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ALSACAT is my comprehensive catalog of UFO sighting reports in Alsace, the region is the North-East of France, whether they are "explained" or "unexplained".

The ALSACAT catalog is made of case files with a case number, summary, quantitative information (date, location, number of witnesses...), classifications, all sources mentioning the case with their references, a discussion of the case in order to evaluate its causes, and a history of the changes made to the file. A general index and thematic sub-catalogs give access to these Alsatian case files.

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Case of the Ungersberg, on February 12, 2008:

Case number:



On the defunct UFO website "Le Journal de l'Ufologie", there was apparently a testimony picked up on a UFO forum, about an observation in Alsace on February 12, 2008, at 06:50 p.m..

Someone claiming to be named "Po Go", redisent of a village in the center of Alsace, in the mountains, had gone out to put his car in, when he saw a usual plane take the turn above the Ungersberg to engage in the axis of the Entzheim airport strip.

Immediately, his eyes were drawn to a "headlight" that came to cross the path of the aircraft, a very curious route for him because he said the planes take only very rarely the "east south east" direction.

Intrigued, he got his binoculars from his car, and was then surprised that the thing had no flashing lights signaling the right side in green and the left side in red, and it also had no white beacon on the tail.

He very quickly thought about a satellite, but decided it was unlikely because the thing was too big. He noted that the binoculars showed nothing to help make sense of what he was watching.

There was no noise or sounds that might indicate an airplane or helicopter.

The thing went quickly, just like the planes do. He found it difficult to indicate an altitude, except that the plane was at about 1500 meters and the thing had passed above the plane.

The testimony was republished in 2008 in the bulletin of the Alsatian ufology association SPICA; who provided the explanation: this witness had seen was the ISS, the International Space Station.


Temporal data:

Date: February 12, 2008
Time: 06:50 p.m.
Duration: ?
First known report date: May 2008
Reporting delay: Hours, 4 months.

Geographical data:

Department: Haut-Rhin
City: ?
Place: From outside the home in a small mountain village near the Ungersberg, UFO in the sky.
Latitude: 48.309
Longitude: 7.343
Uncertainty radius: 10 km

Witnesses data:

Number of alleged witnesses: 1
Number of known witnesses: 1
Number of named witnesses: 0
Witness(es) ages: Young adult, adult or aged.
Witness(es) types: Male.

Ufology data:

Reporting channel: By the web to the UFO forum "Réseau National Civil de Surveillance du Ciel".
Type of location: From outside home in mountain village, UFO in the sky.
Visibility conditions: Night
UFO observed: Yes
UFO arrival observed: No
UFO departure observed: ?
Entities: No
Photographs: No.
Sketch(s) by witness(es): No.
Sketch(es) approved by witness(es): No.
Witness(es) feelings: ?
Witnesses interpretation: Not a plane, not a helicopter, too big to be a satellite.


Hynek: NL




Alsace -Mardi 12 février 2008 - à 18h50

Transmis par RNCSC

Source Lejdu

Je m'appelle Po Go, j'habite un village dans le centre Alsace ,dans la montagne, et ce soir, le 12/02/08 à 18h50 je vais pour rentrer ma voiture, à ce moment je vois comme habituellement un avion prendre le virage au dessus de l'Ungersberg pour prendre l'axe de la piste d'Entzheim et aussitôt je suis attiré du regard par un "phare" qui vient croisant la route de l'avion, route très curieuse car très rarement des avions vont dans cette direction est sud est intrigué je prends les jumelles qui sont dans ma voiture et là, curieusement, pas de fe~ clignotants signalant le côté droit en vert et à gauche en rouge ainsi qu'un feu blanc en queue. Je pense très vite à un satellite mais je doute car le feu est très gros, aux jumelles rien ne me donne des points précis pour donner du sens à ce que je vois, de plus il n'y a pas de bruit ou des sons qui pourraient indiquer un avion, un hélicoptère. Le feu passe assez vite comme les avions que je peux voir, l'altitude est difficile à dire sinon que l'avion passe à environ 1500m ~t ce feu passe au-dessus de l'avion.

NDLR : Le témoin a observé le passage de 1'ISS


City Date and hour of observation General shape
General color
UNKNOWN-LOCATION Tuesday 12 February 2008 at 06:50 p.m. luminous dot



The witness dids not indicate his place of residence, but he must have been somewhere in or near the Val-de-Villé to take as a lamdmarks the Ungersberg and Strasbourg-Entzheim airport, and to be in a small moutain village in the center of Alsace.



Sources references:

* = Source is available to me.
? = Source I am told about but could not get so far. Help needed.

File history:


Main author: Patrick Gross
Contributors: None
Reviewers: None
Editor: Patrick Gross

Changes history:

Version: Create/changed by: Date: Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross September 13, 2015 Creation, [spa1], [spa4].
1.0 Patrick Gross September 13 First published.

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This page was last updated on September 13, 2015.