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Kenneth Arnold's sighting

Kenneth Arnold sighting reports in the Press:

The article below was published in the newspaper The Post-Register, Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA, on pages 1 and 11, on July 3, 1947.


Army Probes Flying Discs


WASHINGTON, July 3. (AP) -- A preliminary inquiry into reports that strange "flying discs" have been whizzing at 12 hundred miles an hour over the western United states "has not produced enough fact to warrant further investigation," an army air force spokesman said Thursday. The official said "we don't have a thing that would give any realism" to a report made last week by a flying Boise, Idaho, businessman. He said he saw nine mysterious objects - racing over Washington state's Cascade range with a peculiar weaving motion "like the tail of a kite." Several other persons in widely scattered localities later said they had glimpsed similar objects.

However, Wright field (Dayton, Ohio) public relations officials said the air material command is making an investigation of "saucer shaped" objects seen recently in the Pacific, northwest and Texas.

BOISE, Idaho, July 3. (AP) -- The Idaho Daily Statesman said Thursday that Lt. Gen. Nathan Twining, commanding officer of Wright field, Dayton, Ohio, told the newspaper by telephone that the army air force is "investigating" reports from residents of the Pacific northwest that "flying discs" have been seen in flight over the area.

The newspaper said Twining reported the air forces "have nothing that would compare to the description of the objects." The Statesman article said Twining added that Wright field had been contacted by a "reputable scientist" who had seen the semi circular objects in flight.

Twining was said by the news-

(Continued on Page Eleven)
(Column Two)


Army Probes Flying Discs Report

(Continued From Page One)

paper to have asked that anyone seeing the objects in flight or having information about them to report the matter to the Wright field commanding officer headquarters.

Scattered reports of "flying discs" hurtling through the air at super speeds have followed the first statement last week by Kenneth Arnold, Boise businessman pilot, who said he saw the shining objects while flying between Mt. Rainier and Mt. Adams in Washington.

Lt. Gov. Sees Disc

BOISE, July 3. (AP) -- All [Sic, "Add"] Lt. Gov. Donald S. Whitehead and Boise Justice of the Peace J. M. Lampert to the list of "flying disc" observers.

The officials said Thursday they noted a strange comet like object in the sky west of here on June 24 - the day Kenneth Arnold, Boise pilot-businessman, said he saw the flying saucers near Mount Rainier in Washington state.

The men said they viewed the object from the window of Lampert's office in downtown Boise.

To: Kenneth Arnold or Newspapers 1940-1949.

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