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URECAT - UFO Related Entities Catalog

URECAT is a formal catalog of UFO related entities sightings reports with the goal of providing quality information for accurate studies of the topic. Additional information, corrections and reviews are welcome at patrick.gross@inbox.com, please state if you wish to be credited for your contribution or not. The main page of the URECAT catalog is here.


Brief summary of the event and follow-up:

In October, November and December of 1977 and in the beginning of 1978, people in villages in the state of Pará in Brazil experienced hundreds of UFO sightings, with numerous close encounters with objects flying at a few meters above the ground and firing light beams at the people.

The events were of such a proportion that the Brazilian Air Force sent teams of their intelligence personal to investigate and observe. 27 years later, in 1997 one of the officer, Uyrangê Hollanda, now retired Lieutenant-colonel gave ufologists a part of the report of this investigation project by the Regional Air Command, "Operation Saucer", and a few months later, the Brazilian government declassified 2000 pages of the reports.

Informed by their local contact, the team went to interrogate Manoel Epirito Santo, aged 20, of primary instruction.

He told them that on October 12, 1977 at 11:30 p.m., he was in front of his dwelling in company of his friends Julio, Paulo, Deca and Carlito, when he saw a yellowish light moving from the East to the West.

In the distance, it resembled a star of yellow-reddish color, it was changing color from bright yellow to red. It decreased its speed and came hovering at approximately 20 meters of the group.

Closer now, the object appeared as a yellow-reddish vertical cylinder, with some sort of reddish pipe of lesser diameter at the bottom, ending with a red light, and a thinner tube protruding at right angle from one side. At front was a bluish, luminous part, of transparent appearance. The dimension of that "window" or of the diameter of the cylinder was estimated as ranging between 1.20 and 1.40 meters.

Manoel said that he then perceived that there were two entities of human appearance inside, a being who was a "man" occupied the left side and a "woman" was on the right side of the craft, separated from each other by some "split". Both had some sort of glasses, bulging, of different shapes, and apparently an intercom equipment, earphones.

The entity of the left put his hands to the "glasses" as if to more attentively observe the group of people, and that same time, the other, through the thinner tube in the side of the craft, directed a luminous beam of red color in the direction of the group.

When Manoal was directly hit by the beam of light, or "fire", he felt a strong jolt that he desribed as an electric shock, beginning in his feet, spreading to the head and then his legs and arms were paralyzed and he came to a state he described as a semi-consciousness.

Eventually the craft moved away, gradually accelerating its speed, straight up with an undulating movement until reaching some height, and Manoel could move again, although he nevertheless felt like numb during a few minutes.

Without any strong noise, the cylinder made some weird maneuvers and went away.

The military personal obtained a drawing from the witness, showing the craft and its approach and departure maneuvers in detail; which they adapted and attached to their official report. Unfortunately they apparently did not interview the 4 other potential witnesses for that aprticular event in the series of stunning sighting in the area at that time that they investigated.

Basic information table:

Case number: URECAT-000430
Date of event: October 12, 1977
Earliest report of event: October 20, 1977
Delay of report: Day, weeks?
Witness reported via: Not known.
First alleged record by: N/A.
First certain record by: Military interrogation report.
First alleged record type: N/A.
First certain record type: Military interrogation report.
This file created on: January 7, 2008
This file last updated on: January 7, 2008
Country of event: Brazil
State/Department: Para
Type of location: Outside near dwelling.
Lighting conditions: Night
UFO observed: Yes
UFO arrival observed: Yes
UFO departure observed: Yes
UFO/Entity Relation: Certain
Witnesses numbers: 1 to 5
Witnesses ages: 20
Witnesses types: Not reported, or fishermen. Man, literate, primary education.
Photograph(s): No.
Witnesses drawing: Yes, not available.
Witnesses-approved drawing: Yes.
Number of entities: 2
Type of entities: Humanoid or human
Entities height: Not reported.
Entities outfit type: Not reported.
Entities outfit color: Not reported.
Entities skin color: Not reported.
Entities body: A man and a woman.
Entities head: Not reported. Earphones headset.
Entities eyes: Two, glasses, bulging.
Entities mouth: Not reported.
Entities nose: Not reported.
Entities feet: Not reported.
Entities arms: Yes, two, hands.
Entities fingers: Not reported.
Entities fingers number: Not reported.
Entities hair: Not reported.
Entities voice: None heard.
Entities actions: Were in UFO, observed witnesses, shot paralyzing ray, departure.
Entities/witness interactions: Observed witnesses, shot paralyzing ray.
Witness(es) reactions: Observed, was paralyzed.
Witness(es) feelings: Not reported.
Witness(es) interpretation: Not reported.
Explanation category: Extraterrestrial beings.
Explanation certainty: Medium.



