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ALSACAT is my comprehensive catalog of UFO sighting reports in Alsace, the region is the North-East of France, whether they are "explained" or "unexplained".

The ALSACAT catalog is made of case files with a case number, summary, quantitative information (date, location, number of witnesses...), classifications, all sources mentioning the case with their references, a discussion of the case in order to evaluate its causes, and a history of the changes made to the file. A general index and thematic sub-catalogs give access to these Alsatian case files.

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Case of Sentheim, on April 15 or 17, 2012:

Case number:



"Manu" testified on two UFO websites of his observation on April 15 or 17, 2012, at 05:15 a.m., at the stadium of Sentheim in Alsace, in the Doller Valley.

He was going home after work, and at the exit of the village of Lauw he saw a plane in the distance. When he had crossed Sentheim and arrived at the football stadium, this plane flew above him, visible, slightly to his right through his windshield.

At the same time, he saw a red moon crescent about one kilometer away from the plane, on its left, and he figured the pilot of the plane must have seen it too. When the plane passed next to the "half moon", it became orange at its ends, white inside and started to follow the plane, but less quickly.

He tried to capture it with his cell phone, but said that "the quality is bad."

He tried to continue observing it as he was entering Guéwenheim.

He then thought it could have been a comet or satellite falling, but that was not it.

The light slowed down or accelerated repeatedly, sometimes hidden by trees or houses.

Once out of Guéwenheim, he found that the object accelerated. He lost sight of it when he arrived at the road traffic radar located one kilometer after leaving the village.

He sent a message to a colleague, asking if he had noticed anything unusual. The colleague said that he saw nothing unusual, there was only the moon.

He continued to drive for eight kilometers trying to see the phenomenon again, but without success, although he noted the presence of open areas where according to him one can see for forty kilometers away.

Arrived at the entrance to his village, he again saw it by looking through the left window.

There were thin clouds in the East. A red light began to grow, shrink, change its color to orange and then white, and little by little, it went away to Germany, at 05:30 a.m.; this latter observation took seconds.

His colleague then called to tell him he had seen "something crazy towards Germany" as he was going home to Mulhouse.

"Manu" said he had followed the light for five minutes on about eight kilometers overall.

The next day, he asked some colleagues if they had seen something. Some replied they saw nothing, and others told him that the moon had seemed odd.

He said the sky was clear with few clouds over Germany that night.

He thinks it might be a man-made device, someone may have been able to build an antigravity craft "of John Searltype, or Nicolas Tesla or whatever," or maybe it was something else.

By his testimony he wanted to know if other people had seen it.


Temporal data:

Date: April 15 or 17, 2012
Time: 05:15 a.m.
Duration: 5 minutes.
First known report date: 2012
Reporting delay: Day, weeks.

Geographical data:

Department: Haut-Rhin
City: Sentheim, Guéwenheim
Place: From car driving on the road from Sentheim to Guéwenheim and on, UFO in the sky.
Latitude: 47.755
Longitude: 7.059
Uncertainty radius: 0 m

Witnesses data:

Number of alleged witnesses: 2
Number of known witnesses: 1
Number of named witnesses: 0
Witness(es) ages: Young adults or adults.
Witness(es) types: Male.

Ufology data:

Reporting channel: Two reports to ufology websites.
Type of location: From car driving on road between villages, UFO in the sky.
Visibility conditions: Night
UFO observed: Yes
UFO arrival observed: No
UFO departure observed: Yes
Entities: No
Photographs: Failed attempt.
Sketch(s) by witness(es): No.
Sketch(es) approved by witness(es): No.
Witness(es) feelings: Puzzled.
Witnesses interpretation: Maybe an antigravity manmade craft.


Hynek: NL
ALSACAT: Possible red moon, then possible airliner on landing approach.




04/15/2012 - (Dep.68) - Orange colored Moon crescent

Date: 04/15/2012

Department: 68 (Haut-Rhin)

Localization: sentheim

Hour: 05:15

Numbers [sic] of witnesses: 2 people

Type of observation: NL: Nocturnal Lights

Approximat [dic] duration of the observation: 7 minutes

What was seen: orange colored moon crescent

Description of the facts:

hello ... I came home from work arrivd at the lauw exit direction sentheim isee a plane in the distance .. I cross sentheim..exit sentheim i watch theplane go over me virtually.. their i also see a moon crescent orange colored its seemed odd at the time..i hd never seen it like this.. when the planeis passed nearby the object change shape to half moon and followed the plane..i tink that the pilots must have also seen it... from my angle the object was to be the same height or igher..i was first curious then shocked then to see it move ... at Guewenheim i'd get the impression that its fallin into the village... i thought of a satellite ... but no in guewenheim the object was sometimes hidden by house..fir was not very high ... out of town it asended i lost it on radar ... i sent a message to a colleague if he had also see it.. answers me exept the moon crescent he saw nothing abnormal ... from burnaupt to balchwiller i have observed it everywhere thinking i lost it..arrivd at the entry of balchwiller i see it again on the side of mulhouse behind a low cloud veil ... small orange light became white and turned red and disappeared... my colleague of mulhouse tell me that he saw it on the side o germany it was an piloted object according to me ... i followed it that morning at least for 5 minutes i m interested recently in astronomy but i have enough knowledge to say that it was n not something natural...



