See here for reporting information.
Number: | FR0361 |
Date written: | July 14, 2010 |
Date received: | July 14, 2010 |
Date published: | August 4, 2010 |
Date of sighting: | July 14, 2010 |
Place of sighting: | France, Saint-Bômer-les-Forges |
Original language of report: | French |
Reported using: | |
Unreleased information: | Name, firstname, email address |
Investigation, additional information: | None |
Explanation: | Not looked for |
Subject: ufo sighting Hello, I allow myself to contact you to know if you had echoes of UFO sighting in Saint Bômer les Forgess (61) in the night from the 13ht to 14th July, 2010. I contact you on behalf of my sister and of my parents who observed during approximately 45 minutes in flying object, motionless, above fields of maize, approximately 300m in front of the house. Here is the description of the object. The object was large, and resembled what one names the "ufo ring" (cf resembles the attached photograph). There was a multitude of lights which as a whole formed an oval, with more important lights at the ends. The object apeared and disappeared regularly, always at the same place. Its lights were more or less strong. More surprising was that the lights turned [or rotated] at sharp pace. My sister saw herself unable to take a photograph or to film for the lights were too weak to be filmed. The observation began at 00:40 and finished at 01:30 in the morning. The object was first observed from a car (they returned from a fireworks), then they continued the observation from the window of a bedroom. It is certain that this object could not be confused with a plane, a helicopter or stars. There was no noise coming from the object, nor in the village. Merci par avance. Bonne continuation. |
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