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Basic indications:

Date written:September 13, 2007
Date received:September 13, 2007
Date published:October 4, 2007
Date of sighting:Summer 1992 or 1994
Place of sighting:France, Rouen
Original language of report:French
Reported using:e-mail
Unreleased information:Name, firstname, email address
Investigation, additional information:None
Explanation:Not looked for. Skytracer?

The report:

Sujet: Observation d'ovni
Date: September 13, 2007
From: [firstname.name.x]@cegetel.net

My observation occurred in 1992 or maybe 1994 I do not know too well any more, during the summer if my memories are good.

It was late and I was in the car with my parents we returned from a dinner at my sister and my stepbrother's who lived at that time in Gournay in bray at approximately 45 kms of Rouen (Rouen town of observation of the phenomenon).

I was at the back of the vehicle of my parents when stopped at a red light which was on the boulevard in the edge of the Seine I saw a strange thing. At a few hundreds of meters on our right and above the Seine I saw a very luminous yellow ball which made very fast movements. I.e. that the ball went upwards and from left to right and vice versa very quickly, to schematize all its changes of directions were done at right angles no curve was flown.

I remember to have asked my parents to look at their right, thing that they did not do thinking that it was a "dirty trick". The red traffic light went green my father started again and I continued to observe this famous ball during still a few seconds, before losing sight of it masked by the buildings of the city.

The next day and the days which followed I tried to look at the regionnal info, national too and even read the newspaper but nothing was said about it. During years I did not say anything any more on this matter until a few months ago during an evening at a friend's to whom I told about the phenomenon.

During the conversation he entrusted to me that one day his grandmother told him she had seen something that resembles a lot to what I just told him, except that her own sighting was near a road or on a road (I don't remember well).

Til that day I never again had a sighting of this type. I am 35 years old now and I still do not know what I saw that evening, I could see videos on the Internet with objects resembling my observation, namely of luminous balls with the same type of displacement but I do not know if these videos are fakes made from real testimonys or if these videos are genuine.

To: Other sighting reports.

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This page was last updated on October 4, 2007