See here for reporting information.
Number | FR0186 |
Date written | August 22, 2005 |
Date received | August 22, 2005 |
Date published | January 21, 2007 |
Date of sighting | August 21, 2005 |
Place of sighting | France, Saint Jean de Luz |
Original language of report | French |
Reported using | |
Unreleased information | Name, firstname, email address |
Investigation, additional information | None |
Explanation | Not found yet |
Subject: ufos sighting Hello - I share my sighting with you, of lights in St Jean de Luz, the Pyrenees Atlantiques, 64 and I trust you to find a possible explanation for me. My name is [Firstname] [Name], I am 20 years old and am a student. I would not have been more puzzled than that, if I had not seen a second similar light passing on seomhow the same trajectory and coming from about the same sector as the previous. I took a photograph of it with my phone at approximately 09:34 p.m., then two others towards 09:35 p.m., which are unfortunately not clear at all given the distance and the type of camera (if you can call that a camera). I then lost it in the clouds, like the first, and in spite of the seeming rectilinear trajectory, I did not see it come out of these clouds. I then saw a third ligt in the sky, higher, which went on a trajectory parallel to that of the others but I quickly lost it because passed above my roof and a 4th clearer light caught my attention (moreover i saw a fast smaller light pass near 3rd, possibly a shooting star) The 4th light followed a direction similar to that of the 2 first in the same sector of the sky. I took 2 clearer photographs of them at 09:41 p.m. and i took still with my mobile phone a 28 seconds video that I cannot send to you (I do not know how to to that), which shows a flickering luminous object (to the naked eye it only flickers very slightly). At approximately 09:55 p.m., at the blacker night, another light appeared to me, I managed to take a photograph and to film it a few seconds with a video camera which unfortunately did not have anymore battery. That One like the other disappeared in the clouds which had gathered but I saw it again for a few seconds from another angle of sight. Comments: Speed and location: these lights move in a sector of sky towards South to West (setting sun) for the majority fairly high in the horizon - their speed is average, not very fast, seeming to decrease once the clouds were passed (I did not see any of the first coming out of the clouds, the following having possibly been masked by the clouds) - These objects are quite far from the point of observation, within several kilometers and must have been above the ocean. Luminosity: these objects emit a rather strong white light, at least much stronger than any star, which in any event appeared only after the observations. These lights occur at the setting sun and that might provide an explanation of it. These shapeless lights do not seem to be planes to me being given their slowness, the luminosity and the great concentration in so little time in this portion of the sky (in normal time practically no plane goes there). Satellites shining of this kind and so large, at such a proximity and such frequency, that appears little likely to me. As for a displacement of clouds with a fixed luminous point, that would be possible, though it doesn't eexplain the point, but this luminous point realy moved since it retrogressed (if it was indeed only one point), but that could have fooled my appreciation concerning the speed (however the clouds moved very slowly) I think I said all that I could say, I attach the photographs and a diagram indicating the displacements. I hope that you will find an explanation rational, I think that there is one, if not it is indeed about UFOs.I remains at your disposal for new details. Thanks for your website and your remarquable work [Firstname] [Name] |
![]() |
Note: I blackened the parts of the images that could allow the dentification of the witness.
![]() Light #2 à 21:34. |
![]() Light #2 à 21:35. |
![]() Light #2 à 21:35, 2e photo. |
![]() Light #4 à 21:41. |
![]() Light #4 à 21:41, 2e photo. |
![]() Light #5 à 21:55. |