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UFOs in the daily Press:

The following article was published in the newspaper La Cronica, Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina, on November 7, 2002.

74-year old resident, native of Catamarca, claims being taken to the Moon


Caleta Olivia (news agency) -- A man claims having sustained contact with beings from other worlds. As stated above, he claims that there is a tunnel on the Moon through which alien spacecraft can pass.

Ramón Barraza was born in Tinogasta, Catamarca Province, is 74 years old and has lived in our city for over 50 years, currently retired from the YPF corporation, defining himself as a kind of mediator between "Jesus, the Virgin Mary and the community."

Through this newspaper, he retold his discovery, which he considered of vital importance for the community, stating that his mother prepared him for the task when he was only 15 and still living in his native province. She urged him to sleep on straw instead of on a matress, and he did not understand at the time the reason for her request. Today, after meditating on that period of his life, he concludes that this mother was preparing him to be a mediator.

He said that he is visited by Jesus and the Virgin on a daily basis. The first time they appeared was during the tragedy of the Hudson volcano. The divinities offer hints about different matters of interest to community, always without speaking.

Continuing his story, he explained that aside from our own world there are two more. The second one is occupied by beings having characteristics almost identical to humans, with some differences in overall anatomy and lacking hair. He showed a photograph of a drawing he made. He also pointed out that he could see alien craft shrinking in size as they enter the lunar tunnel, adding that beings from other worlds addressed him to step aside from the vehicles in transit. He remarked that [the objects] have a reddish light. The tunnel, he continued, is divided in two: the first part is known as B1 and is located on the visible side of the Moon. The second, B2, is on the lunar dark side and spacecraft meet in the middle on their way to space.

After all these explanations, he drafted a document which took nearly 5 years to complete, setting down all of his discoveries and adding new concepts as these are disclosed to him.

On a table in his dwelling, as well as in his back yard, he has several sanctuaries and various stones visited by persons from different communities. He demonstrated that with these it was possible to observe the Virgin and Jesus in different stages of their lives. He further added that before going to bed each night he asks: "Jesus and Mary, are you there?" and at that time a small light illuminates in the ceiling as a response.

Translation © 2002 Scott Corrales IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez.

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This page was last updated on November 8, 2002.