What follows is the extracts relating to this case, from the bulky mission report from the Comando Aéreo Regional (COMAR) based in Belém, the Regional Air Command of the Brazilian Air Force, who investigated into and observed UFOS in great number in the delta of the Amazon in 1977.

The extract comes from part of the report dealing with the witnesses who had been named for example in the press and whom the COMAR team visited and interviewed.





Ao chegar ao local (SANTO ANTONIO DO TAUA), fomos informados que o Sr MANOEL JOAQUIM DE FREITAS MARQUES (contato), não reside na cidade, vem esporadicamente a S. ANTONIO DO TAUA, sendo seu domicílio na cidade de BELÉM.

Mantido contato com um informante do local (Sr ANTONIO), o qual fez un relato sucinto dos fatos que vem ocorrendo na localidade de Santo Antonio do Tauá, acompanhando os elementos da Equipe às pessoas diretamente envolvidas no assunto.

- Ouvidas as seguinte pessoas:

MANOEL ESPÍRITO SANTO, idade 20 anos, instrução primária.

DATA/HORA DA OCORRÊNCIA - 12 Out 77 às 23:30 horas.

Encontrava-se em frente a sua residência juntamente com alguns amigos (JÚLIO, PAULO, DECA e CARLITO), quando percebeu uma luz amarelada que deslocava no sentido E/W (nascente/peonte), diminuindo a velocidade e quase parando à cerca de 20m do grupo; disse que percebeu então que a "luz" era tripulada por dois elementos de aparência humana, sendo que o "homem" ocupava o lado esquerdo e la mulher o lado direito do "aparelho", ambos portavam um óculos (formato diferente) e equipamento de inter-comunicação; o elemento da esquerda levou as mãos ao "óculos" como se observasse mais atentamente ao grupo do pessoas; no mesmo instante o outro, através de um tubo existente na lateral, dirigiu um feuxe luminoso de côr vermelha em direção ao grupo; tendo sido atingido diretamente, sentiu um forte abalo (como choque elétrico) iniciando pelos pés até a cabeça; sobreveio então a paralização (imobilidade dos membros inferiores e superiores) e semi-consciência (sic). O aparelho afastou-se gradativamente aumentado a velocidade, MANOEL voltou a movimentar-se sentindo-se porém como entorpecido durante alguns minutos.


A distancia, assemelhava-se a uma estrela de côr amarelo-avermelhada; trocava a côr do amarelo claro para o vermelho, quando mais próximo, observou uma luminosidade azulada na parte frontal superior. Tem a forma de um barril, com um tubo de menor diâmetro (avermelhado) a sua frente e um outro mais fin om lateral (45°) que tem como finalidade emitir o feixe de luz azulada. Tamanho aparente 1.20/1.40 m, dá ideã de transparencia (parte luminosa azulada) com uma divisão entre seus tripulantes.

Deslocamento: subida reta com movimento ondulante (folha ao vento) até atingir determinada altura, velocidade variável (impulsos) com [??????] bruscos. [???]cida reta em ondulação tendo o tubo de maior [???] [????] como [...] virente-se depois de ganhar altura, tendo a [...] que emite uma luz azulado, o [...] durante a subida. Não produz ruido forte, sendo ouv[...]




