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UFOs in the daily Press:

The 1954 French flap in the Press:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper Nord-Matin, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France, pages 1 et 10, le 15 octobre 1954.


Descended from a mysterious craft
a diver,
with huge, small eyes,
appeared to a
former Toulouse aviator

Toulouse. -- A small diver with a big head compared to the body, huge eyes, such is the description given by a Toulouse resident, Mr. Olivier, of a mysterious character, coming down from a spherical object which had just landed at 7:35 p.m., on a vacant lot.

Mr. Olivier, owner of the Javel-Neto establishments, rue des Fontaines, in Toulouse, was accompanied by an employee, Mr. Perano, and a young boy of about fifteen. All three saw the luminous object, spherical in shape and reddish in color. Then, [they] saw the figure coming towards them, whose suit, according to witnesses, shone like glass.

The mysterious individual, measuring approximately 1.20 m., protruded by the head and therefore had to bend to enter it.

One of the witnesses assured that the saucer was surrounded by iridescent reflections and emitted around it a light mist. He added that having wanted to approach, he had been held at about twenty meters by a paralyzing force and that, when the spacecraft rose in the sky, he was violently thrown to the ground.

Subsequently, Mr. Olivier, a former aviation pilot, drew in chalk, in a striking manner, on a door, the diver. "I didn't believe it," added Mr. Perano, "but I saw it like I see you. It is quite a shock."

After a very short time, about a minute, the diver returned to the luminous sphere, which flew away vertically, silently, and disappeared into the sky at a prodigious speed, leaving a trail of fire.


A torpedo in Montluçon

For his part, Mr. Laugère, from Montluçon, was leaving his work and crossing the tracks near a S.N.C.F. bridge, when he saw a metallic object placed a short distance from a diesel tank intended for the railcar supply. Beside the apparatus, which was in the shape of a torpedo and could be four meters long, was a man covered in hair, unless he was dressed in a long-hait

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coat. Mr. Laugère, surprised, asked him what he was doing. The stranger replied in unintelligible terms, but the railwayman though he distinguished the words "diesel", however.

Mr. Laugère did not ask for more and went to alert his comrades. No sooner had they made 100 meters than he saw the craft rise vertically, without any noise. It soon disappeared from view. Only the fear of the irony of his comrades had prevented him from telling his adventure; which dates back to Sunday evening.

Seven tiny beings
and weird seeds

Several hunters in the town of Saint-Ambroix (Gard) have recently seen seven tiny beings whose shape vaguely recalled that of a human body. When they tried to approach, the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent object, which flew away immediately.

At the place where the pilots of the flying saucer were, the hunters discovered on the ground a number of seeds of bizarre appearance, which they had examined by seed makers. The latter were unable to classify them in a known species.

The army says "No"

As a result of the investigation which had been opened by the military authority, after the publication of information announcing that the soldiers charged of the handling of a headlight installed at the Metz fair, had seen, and Sunday evening, a mysterious luminous circle, the military governor published the following press release:

"It is reported in the press about the observation of unknown craft by a post of the antiaircraft forces deployed at the Fair-Exhibition of Metz. It is not necessary to take into account this information in this particular case."

Note that the military authorities rarely recognized the existence of these saucers, even if the testimony of many and often serious people are sometimes very disturbing.

Plants endowed with reason

"The pilots of the "flying saucers" are plants endowed with reason" - such is the theory which exposed to a correspondent of Agence France-Presse professor Hermann Oberth, inventor and builder of the famous "V 2" rocket.

According to the German scientist, the "Uranids" (this is the name he named these plants with) are thousands of years ahead of Earth men, both in terms of their spiritual development and their technique. The homeland of Uranids is a planet where there is no oxygen in the gaseous state; which prohibits the development of animal life. Plants, on the other hand, get the oxygen they need from the oxides in the soil.

This planet would be outside the solar system, but the mysterious craft in which intelligent plants travel could move at a speed close to that of light (200,000 km per second).

Those of these craft seen above the Earth would be responsible for monitoring the progress of Earth's humanity in the atomic sciences, because these advances "represent a danger for the whole Cosmos."

Two jet planes
are chasing
a saucer

MARSEILLE. - In the sky of Vaucluse, two jet planes chased a flying saucer.

Around 2 p.m., in Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, yesterday afternoon, two children signaled in the sky a white disc surmounted by a spherical cap. This craft that part of the population was able to see for a long time launched two powerful fires, varying from white to purplish.

Alerted, the Caritat air base sent two jet planes. Shortly after, the airmen announced by radio: "We spotted the craft which escaped at a speed higher than that of our aircraft."

The vision of the craft lasted nearly ten minutes above Fontaine-de-Vaucluse.

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