See also: Report: Are UFOs an Air Safety Hazard? An introductory article.
CONCORDE:This official British Airways film, was taken in June 1976 during one of Concorde's test flights over southern England. The video depicts a strange white light or probe type object, which seems to descend from above Concorde to below the aircraft and then back up again in front of the fuselage. What makes it puzzling is the fact that the light goes vertically downwards all whilst Concorde is travelling horizontally and at great speed. However, a later analysis of the images presented in a UFO documentary indicated that the small object was really a relfection of sunlight within the camera lenses. The camera has an image stabilizer, which produced the effect of an apparent independant move of the reflection. |
UK 1966:Filmed by the Allfields, a British couple who were flying over the middle of England at the time in an aircraft during 1966. The file is played once at normal speed and then in slow motion so that you can get a good look at what actually occurs. The slow motion replay clearly shows the Zeppelin or cigar shaped UFO flying alongside the aircraft before performing an impossible "U" turn in a third of a second. A feat well beyond our aviation ability at that time suggesting technology way beyond our own. |
BELGIUM UFO FLAP TRIANGLE UFO:A second and larger clip of the Belgium Triangle taken during the Belgium mass UFO sightings of March 30th-31st 1990.The clip was recorded by shopkeeper Marcel Alfarano at approximately 2:20 am. He stated that he was then contacted by Government officials and advised to report the sighting as an aircraft. This object apparently was first spotted and reported to the authorities as it was moving across the Belgian countryside and also was observed hovering silently over a remote farm for about 20 minutes. There were many many eyewitnesses to this particular incident and about 800 separate investigation reports were submitted by various witnesses and very credible sources. |
NELLIS TEST RANGE 1994:This video has been leaked from the Nellis Test Range secret military base in Nevada by military personal who decided to stay anonymous, as they worked within the base's security team. The UFO was taped on military cameras and shows a mysterious object which change shapes and move around erratically. At one point, the object is seen to cover 13 miles in just 6 seconds, making extensive changes in velocity and performing maneuvres that no aircraft, that we know of on this planet, are capable of doing even with today's technology. |
AIRMISS OVER KENT:Recorded by Jerry Anderson, ( of the UFOMEK group in the Kent area of the UK. The footage was captured on 16/09/97, between Canterbury and Dover, Kent at approx. 06:30 am. As Jerry was filming a few passenger aircraft overflying his home, he managed to catch a strange pod-like UFO next to one of the contrails left by a passing aircraft. As he zoomed in on the anomaly, he captured the UFO on film as it passed through the contrail and he estimated the object to be at least 22000 ft up due to contrails being formed. He then fixed the camera to a tripod to see if the object was still moving, only to capture the UFO going up at about 45 degrees after hovering for a short while. He tried to contact various air companies to see if any near collisions with their aircraft had been reported but drew no response. |
UNKNOWN AIR MISS:The location of this clip and details are unknown to me. One of many close encounters captured on film, between UFOs and normal air traffic of various kinds. As the aircraft passes overhead, the camera seems to zero in to an anomalous pod-like object as it hovers in the sky. |
UNKNOWN AIR MISS:Another unknown clip from what seems to be the same location as the above piece of film. Again, what appears to be a large helicopter passes overhead and again, the camera pans round and picks up the white pod-like anomaly as it hovered dangerously close to the flightpath of the busy air traffic. |
AIRMISS:The short film shows an anomalous unidentified solid object, passing dangerously close to a commercial passenger airliner. It is hard to say exactly how close this incident was to collision but even so, the fact that the object is in close proximity to a passenger airliner means that it was a potentially dangerous situation. Such observations are detected by on boards and ground radars, but most pilots continue their policy of not reporting these matters for fear of ridicule and job security. Now there are more and more exceptions to this law of silence. And retired pilots do speak about it openly. |
NEAR AIRPORT AIRMISS:From around a busy airport in Mexico. The film shows a solid unknown object just hovering in the flight path of a busy Mexican Airport's final approach corridor. The UFO is clearly seen as it is passed by a huge military type transport aircraft making its last approach before landing. Again, potentially very dangerous and must have appeared on local air traffic control radar. |
NEAR AIRPORT AIRMISS:A second of the Mexico Airport clips. Again a hovering UFO is filmed in close proximity to a large military aircraft on landing approach. It seems to be getting very common indeed to have reports and documented evidence on film of UFO's and aerial anomalies flying in and around our busy commercial traffic's airspace. What are these mysterious objects and why the interest with our air traffic both military and commercial all over the entire globe? |
AIRMISS:A short clip of a close pass between an unidentified pod-type object and a commercial passenger aircraft. The time, cameraman and location are unknown to us at this time unfortunately. If these anomalies were secret military projects, would they advertise this fact by flying in and around the flight paths of commercial air traffic all over the world? |
AIR MISS:An older clip depicting an anomalous pod like UFO hovering near to the flight path of a passing jet airliner. The jet seems to be leaving a contrail suggesting that it is over 22000 feet up and seems to be a lot higher in its altitude than the unknown anomaly, however they are still very close together in aviation terms. The date, time and location are unknown to us at this time unfortunately. This is just another clip in the evergrowing collection featuring UFOs and conventional aircraft sharing the same airspace. |