While arriving on the location (SAINT ANTONIO DO TAUA), we were informed that Mr. MANOEL JOAQUIM DE FREITAS MARQUES (our contact) does not live in the city, comes sporadically in S. ANTONIO DO TAUA, his residence being in the town of BELÉM.

Maintained contact with an informant of the place (Mr. ANTONIO), who made a brief report of the facts which had just occurred in the locality of Saint Antonio do Tauá, accompanying the members of our Crew at the people directly involved in the events.

- The following people were heard:

MANOEL ESPÍRITO SANTO, aged 20, primary instruction.

DATE/TIME OF OCCURRENCE - October 12, 1977 at 11:30 p.m..

He was in front of his dwelling in company of some friends (JULIO, PAULO, DECA and CARLITO), when he saw a yellowish light which moved in the Est/West direction (orient/occident), decreasing its speed and almost stopping at approximately 20 meters of the group; he said that he then perceived that the "light" was manned by two entities of human appearance, a being who was the "man" occupied the left side and the woman the right side of the "apparatus", both carried glasses (of different shapes) and an intercom equipment; the entity of the left put his hands to the "glasses" as if to more attentively observe the group of people; at the same time, the other, through a tube existing in the side part, directed a luminous fire of red color in the direction of the group; when he was hit directly, he felt a strong jolt (an electric shock) which begin with the feet and to the head; then occurred the paralysis (immobility of lower and upper limbs) and the semi-consciousness (sic). The apparatus moved away while gradually increasing its speed, MANOEL moved again although he nevertheless felt like numb during a few minutes.


In the distance, it resembled a star of yellow-reddish color; it changed color from a bright yellow to the red, when nearer, a bluish luminosity was observed at the higher frontal part. It had the shape of a barrel, with a pipe of the lesser diameter (reddish) at its front and another, thinner pipe on the side (45°) which had the purpose to emit the beam of bluish light. Apparent dimension connects 1.20 / 1.40 meters, giving an idea of transparency (with the bluish luminous part) with a a split between the crew members.

Displacement: went up in straight line with undulating movement (leaf in the wind) until reaching a certain height, at variable speed (impulses) with sudden [??????] [???????] right in undulation by [?] the tube of larger [???] [????] like [...] veered after having gained height, having [...] which emits a bluish light, [...] during the rise. Does not produce a strong noise, being [...]


(Continuação do Relatório de Missão OPERACÃO PRATO - Pls. 2

Oculos: Forma protuberante.

Intercomunicadores: Par de fones, com fixador circulando a cabeça.

(Report Mission continued - OPERATION SAUCER - Pls. 2

Glasses: bulging shape.

Intercommunication: pair of earphones, with headset encircling the head.

Note: the COMAR report also contains the following drawing for the case:


Translation of the captions of the above drawing:

AMARELO VERMELHADOYellow reddish [body of craft.]
TUBO AZULADOBluish tube [under main body of craft]
LUZ VERMELHAReddish light [under main body of craft]
AZULADO TRANSPARENTE LUMINOSOBluish transparent luminous [inside of craft]
EMISSOR DE LUZ DIRIGADABeaming device [the tube that emitted the light beam.]
LOCAL: S. ANT° DO TAUALocation: Santo Antonio do Taua, state of Para
LAT, 001° 12' 30"S LONG. 048° 07' 35"WLatitude: 01°12'30" South, longitude 48° 07' 35" West
DATA: 12 OUT 77 - HORA: 23:30H.DATE: October 12, 1977 - Time: 11:30 p.m..
COND. TEMPO: PARCIALMENTE ESCOBERTOWeather conditions: partly under clouds.
DESENHO (ADAPTADO) CONFORME ORIGINAL.Drawing (adaptation) conform to the original


Tabloid journalist and UFO investigator Bob Pratt spent many times in Brazil enquiring about local cases, and met the famous former intelligence officer who led an official investigation of UFOs, Uyrange Hollanda, a retired Brazilian Air Force lieutenant colonel, a UFO witness himself.

Bob Pratt met and interviewed him in for two days at his home in Cabo Frio, Brazil in August 1997, and they together browsed many individual cases he and his team reported to Brasília. Some of the reports were obtained by Brazilian UFO researchers.

