIX, CHER, FR: Landed UFO

+ 7 figures. A journalistic prank / Samedi Soir.

[Ref. ars1:] ALBERT ROSALES:


Location. St Ambroix France

Date: October 14 1954

Time: night

Several witnesses saw 7 small beings flee into a phosphorescent object when they were approached. It took off immediately. It is claimed that "unknown seeds" were found at the site. No other information.

Humcat 1954-97

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: B

[Ref. jbu1:] JEROME BEAU:

Thursday, October 14, 1954

In Saint-Ambroix (France), several witnesses see 7 small beings which fled in a phosphorescent object when they approach. It takes off immediately. It is said that one found unknown seeds on this site.

Jérome Beau indicates as sources "La Croix, October 16, 1954".

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 14 October 1954 at 21:00 in St Ambroix, France, "Several witnesses saw 7 small beings flee into a phosphorescent object when they were approached. It took off immediately. It is claimed that 'unknown seeds' were found at the site. No other information."

The source is a link to a nonexistent web page.

[Ref. djn2:] DONALD JONHSON:

Donald Johnson indicates that on October 14, 1954, in southeastern France "several witnesses in Saint-Ambroix, Gard, France saw seven small beings flee into a luminous object when they were approached. It took off immediately. It was claimed that 'unknown seeds' were found at the site".

The sources are indicated as Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 250; Michel Carrouges, Les Apparitions de Martiens, p. 104.

[Ref. prn2:] PETER ROGERSON:

October 14 1954


Several witnesses saw seven small beings flee into a phosphorescent when they were approached. It took off immediately. Unknown seeds were said to have been found at the spot. According to Bonabot citing Dubois and Giraud this story was a hoax


Location: St Ambroix France

Date: October 14 1954

Time: night

Several witnesses saw 7 small beings flee into a phosphorescent object when they were approached. It took off immediately. It is claimed that “unknown seeds” were found at the site. No other information.

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

[Ref. nip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":

*Oct. 14, 1954 - Several witnesses including one named Chasseurs in Saint-Ambroix, Gard department, France saw seven small beings flee into a phosphorescent object when they were approached. It took off immediately. It is claimed that "unknown seeds" were found at the site. (Sources: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 250; Michel Carrouges, Les Apparitions de Martiens, p. 104).


The author indicates that there was a false close encounter of the third kind near Saint-Ambroix, the Gard, on October 14, 1954 at an unknown hour.

In the woods of the commune, several hunters saw seven tiny beings with a vaguely human form. As the witnesses approached, the homunculus rushed to a phosphorescent machine that flew away and disappeared. A number of bizarre-looking seeds were found at the site and the seeds resellers were unable to classify them in a known species.

The sources are indicated to be C. Garreau and R. Lavier, "Face aux Extra-Terrestres", page 119; Le Provençal for 14 October 1954; La Dépêche du Midi for 15 October 1954; La Croix for 16 October 1954.

Julien Gonzalez says that in reality it was a hoax. The newspapers of the time had titled "The Seven Motorized Dwarfs of Snow White", "Is Snow White Martian? Seven dwarves of bizarre appearance fly in a phosphorescent machine near Nimes." As early as October 16, 1954, Le Midi Libre admitted that it was a prank mounted by a seiner and some of his hunters friends. This did not prevent ufologists like C. Garreau and J. Vallée from recording this fanciful case in their catalogs.

He indicates that the sources of the explanation are Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon, "OVNI: le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochées en France", pages 669-670; Eric Zurcher, "Les apparitions d'humanoïdes", pages 181-182.

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

This database recorded this case 14 times instead of one:

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19541011 11.10.1954 St. Ambroix France
19541013 13.10.1954 St. Ambroix France CE III
19541013 13.10.1954 St. Ambroix France
19541014 14.10.1954 St Ambroix France Night CE III
19541014 14.10.1954 St. Ambroix France CE III
19541014 14.10.1954 St. Ambroix France CE III
19541014 14.10.1954 St. Ambroix France
19541014 14.10.1954 St. Ambroix France CE III
19541014 14.10.1954 St. Ambroix France CE II
19541014 14.10.1954 St. Ambroix France CE II
19541014 14.10.1954 St. Ambroix France Night CE III
19541014 14.10.1954 St. Ambroix France
19541014 14.10.1954 St. Ambroix France CE III
19541014 14.10.1954 St. Ambroix France


October 14 1954.


