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A purported UFO filmed from a Being 777 over the U-K. March 11, 2018:

Basic indications:

Date written:March 24, 2018
Date received:March 24, 2018
Date published:July 13, 2018
Date of sighting:March 11, 2018
Place of sighting:In the U-K. sky from a Boeing 777.
Original language of report:French
Reported using:e-mail
Unreleased information:Name, firstname, email address, video
Investigation, additional information:None
Explanation:Not looked for

The report:

Subject: UFO filmed in the sky on board of a plane
Sent on: March 24, 2018, 08:48 p.m.
From: [First name] [First Name] ([Name]

Good evening,

Je vous recontacte car le 11 Mars dernier j'ai pu observer et filmer un OVNI pendant près de 1 min à bord du vol AF 374 à 11h16 du matin. Nous survolions le royaume uni (Angletterre/Ecosse ou Irlande) et volions en altitude et vitesse de croisière à bord d'un Boeing 777.

Malheureusement (et évidemment!) on ne voit pas aussi bien ce que nous pouvions observer à l’œil nu (c'est mon ami coté fenêtre qui a observé l'OVNI en premier pendant 2 mins avant de m'interpeller). Par ailleurs, je ne voyais pas vraiment l'objet sur l'écran de mon appareil photo et ce n'est que lorsque j'ai visionné la vidéo sur mon ordinateur, il y a quelques jours, que j'étais surpris de voir finalement quelque chose.

L'"objet" en question était en 2 parties (on peut le distinguer sur la vidéo). Une partie allongée plus claire (a gauche) et la seconde plus "solide" en forme de ballon de rugby ou noyau d'olive |(à droite). Imaginez un coton tige avec une seule tête. Si je précise que la seconde partie était apparemment solide c'est qu'on pouvait voir son terminateur (une partie plus claire éclairée par le soleil et une autre plus sombre).

Je suis curieux de savoir ce que vous en pensez, n'hésitez pas à me recontacter pour de plus amples informations.

Je vous serai gré de garder cette vidéo privée ou du moins de couper la piste audio. Merci

Dans l'attente de votre retour,

I contacted you almost 10 years ago about an observation

I contact you again because last March 11 I was able to observe and film a UFO for nearly 1 min aboard flight AF 374 at 11:16 in the morning. We flew over the United Kingdom (England / Scotland or Ireland) and flew in altitude and cruising speed aboard a Boeing 777.

Unfortunately (and obviously!) one cannot see as well as what we could observe with the naked eye (it is my friend on the window side who observed the UFO first for 2 mins before calling me). In addition, I did not really see the object on the screen of my camera and it was only when I watched the video on my computer, a few days ago, that I was surprised to finally see something.

The "object" in question was in two parts (it can be seen on the video). A lighter elongated part (left) and the second more "solid" shaped rugby ball or olive core | (right). Imagine a cotton swab with a single head. If I say that the second part was apparently solid is that we could see its terminator (a brighter part lit by the sun and another darker).

I am curious to know what you think, do not hesitate to contact me for more information.

I would be grateful if you kept this video private or at least cut the audio track. Thank you

Looking forward to your return,

To: Other sighting reports.


On the video, there appears at one moment a small, very luminous glow, among the clouds, but that does not seem to be the mentioned UFO. This reflection can be a reflection on the ground, or a reflection on a small plane far away, for example.

Among the clouds, there is a cloud of spherical appearance amidst the others, but it is probably only a cloud.

Two people speaking on the soundtrack also mention the possibility that the UFO is a cloud, and have a hard time following it visually.

So I think the UFO was this spherical cloud.

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This page was last updated on July 13, 2018.