Bob Pratt says that some are bare summaries of incidents with dates and times but no names, while others name the witness and give date, time, location and other details of the encounters, and among examples he provides for the first type of reports was this one:

1. "About 11:30 on the night of October 12, 1977 in the village of Santo Antônio de Tauá, a twenty-year-old man named Manoel was standing outside his house with four friends. They saw a yellow light moving east to west, then slow down and stop about twenty meters from them. Inside the object they could see a man on the left and a woman on the right who appeared to be working controls of some kind. Then a beam of red light was directed toward the group, hitting Manoel. It was like an electrical shock that traveled all over his body from the head to his toes. He felt weak and paralyzed, and thought that for some minutes he was going to faint."

[Ref. bp2:] BOB PRATT:

Tabloid journalist and UFO investigator Bob Pratt spent many times in Brazil enquiring about local cases. He listed.

77/10/12/23:30 – Santo Antônio do Tauá – Manoel do Espirito Santo, 20, high school student, resident of Santo Antônio do Tauá (town) – Was in front of his house with some friends, Júlio, Paulo, Deca and Carlito) when he saw a yellow light moving E/W, slowing in speed and stopping about 20 meters from the group. He said he could see two crew members inside who appeared to be human, one man and a woman; the "man" was on the left side and the woman on the right side of the "apparatus"; both wore glasses (different shape) and communication gear (earphones)...the one on the left (?)... more attentively to the group of people. At the same time the other, behind a horizontal tube (?) ...directed a ray of red light toward the group; having been hit directly, it felt like an electric shock, from the feet to the head; then felt paralyzed (arms and legs immobilized) and semi-conscious. The object gradually began to move away, gaining altitude and speed. Manoel was able to move again, feeling numb for some minutes .

DESCRIPTION OF OBJECT: From a distance it seemed like a reddish-yellow star; it turned more yellow as it came closer. He observed a bluish light in the front top part. It had the shape of a barrel with a thin tube (reddish)... and another, more slender, horizontal (45 degrees) one which emitted the ray of blue light. The apparent size was 1.20 to 1.40 meters and gave the appearance of being transparent (in the bluish part) with a division between the two crew members. The movement: It climbed straight up in a wavy motion (like a leaf in the wind) until it reached a certain altitude, abruptly varying its speed (impulses)... (rest too faint to read).


Albert Rosales indicates that in Santo Antonio de Taua, Brazil, on October 12, 1977, at 11:30 p.m., a 20-year old man named Manoel was standing outside his house with four friends. They saw a yellow light moving east to west, and then slow down and stop about 20 meters from them. Inside the object they could see a man on the left and a woman on the right who appeared to be working controls of some kind. Then a beam of red light was directed toward the group, hitting Manoel. It was like an electric shock that traveled all over his body from head to toe. He felt weak and paralyzed.

Albert Rosales indicates that the source is Bob Pratt.


By Carlos Mendes
News Editor for O Liberal


Five fishermen reported to the military that they saw two beings inside the ship

An alleged close contact of the first kind between five fishermen of Colares and a ship which is said to be controlled by extraterrestrial beings reportedly occurred on October 12, 1977, at 11:30 p.m.. In the report allotted to the soldiers of the Aeronautics during "Operation Saucer", farmer Manoel Espiritu Santo, 20-year-old, of primary education, told how it all happened.

He said he was in front of his residence in company of his friends Júlio, Paulo, Deca and Carlito, when he saw a yellow light which moved in the East to West direction, decreasing its speed and almost stopping at approximately 20 meters of the group. Manoel claims to have perceived that the "light" was occupied by two people of human appearance, the being who was to be "the man" occupied the left side and the woman the right side of the "craft".

Both carried something of slightly similar to glasses on the eyes and an equipment of communication; the person of the left put her hands to the "glasses" as if to observe the group of people more attentively; at the same time the other, through a pipe in the side part, directed a ray of light of red color in the direction of the group.

