The article below was published in the newspaper The Dunkirk Evening Observer, Dunkirk, New York, USA, on page 3, on June 30, 1947.
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White Sands Proving Ground, N. M., (UP) -- An army rocket expert ventured the opinion today that Kenneth Arnold's flying saucers were merely jet planes but almost a dozen persons spring up about the country to say they had seen the mysterious shiny discs also.
Arnold, a flying fire extinguisher salesman from Boise, Ida., said he saw nine of the weird ships breezing along at a speed of 1,200 miles an hour. Arnold was positive of the speed. He clocked them across a known distance between two mountains.
Lt. Col. Harold R. Turner, commanding officer of the army's rocket proving grounds here, said today that the discs must have been jet airplanes.
Mrs. E. G. Peterson of Seattle said no -- she had seen the things too. Not only that, her son also saw them. In fact, he called her attention to them.
"My son saw three of them," Mrs. Peterson said. "But by the time I got out there I could only see two. They didn't look like jet ships or anything else I ever saw before.
"They were shiny and seemed to be fluttering in the wind. we must have watched them for five minutes before they disappeared, going east."
Several other residents reported seeing them in the area.
Arnold said he saw the flying saucers "about 3 p. m. Pacific standard time" on Tuesday near Mt. Rainier in southern Washington.
Charles Kastl, 60-year old railroad engineer of Joliet, Ill., said he spotted "about nine" of the things as he walked along a highway at 1:50 p.m. Central Standard Time on Tuesday.
If they were the same objects they must have covered the distance from Seattle to Chicago - about 2,000 miles - in 50 minutes.
Kastl said he saw a string of flat circular objects going "faster than any plane I ever saw" about 10 to 12 miles east of Joliet. They were flying about 4000 feet high, going from north to south.
"I could see no connecting link between them, but they acted as though the leading disc had a motor in it to power the others because when it flipped the others would too. When it would right itself, the others would right themselves."
Kastl said he "didn't think about" the incident except to tell his wife, until Arnold reported seeing the planes.
If the discs really made the flight from Seattle eastward on Tuesday they must have headed back west the next day. W. I. Davenport, a Kansas City carpenter, said he saw nine of them flying in a westerly course while he was working on a roof about noon yesterday.
He said they were going so fast he baely had time to count them.
And they must have made previous flights - provided they flew at all. Byron Savage of Oklahoma city said he saw a similar type of craft five or six weeks ago.
Astronomers at Seattle and Joliet said there was no natural explanation for the reports.
Meanwhile, Turner came up with an explanation for "falling bodies" reported in at least two places in the southwest today. He said they were meteors. And he dispatched a search party by plane to Tularosa, N. M. and another by automobile to Engle, N. M. to bring back proof.
To: Kenneth Arnold or Newspapers 1940-1949.