Several hunters saw seven small beings flee into a phosphorescent when they were approached. It took off immediately. Unknown seeds were said to have been found at the spot.

Evaluation - According to Bonabot and Giraud the case is a hoax. The case was actually exposed as such in Midi Libre 16 October 1954.. It may have been an advertising spoof for a seed company



Before I had found the case referenced in FRANCAT in May 2003, I wrote:

"The weekly magazine "Samedi Soir" subsequently explained that it had just been a journalistic prank (to check.) It seems more obvious that it was a prank by the hunters (the "unknown seeds" examined by "seed experts" all so unknown.)"

FRANCAT confirms my impression that it was a prank by the hunters themselves.

FRANCAT dates the case of the 13th and not the 14th.

November 25, 2004: I read about the case in Jean Sider's book, see above. Now two more sources, (unless disproved) including a newspaper of that time, confirm the hoax. However, not as a hoax of the Press, but much simply a hoax by a seed reseller and some friends (the hunters?).

Later I managed to locate the writings of Gerard Barthel and Jacques Brucker. As often - though not always - in their research on the 1954 saucer stories, it seems that Gerard Barthel and Jacques Brucker did not consider useful to give the least precision concerning their explanation of the story as an invention, the sentence "this parody had been invented by some inhabitants of the locality" being the total of what they provide as explanation. They indicate that someone else "had already smelled the hoax" but actually I feel like suspecting that they know nothing precise about the circumstances of the hoax and simply issue an opinion without risk since a counter investigation of someone of the AAMT had done the work previously.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Saint-Ambroix, Gard, beings, humanoids, occupants, small, object, phosphorescent, luminous, landing, multiple, prank, hoax, joke, seed


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross May 14, 2003 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross April 8, 2009 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [goe1], [jbu1], [uda1].
1.1 Patrick Gross February 28, 2010 Addition [djn2].
1.2 Patrick Gross March 9, 2010 Addition [gep1].
1.3 Patrick Gross June 28, 2010 Addition [jve5].
1.4 Patrick Gross July 27, 2010 Addition [lpl1].
1.5 Patrick Gross August 17, 2010 Addition [vmr1].
1.6 Patrick Gross August 14, 2013 Addition [prn1].
1.7 Patrick Gross September 17, 2014 Addition [cmn1], [lhh2], [tai1], [nip1].
1.8 Patrick Gross December 28, 2016 Additions [cxn1], [jpa1], [ubk1].
1.9 Patrick Gross February 20, 2017 Addition [jgz1].
2.0 Patrick Gross July 15, 2019 Additions [ioi1], [prn1], [mft3], [mft2], [met1], [prn2].
2.1 Patrick Gross July 24, 2019 Addition [mft4].
2.2 Patrick Gross February 24 2020 Addition [nnm1].
2.3 Patrick Gross March 4, 2020 Additions [cpd1], [ner1].
2.4 Patrick Gross May 9, 2020 Addition [lcp1].
2.5 Patrick Gross May 16, 2020 Addition [nmn1].
2.6 Patrick Gross November 1, 2020 Addition [jps1].
2.7 Patrick Gross March 6, 2021 Additions [cgt1], [agd1].
2.8 Patrick Gross May 11, 2021 Additions [lon1], [tps1].
2.9 Patrick Gross September 5, 2021 Additions [tbw1], [cme1], [jge1], [vau1]. In the Summary, addition of the information from [vau1].
3.0 Patrick Gross June 24, 2022 Addition [jve8].
3.1 Patrick Gross July 9, 2022 Addition [gab1].

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