When he was reached by the ray, Manoel felt a strong jolt, as if he had undergone an electric shock. The sensation went up from the feet to the head. Then occurred the paralysis of his lower and higher limbs and an semi-unconsciousness.

The apparatus moved away gradually while increasing its speed. Manoel could move again, although he still fell numb during a few minutes.

In the distance, according to Manoel, the "craft" resembled a star of yellow-reddish color; it changed color from a bright yellow to red, when it was closer, he observed a bluish luminosity at the higher frontal part. It had the cylindrical shape of a barrel, with a pipe of less diameter, reddish, at its front and another, thinner in the side part, at 45 degrees, from where the beam of bluish light was emitted. Apparent dimension from 1.20 to 1,40 meters, giving an idea of transparency - the bluish luminous part -, with a division between the crew members.

(C. M.)

Source: Newspaper O Liberal


[Other cases]

Case 6 — Five fishermen told to the military they could see two beings inside the ship. An encounter of the first kind with five fisherman of Colares and a ship with extraterrestrial beings inside would have taken place on October 12th, 1977, at 23:30. In the report the farmer called Manoel Espírito Santo, 20 years old, primary school education, told to the military what happened, during the Operation Saucer. He told he was in front of his house with his friends, Julio, Paulo, Deca and Carlito, when he noticed a yellow light moving in the rising-sunset direction. It slowed down, almost stopping by them, about 20 meters away. Manoel said he could see the light had two 'pilots'. They seemed to be human. The 'man' was at the left side and the 'woman' at the right side.

Both were wearing something similar to glasses on their eyes and had communication equipment. The man on the left rose his 'glasses', as if staring to them, and at this very moment the other pilot, using a lateral pipe, sent a red light beam to them. The moment he was hit by the light Manoel felt a strong shock, as if it was an electric shock. The sensation started on the feet and rose to his head. Then he got his legs and arms paralyzed and almost lost his consciousness. The ship went away slowly, speeding up. Manoel could move again, but felt numbness for several minutes. From far away, the ship looked like a star red-yellow colored. It changed its color from bright yellow to red and, when it was closer, he could see a bluish light on the frontal upper part. It was cylinder-shaped, like a barrel, and had a frontal smaller pipe, reddish colored, and a thinner one on its side, 45 degrees apart, where the bluish light was coming from. It had about 1.20 to 1.40 meters, seemed transparent on the bluish part and ad a division between the pilots.

To be continued...

Points to consider:

Although several points can be criticized about the incompleteness of the notes by the military investigators, it is advisable on the one hand not to be unaware of the extent of the events of the area at that time, on the other hand to remember that in the sociological and political context of Brazil in 1977, it was not such a good idea to play jokes on the military.

No known terrestrial manned flying machine exists to match the description neither in the form nor in the details - it is seen at 20 meters - and none could perform the drawn maneuvres, or beam a paralysing light from a tube in the side; no terrestrial secret aircraft able to do all this has appeared since 1977 i.e. 30 years. No official conclusion to the events was published by the Brazilian government, and no scientific authority or group outside ufology ever considered it useful to express the least interest for all that.

List of issues:

Id: Topic: Severity: Date noted: Raised by: Noted by: Description: Proposal: Status:
1 Ufology Severe January 7, 2008 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Some data is missing such as the duration of observation. Help needed. Opened.
2 Ufology Severe January 7, 2008 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross At least 4 potential additionel witnesses were not interiewed by the investigating military personal. - -
3 Ufology Severe January 7, 2008 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross The military investigators apparently omitted to indicate the date when they visited the witness. Help needed. Open.


Extraterrestrial visitors.

Sources references:

* = Source I checked.
? = Source I am told about but could not check yet. Help appreciated.

Document history:


Main Author: Patrick Gross
Contributors: None
Reviewers: None
Editor: Patrick Gross

Changes history

Version: Created/Changed By: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross January 7, 2008 Creation, [co1], [bp1], [bp2], [ar1], [bu1], [ag1].
1.0 Patrick Gross January 7, 2008 First published.

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This page was last updated on January 7, 2008