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Official, France:

In France, there is still no equivalent of the Freedom of Information Acts (FOIA) as it is now applied to some official UFO information in the majority of other countries, USA, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy etc. In France, and only in theory, information is supposedly possibly accessible 60 years after its date. (Thus 2014 for UFO cases of 1954 etc). It is only if you are "Somebody of Importance" such as TV journalist Jean-Claude Bourret in the 70's, or if you have "Friends Inside", or if you beg enough, that you can maybe pick up some documents.

Witness statement to the gerndarmerie, Muncq-Mieurlet, 1961:

This is the report of captain G[-], commanding the gendarmerie squad of Saint-Omer, 2nd gendarmerie legion, Pas-de-Calais group, Saint-Omer, written on January 7, 1961 on the reported sighting of a luminous machine in the sky on the territory of the community of Muncq-Mieurlet.

This document was reproduced in the ufological litterature long ago.

On January 1, 1961 at 08:00 p.m, a luminous machine was observed in Muncq-Mieurlet, community located in the canton of Ardrès. Carrying out an investigation at the person reported to have seen the machine, the commander of the brigade of Ardrès collected the following information:

On January 1, 1961 at approximately 08:00 p.m., Mr. D[ - ], farmer, resident of Muncq-Mieurlet, was in the court contiguous to his dwelling, when he saw in the direction of the south, at a distance of two kilometers approximately, and above a small wood, a luminous machine in the shape of a spinning top, the conical part being directed downwards. This machine was motionless. The hemispherical part was entirely luminous and of sharp red color; the conical part was formed of multicoloured luminous features, Mr. D[-] observed this phenomenon a few minutes, he saw the machine changing from sharp red to orange, it seemed to him that it moved slightly in the East-West direction, then a shower of sparks spout out and the machine disappeared. During the display of this phenomenon, Mr. D[-] did not hear any noise seeming to come from the machine. At hour 8 p.m., the moon was visible and it was in the direction of the North-East. Mr. D[-] has the reputation to be sensible and balanced. No other witness of the facts could be found in the district.

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This page was last updated on October 20, 2005.