See here for reporting information.
Number: | FR0400 |
Date written: | July 5, 2002; February 8, 2015 |
Date received: | July 5, 2002; February 8, 2015 |
Date published: | July 17, 2018 |
Date of sighting: | October 11, 2001 |
Place of sighting: | France, Deux-Sèvres, sortie d'Epanne |
Original language of report: | French |
Reported using: | |
Unreleased information: | Name, firstname, email address |
Investigation, additional information: | None |
Explanation: | Not looked for |
July 5, 2002:
Subject: testimony appearance of a UFO Hi Patrick I would like to congratulate you for your website which is well built, and which is pretty well provided on the UFO appearances, and all that touches these phenomena. So I am sending you this testimony attached. This happened on Thursday, October 11, 2001 around 09:45. p.m. I was going to my work which is Irleau in the deux sèvres.I drove aboard my c 15 vehicle, and I was on the bridge that passes over the railway line at the exit of Epanne, a small village in the two sèvres direction Coulons, on the D1 departmental road. This road leads straight into the marshes of the poitou. Durin my observation, I drove on this bridge. All the way down to my right is the train station, and closer to the road is a grain silo, on my left is the extended railway line of fields. That night, the sky was clear some low fog patches floated here and there, it was not windy but the temperature was quite cool. I could not remember if the moon was present that night, but finally I I was able to find an old almanac 2001. So this October 11, it was the last moon area. That evening, I first saw a white flashing light on my right in the sky at about 2 o'clock, I thought about a small plane as we see quite often it also evolve at low altitude, but as it came in my direction, what was my surprise? I saw through my windshield at the front of my vehicle almost above me, this triangle composed all around multitudes small white lamps that did not blink I specify, it was slightly titlted with at each angle some kind of glare-free spots 2 were dark orange and 1 orangey yellow, it was about fifty meters high at a slow speed, to give you a dimension of the UFO, at arm's length its size was the width of 2 good hands, "easy" perhaps more important, the tip of the triangle was opposite to its direction of move, I cannot give a color to this mass that seemed to hover because it seemed dark, I did not hear a noise, I drove with closed window. At the passage of the UFO, I did not encounter any particular problem, I saw it disappear on my left always at the same height and at the same speed. I could not stop because I was in a bend and there was some fog, the UFO was coming from the North East and heading towards the South West, my observation only lasted 30 to 45 seconds Greeting [First name] |
February 8, 2015:
Subject: testimony on the appearance of a ufos Hello, It happened on Thursday, October 11, 2001, the evening around 9:45 p.m., the night had fallen, the weather was foggy, I drove in my car to go to work. I was on the bridge over the railway line at the exit of Epanne, a small village in Deux-Sèvres, towards Coulon, Sansais, on the departmental road (1). This road leads straight into the Poitou marshes. During my observation, I drove on this bridge. At the very bottom on my right is the railway station, and, nearer to the road, a grain silo, on my left is the railway line, extended by fields. That night, the sky was clear, a few fog patches floated here and there, it was not windy but the temperature was quite cool. I could not remember if the moon was present that night, but finally I was able to find an old 2001 almanac, so that October 11, it was the last moon period. I first saw a small white flashing light on my right, almost in front of me, not very high in the sky (about at 2 o'clok), I thought of a postal plane as we see quite often they also move at low altitude, but as it moved very slowly, it surprised me. And it was then, when it passed almost over my car, that I saw through my windshield, at the front of my vehicle, this triangle lit around the edge of multiple small lights white ones that did not blink. It was slightly tilted with at each angle some kinds of non-dazzlinh headlights. 2 were dark orange and 1 orangey yellow. It was moving about 50 meters high (it seemed very low) at a slow speed, the top of the triangle opposite its direction of travel. I can not give a color to this mass that seemed to hover because it seemed dark. I did not hear engine noise but as I was driving with closed window I cannot say anything, I encountered no particular problem.
I saw it disappear on my left, always at the same height and the same speed. I could not stop because I was in a bend with little visibility and there was a bit of fog. The UFO was coming from the southeast and heading northwest. My observation lasted only 30 to 45 seconds Yours truly [First name] [Name initial] |