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Project Blue Book:

2001 - New project-related document published:

A previously unpublished manuscript by Project Blue Book's Lt. Col. Hector Quintanilla has just been published.

The manuscript book was written in 1975 by Lt. Col. Hector Quintanilla, the head of the USAF Project Blue Book. Project Blue Book was supposed to be an objective investigation and documentation of the UFO phenomenon carried out by the United States Air Force from March 1952 until December 1969.

The manuscript covers the years of Quintanilla's own involvement from July 1963 to December 1969 in Project Blue Book and also contains many valuable insights into the public and media reaction to the USAF funded study from the perspective of the author. In particular, Lt. Col. Quintanilla's descriptions of University of Arizona professor James E. McDonald's pursuit of the UFO phenomena as well as Dr. J. Allen Hynek's relationship with project Blue Book are annotated for the public record in considerable, colorful, and sometimes jaundiced detail.

Here is a 428KB Acrobat PDF file of the complete book, which is copyrighted by Karl Quintanilla.

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This page was last updated on March 12, 2001.