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UFOs in the daily Press:

Unidentified 8-cm-long creature found in Chile, 2002:

This article was published in the daily newspaper El Tiempo, Bogota, Chile, on October 25, 2002.

Information on this case here.

Mysterious tiny creature causes commotion in Chile

Santiago [AFP] - Still dying, the skeletal creature of hardly eight centimeters length, with four legs, of species unknown, constantly moved one of its eyes, which are located in the flanks [of its head].

In addition, the strange creature refused to accepts any water or food during eight days, and when it died it mummified rapidly.

The tiny beast lived eight days after being found by a boy in the locality of Las Lagunas, 500 km to the south of Santiago.

The corpse of this rarity has a large head, out of proportion to the body, the eyes are in the flanks [of its head], it has a heavy neck and four legs.

Veterinarian Pedro Katán, who examined it, declared himself unable to establish what species of animal it could be. This led a group of UFO fan to suggest that it may be an extraterrestrial being from a UFO, according to the local newspaper "El Mercurio."

It was also discarded that it is a human fetus, because of the different skull bones that are welded to each other, said to the AFP the medical surgeon Mario Dussuel, who had it in his hands.

Dussuel, who is also a psychiatrist, doesn't think that there is any deceit involved in the finding of the animal.

"I interrogated the family together and I spoke separately with each member and I did not find signs of lies, contradictions or exageration. There is no evidence that exists to suggest they are seeking compensation or benefit", he added.

"It is now necessary to place the creature under observation via electronic microscopy, histology or examination of its DNA", Dussuel commented.

Note: Dr. Mario Dussuel is a psychiatrist and long time member of the private ufology group Comite de Estudios de Fenomenos Aereos Anomalos (CEFAA, Committee for the study of Anomalous Aerial Phenomenon). He is well known for his research in the field of alleged abductions by aliens.

Original Spanish text:

Misteriosa criatura diminuta causa conmoción en Chile

Santiago [AFP] - Todavía agonizante, la esquelética criatura de apenas ocho centímetros de alto y de cuatro patas, de especie desconocida, movía constantemente uno de sus ojos, los que tenía en los costados.

Además, la extraña criatura no quiso aceptar agua ni comida durante ocho días y ya muerta se momificó con rapidez.

El bicho vivió ocho días después de ser recogido por un niño en la localidad de Las Lagunas, 500 km al sur de Santiago.

El cadáver del raro ser tiene una cabeza grande, desproporcionada al cuerpo, ojos en los costados, cuello grueso y cuatro patas.

El veterinario Pedro Katán, que lo examinó, se declaró incapaz de establecer de qué especie animal podría tratarse, y agrupaciones aficionadas a los Ovnis dijeron que no es un ser terrestre, según refirió el diario "El Mercurio."

También se descarta que sea un feto humano, pues los distintos huesos craneanos están soldados entre sí, dijo a la AFP el médico cirujano Mario Dussuel, quien lo tuvo en sus manos.

Dussuel, que también es psiquiatra, no cree que se trate de un engaño.

"Interrogué a la familia junta y hablé con cada miembro por separado y no encontré signos de un montaje, mentiras, contradicciones o mitomanía. Tampoco existe algún interés de recompensa o beneficio," agregó el profesional.

"No queda más que someter la criatura a observaciones de microscopía electrónica, histología o exámenes de ADN," comentó Dussuel.

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This page was last updated on October 28, 2002.