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October 16, 1954, Courcelles-sous-Moyencourt, Somme:

Reference for this case: 16-Oct-54-Courcelles-sous-Moyencourt.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


The regional newspaper Nord-Matin, in the Arras issue for October 19, 1954, reported that on October 16, 1954, around 7:15 p.m., Mr. Dewint, farmer in Courcelles-sous-Moyencourt, traveling on National Route 29, had seen a luminous disc which seemed to land in the plain, at a great distance.

He had alerted Mr. Delattre, farmer at Fossé-Bleuet, who in turn could see this "rosy glow".

The two men, by car, had tried to reach the "craft", but the road network did not allow them to constantly keep it in sight and they eventully gave up.

Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme for October 19, 1954, also, rreported the same thing.




Saucers seen
in Amiens and at different places
of the department

Saturday around 9:30 p.m., a waiter going to take his service at Pré-Porus, Mr. Roger Anquetil, saw while he was following rue de Verdun, a ball emitting an intense red light and followed by a long luminous trail. The apparition, which only lasted a few seconds, moved from East to West. However, given the altitude of the craft and the lack of visibility caused by the fog, Mr. Anquetil was unable to provide a detailed description.

At the same time, Mrs. Fournier, who was in front of the garage operated by her husband at Place du Marché aux Chevaux, claims to have seen, at low altitude, a craft which spun at a prodigious speed. Is it the same one who made a turn and dived on Amiens?

This new witness states that the craft emitted no noise, but that it has an exhaust giving off sparks.

The weird craft consisted of a disc swollen in its center resembling two plates (one covering the other) and encircled with a milky white light. The craft disappeared in the direction of Poix.

It is precisely in this region that, around 7:15 p.m., Mr. Dewint, farmer at Courcelles-sous-Moyencourt, had his attention drawn as he drove on R. N. 29, by a luminous disc which seemed to land on the plain, at a great distance. He alerted Mr. Delattre, farmer at Fossé-Bleuet, who in turn could see this "rosy glow" and the two men, in the car, tried to reach the craft, but the network of roads did not allow them to follow it with the eyes constantly and they finally had to give up.



Red ball, white plates,
pink disc... running at high speed
crossed the Picardy sky

Saturday around 9:30 p.m., a waiter going to take his service at Pré-Porus, Mr. Roger Anquetil, saw, as he followed rue de Verdun, a ball emitting an intense red light and followed by a long luminous trail.

The apparition, which only lasted a few seconds, moved from East to West. However, given the altitude of the craft and the lack of visibility caused by the fog, Mr. Anquetil could not provide a detailed description.

At the same time, Mrs. Fournier who was in front of the garage which her husband operates at the place du Marché aux Chevaux, claims to have seen, at low altitude, a craft which spun at a prodigious speed. Is it the same who would have made a turn and dived on Amiens.

This new witness declared that the craft did not emit any noise but that it had an exhaust giving off sparks "as when a car valve closes badly."

The curious apparatus consisted of a disc swollen in its center resembling two plates, like neon.

And before neighbors alerted by the witness were able to leave their home, the craft had disappeared at a prodigious speed, the approximate direction of Poix.

It is precisely in this region that, around 7:15 p.m., Mr. Dewint, farmer in Courcelle-sous-Moyencourt had his attention drawn to a luminous disc, which seemed to land on the plain, at a great distance. He alerted Mr. Delattre, farmer at Fosse-Bleuet who in turn could see this "pinkish glow."

The two men, by car, tried to reach the craft but the road network did not allow them to constantly follow it with their eyes and they finally had to give up without result.

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19541016 16.10.1954 Courcelles France NL



Totally insufficient information.

That day, around 09:30 p.m., a big meteor was observed, including in this region, and that could be the explanation of this sighting.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Courcelles-sous-Moyencourt, Somme, night, luminous


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
1.0 Patrick Gross March 2, 2017 First published.
1.1 Patrick Gross November 25, 2019 Addition of the Summary. Explanations changed, were "Not looked for yet."
1.2 Patrick Gross May 12, 2020 Addition [nmn1]. Place changed, was "Courcelles, Territoire de Belfort". Summary changed, was "A German web database of UFO sighting reports indicated in the 2010's that there was an observaton of the "Nocturnal Light" type on October 4, 1954, in Courcelle in France. No other information and no source were provided."
1.3 Patrick Gross June 27, 2020 Addition [jpc1]. In the Summary, addition of the paragraph "Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme..."

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This page was last updated on June 27, 2020.