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Date:November 24, 1896
Place:Red Bluff, California

"Tuesday, December 24 [1896]" ... "The mysterious air ship travels in ... Red Bluff ..." [1]

"The cities where observations of the airship were reported after the 23 [of November 1896] include... Red Bluff... " "As for the exact nature of the mysterious light, most of the reports were vague, mentioning only one brilliant light in the Western sky early in the evening, indicating possible confusion with planet Venus. Reported speeds of the light were slow, and if one considers the testimony of a certain number of witnesses who said the light moved in an undulating manner, this could indicate that some sightings were due to balloons equipped with lanterns pushed by the wind. Part of the witnesses said that they saw something large supporting the light but very few details were indicated. The terms the most commonly used to describe the "carrying structure" were: "dark body", "blurry mass", "the shape of a cigar", "egg-shaped", and "barrel shaped". [2]

November 25, 1896 Oakland (CA) Tribune
"YOU CAN'T MISS IT. / Just Look at the Sky and You Will See the Airship. / SO SAY THE CREDULOUS. / It Was in Red Bluff and Also Oakland Last Night. / EXPERIENCES ARE RELATED. / All Sorts of Rumors Are Floating About the Town."

November 25, 1896 San Jose (CA) Daily Herald
THAT AIRSHIP / Passed Over Red Bluff Last Evening / Statement of Credible Witnesses as to What They Saw."

November 25, 1896 Seattle (WA) Times
"THAT AIRSHIP / Again Startles the People of Red Bluff."

November 25, 1896 Stockton (CA) Evening Mail
"The airship craze has broken out at Red Bluff." [3]


  • [1] "La chronique des OVNIS", book by Michel Bougard, Delarge publisher, 1977.
  • [2] Article by Loren Gross in "The mammoth encyclopedia of extraterrestrial encounters", compiled by Ronald D. Story, Robinson publisher, 2001.
  • [3] "The mystery airship log", newspaper articles listing,
Notes:Insufficient information.
Explanation:Could be anything.


Type of report:Second hand from local newspaper.
Number of witnesses:Several.
Number of named witnesses:0.
Witnesses occupations:Not indicated.
Type of location:Not indicated.
Coordinates:Lat. 40.18 N Long. 122.24 W
Coordinates precision:10 kilometers.
Description of "UFO":Not indicated.
Description of "manoeuvers":Not indicated.
Reactions:Not indicated.
Occupants keywords:N/A
Weather:Not indicated.
Observation devices:None.
Explanation(s) at the time:Venus, Jupiter.

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This page was last updated on January 24, 2006