This article was published in the daily newspaper El Mundo, of Caracas, Venezuela, August 10, 1967.
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By Fructuoso Pernia
An unidentified flying object, of yellow color and ovoid form that produced a deaf noise was seen last night by numerous neighbors of the Florida sector of San Rafael, moving at low altitude by the Hill of Avila, in an East-West direction.
The first to observe the strange apparatus were Doña Magdalena de Padua, servant of the sage Egigdio Montesinos and wife of the Industrialist Said Padua, who was in company of her daughters Dilcia and Vivian.
The exact hour registered by the mentioned ladies was the 8.05 minutes at night, time when Dominican Fathers told of the appearance of the phenomenon to the Reverend, who have a house facing the residence of the Padua family.
Among the Fathers, who saw the peculiar object with greater precision, was Brother Santiago, who stated to "El Mundo" that it had a rather orange color with intermittent emissions of red lights and a noise like that of a rocket. Apparently - the Brother says - the apparatus was quite big, because when it flew very low, it had the size like a giant advertising sign of a gaseous drink that is exhibited in the University Stadium.
Other people, resident in the Caribbean Urbanization area, in Caraballeda, facing the ill-fated Charaima mansion, also observed the strange apparatus, moments before, in a fast ascending movement, it was lost from sight above the sector of Avila.
Por Fructuoso Pernia
Un objeto volador no identificado, de color amarillo y forma ovoidal que producia un ruido sordo, fue visto anoche por numerosos vecinos del sector San Rafael de La Florida, desplazandose a poca altura por el Cerro de Avila, en direccion Este-Oeste.
Los Primeros en observar el extraño aparato fueron doña Magdalena de Padua, biznieta del sabio Egigdio Montesinos y esposa del Industrial Said Padua, qui se hallaba en compañia de sus hijas Dilcia y Vivian.
La hora exacta registrada por las damas mencionadas fue las 8.05 minutos de la noche, momento cuando participaron la aparicion del fenomeno a los Reverendos Padres Dominicos, que tienen una casa frente a la residencia de la familia Padua.
Entre los padres, el que aprecio el curioso objeto con mayor precision fue el Hermano Santiago, quien declaro para "El Mundo" que aquel era de color bastante anaranjado con emisiones intermitente de luces rojas y un ruido como de cohete. Al parecer - dice el Hermano - el aparato era bastante grande, pues cuando volaba mas bajo, tenia un tamaño como el aviso gigante de une bebida gaseosa que se exhibe en el Stadium Universitario.
Otras personas, residenciadas en la Urbanizacion Caribe, en Caraballeda, frente a la siniestrada mansion Charaima, tambien observaron el extraño aparato, momentos antes ed que aquel, en un movimiento asdendente de perdia en la fuerte nu bosidad del Avila.