First of all I want to say that the object I saw may be a machine created by man.

I look for people who would have seen it too.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 5:15 at the stadium of Sentheim in Alsace, Doller valley, I came home from work, was at the exit of the village of Lauw and saw a plane in the distance.

I crossed Sentheim and arrived at the football stadium, the plane passed over me. I saw it through my windshield, slightly to my right.

At the same time, I saw a distant red moon crescent about one kilometer up the plane, on its left, which made me think that the pilot had seen it too. When the plane missed the "half moon" it became orange at its ends, white inside and started to follow the plane, but less quickly.

I tried to film it with my cellphone, but the quality is bad. I tried to continue observing entering Guewenheim. I thought it could have been a comet or satellite falling, but that was not it. This light slowed down or accelerated several times, sometimes hidden by trees or houses.

Once out of town, I found that the object was accelerating. I lost sight of it when I arrived at the radar station which is one kilometer after leaving the village.

I sent a message to a work colleague to see if he had noticed anything unusual. He replied that no, there was only the moon. I continued to drive for eight kilometers to try to see the phenomenon, but without success, although there are open areas where one can see about forty kilometers away.

Arrived at the entrance to my village, I looked out my window and it was left there again!

There were thin clouds on the east side. A red light began to grow, shrink, to turn orange and then white. Gradually it disappeared to Germany.

My colleague then called me and said he had seen something crazy towards Germany, as he was returning to Mulhouse.

I asked some colleagues the next day if they had seen something. Some answered me no and others told me that the moon seemed strange to them.

That night the sky was clear with few clouds over Germany.

I think that either someone managed to manufacture an antigravity machine of the John Searl type, Nicolas Tesla or another, or it's something else. Then again I followed that light for five minutes on about eight kilometers, and then saw it reappear some seconds around 05:30 and go away to Germany.

Thank you to those who also would have also seen it to confirm this. ( - we will forward)


Manu (Haut-Rhin - France)


This website republished the [gri1] source above, with reference to this source.


City Date and hour of observation General shape
General color
SENTHEIM tuesday 17 April 2012 at 05:15 Luminous spot
Several colors
Unsolved -lack of info



First, let's forget the so-called human antigravity craft "à la" John Searl ( and also the great Nikola Tesla who never flew anything, having been absorbed about electricty and not antigravity.

The story on [ofe1] is misspelled and misspunctuated, the story on [gri1] is more correct; it turns out that GREPI corrects misspells in testimony they receive, for better readability.

The path of the witness is relatively clear: he comes from Lauw, saw the plane at the exit of Sentheim, entered Guéwenheim and continued on to his own village:


The course is about 99 degrees on average. Mulhouse and Germany are almost in continuation of this trip, just a little further north. From the exit of Sentheim to the exit of Guéwenheim, there are about 3.7 kilometers by road, so the witness continued further on for 5 kilometers to his village - which is did not name. This means potential sharp turns after the exit of Guéwenheim.

It is obvious that one can think of a "red moon" with apparent manoeuvers due to the turns of the road; so it was appropriate to check for the possible presence and the position of the moon on that date, this hour and in this place.

Note a date problem: in [ofe1], the witness said it was April 15, 2012, in [gri1] it becomes April 17, 2012. The correct date is probably the first; but let's just check the position of the moon on the two dates. Unfortunately, neither "UFO-France" nor the GREPI indicate the date of receipt of the reports they publish.

On April 15, 2012, seen from Sentheim, the moon was at 130°, ie forward and slightly to the right of the driver. It was at an elevation of 19°.

On April 17, 2012, seen from Sentheim, the moon was at 111°, almost in front just a bit to the right of the driver. It was at an elevation of 14°.

Thus in both cases, it was present, visible by the driver, and low on the horizon, particularly on the 17th.

In support of the explanation by a red moon, we have the testimony of the friend in Mulhouse who sees "only" the moon, and colleagues who told the next day that the moon had been "weird" - by its color perhaps?

We are left with the end of observation by the driver and his friend, the "crazy thing" and the "red light" that "began to swell, shrink, to turn orange and then white" and left "gradually to Germany." It does not look like a red moon, but it could have been an airliner approaching the Basel-Mulhouse airport, which could have shown variously its light by veering over Mulhouse (*). The witness actually saw a plane go over him at the exit of Sentheim...

I'm obviously not certain that this scenario is correct. But before concluding that this was a "real UFO" or alien craft or whatever, it would be wise to eliminate it with sound arguments.

(*) Such as the Easyjet flight from Istanbul landing at 05:30 a.m. on the 15th and the 17th.


Possible red moon, then possible airliner on landing approach.

Sources references:

* = Source is available to me.
? = Source I am told about but could not get so far. Help needed.

File history:


Main author: Patrick Gross
Contributors: None
Reviewers: None
Editor: Patrick Gross

Changes history:

Version: Create/changed by: Date: Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross June 20, 2015 Creation, [ofe1], [gri1], [rnc1], [spa1].
1.0 Patrick Gross June 20, 2015 First published.

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This page was last updated on June 20, 2015.