See here for reporting information.
Number: | FR0225 |
Date written: | September 25, 2007 |
Date received: | September 25, 2007 |
Date published: | December 14, 2007 |
Date of sighting: | September 10, 2007 |
Place of sighting: | France, Lille |
Original language of report: | French |
Reported using: | |
Unreleased information: | Name, firstname, email address |
Investigation, additional information: | None |
Explanation: | Not looked for |
Subject: Ufo Monday September 10 between 8 and 9 o'clock,whereas I was on My construction site locate un lille,i coud lenghtily observe a flying object which I coud not identify neither by is's forms or by it's displacement... however I am a aviation buff and very capable of identifing various types of aeroplans... This object was in form of a sail reversed of "surfing" type one left one rite connected by a beam located in it's middle. Of a color of alluminium board.It reflected with the sun... giving it other glares of colors... I specify that we were 3 to have observe the phenomenon this objects glided into the air without motor;nor trails; an altitude of 400 or 500m,a speed of 300 or 400kh. a straight and level flight had me initialy made me think of a wing parachute whose pilot would have brought back the suspending rods at its feet, giving it a strange form which i have never seen in the heaviest that the air... me and my present companions we did not know how to put a form and a name on this flying object... during its rectilinear displacement it twice made a turn on itself same as it ws on an axis, then another,without ever change it's trajectory it's direction,full southern or its altitude(no flying object invented by man and capable of doin that(,o yes the elicopter but easily reconaissable)... very pertubated and perplexed on what I reelly saw, I cant speak to other ..... What shocks me Most in all that is the absence of reation,becaus the object passed above the airport of Lille lesquin,They shurely had detecte it on their radarscope... and because of its course and its very dangerous altitude or even prohibited flying over an international aeroport! This is the aproximate shape seen this monday 10 /09:07 a 8:30 9:00 above lille ![]() What to believe or think of my vision? I canNOT allot it to a "ufo" because im mentaly sane but THere are more sensible than me who have seen sertain things (fighter pilot for example). I can assure you im serious and I woud rather not Have seen anything that day... Best regards and looking forward to hearing from you about it Mr [name] [Firstname] |