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UFOs A to Z: R.

Click! Radar Visuals
Click! Rael
Cliquez! Rapid City
Click! Reagan, Ronald (sighting)
Click! Red light
Click! Red Bluff
Click! Red sprites
Cliquez!Ridge, Francis
Click! Riedel, Walther
Click! Robertson (Panel)
Click! Rochford 1916 sighting
Click! Rockefeller
Click! Roswell
Click! Rydeen, Paul

Radar visuals

See Hynek Classification System.


Rael is a French journalist with a message from the alleged extra-terrestrials the "Elohims". They ask humanity to open their minds and question everything. They are not here to convince us, but help us etc... They do not push a specific religion, but a way of life, which the Raelians do, hence classifying the group as a sect. Their way of life has been questioned a lot, even their logo; which mixes nazi and Judaic symbols is controversial.

Reagan, Ronald (sighting)

One night in 1974, Governor of California Ronald Reagan was traveling in a Cessna Citation plane in company of two security guards. As the plane approached Bakersfield to land, Reagan and the other passengers called the attention of the pilot, Bill Paynter to a strange phenomenon behind the plane. The pilot saw it and said that "it appeared to be several hundred yards away" and it was "a fairly steady light until it begun to accelerate. then it appeared to elongate. Then the light took off. It went up a 45 degrees angle at a high rate of speed. Everyone on the plane was surprised." He commented: "The UFO went from normal speed cruise to a fantastic speed instantly. If you give an airplane power, it will accelerate, but not like a "hot rod", and that's what this was like." Ronald Reagan told about the sighting a week later to the bureau Chief of the Wall Street Journal, Norman C. Miller: "We followed it for several minutes. It was a bright white light. We followed it to Bakersfield and all of a sudden tot our utter amazement it went straight up into the heavens." Miller told that at this point, Reagan realized that he had just been talking UFOs to a journalist, and he said nothing more and did not discuss the incident since.

Red Bluff

A remarkable UFO observation that explains best as a visit of a non terrestrial aircraft, in August 1960 at Red Bluff in California. The close observation during more than two hours was made by mainly by two policemen, and confirmed by two other policemen, a jail warden and several prisoners, a chemist and a radar station.

Red light

See Hynek Classification System.

Red sprites

A giant red luminous flash of a third of a second that sometimes occurs above stormy clouds. The red sprites start above 20 kilometers high, have a height range of 20 to 60 kilometers and sometimes reach the limit of that atmosphere at 100 kilometers of altitude.

Ridge, Francis

Francis L. Ridge was the Director of the UFO Filter Center at Mt. Vernon, Indiana, from 1973 to 1995, doing special computer studies on regional and national UFO sightings. He is currently a researcher and field investigator for the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS). His official experience with UFO investigation and research began at Vincennes, Indiana, in 1960 when he was appointed Chairman of Indiana Unit No. 1, of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon (NICAP). His seven man team was one of four such NICAP teams in the state.

In 1972, after moving to Illinois, he became a MUFON State Section Director for a three county area located at Hillsboro, IL. In 1973, he returned to Indiana where he became the MUFON State Section Director for three county area located at Mt. Vernon, IN. To make it easier for the public to report UFOs to local authorities he established the UFO Filter Center and worked closely with the media and law enforcement agencies in the area. As part of this effort he authored and distributed a monthly status report on UFO sightings. He appointed a number of "spotters" throughout the area and trained some of these as UFO field investigators. In 1986, he became the MUFON State Director for Indiana, which became known as The Indiana Group with approximately 150 members and 36 field investigators.

Mr. Ridge is a Public Relations (PR) Consultant with Mid-Tech Corporation, an electronics firm located in Carmi, Illinois.

Riedel, Walther

Walther Johannes Riedel (1903-1974) was a German expert in guided missile propulsion during World War II, Director of the Development Facility at Karlshagen, and the engineer behind the "Riedel III" rocket. In January 1947, he was brought to Fort Bliss Texas under project Paperclip and was a member of the German Rocket Team that transferred the German rocket technology to the US, ultimately resulting in the moon landings. In late 1951, Edward J. Sullivan, a North American Aviation employee, with several scientists, aeronautical engineers and interested persons established one of the first private UFO study group, in California, Civilian Saucers Investigation (CSI), of which Walter Riedel was a prominent member.


The Rockefellers were funding several UFO research, ostensibly in search of a substance to prolong life. They also funded a crop circle investigation which allegedly gathered more than 10.000 crop circle cases in a database.


The Robertson Panel also known as the Durant Report was set up in secret meetings at the Pentagon from 14-17th of January 1953. It purpose was the discussion of UFOs and what could be done about them.

The Panel consisted of the following members:

Dr H.P Robertson (Chairman) - Speciality was physics and weapons systems.
Dr Luis Alvarez - Physics and Radar.
Dr Lloyd V. Berkner - Geophysics.
Dr Samuel Goudsmit - Atomic structure and statistical problems.
Dr Thornton Page - Astronomy and Astrophysics.
Dr J Allen Hynek - Astronomy.
Frederick C. Durant - Missiles and Rockets.

The panel basically agreed that all UFO sightings were all explainable. However, they did recommend that a policy of debunking all UFO reports be instigated, and that popular UFO groups be monitored and infiltrated. Here is the full text.

Rochford 1916 sighting

On January 13, 1916, Flight Lieutenant J. E. Morgan was flying a fighter plane at 5.000 feet over Rochford, England. He saw a row of lights that looked "like windows of a railroad carriage with the curtains drawn." He used his pistol and fired at the lights, and they ascended and quickly disappeared from sight. The report was found by ufologist Jerome Clark in the 1925 book "The German Air Raids on England, 1914-1918", by Captain Joseph Morris.

See the case file.


In July 1947, a flying saucer allegedly crashed near Corona, New Mexico during a violent night-time thunderstorm. The next morning, Mac Brazel found some wreckage on his ranch spread over about half a mile which neither he nor his family could identify. Three days later he took some wreckage to show to the local sheriff, George Wilcox, who in turn contacted Roswell Air Army Field and told Major Jesse Marcel of the situation. He inspected the wreckage that Mac Brazel had brought with him to the sheriffs office and then reported to his commanding officer, William Blanchard. He ordered Marcel to get someone (Sheridan Cavitt) from counter intelligence to collect as much wreckage from the ranch as they could onto their two vehicles, the wreckage was then collected and flown to Washington, via Fort Worth. The next day, Marcel and Cavitt returned to Brazels ranch to collect more wreckage to take back to Roswell AAF. Cavitt went straight there whereas Marcel stopped on the way to show his family some of the wreckage, in particular, a small piece of tin-foil like material which would bend and be folded quite happily, but would continually fold back out into shape leaving no crease whatsoever. There was also a piece of very light plastic like material, except it wasn't plastic. It was like a wooden dowel and was a couple of inches long. It would bend slightly, but you couldn't scratch, cut, burn or melt it. Meanwhile, Lydia Sleppy at Roswell Radio station KSWS was transmitting a story about the crashed saucer over the teletype when transmission was interrupted by someone claiming to represent the FBI. The Army initially released a story to the press saying that they had captured a flying saucer, but then quickly put out another story saying they hadn't got a saucer, just a weather balloon. It was not a weather balloon. Mac Brazel was placed under house arrest for a week whilst his ranch was combed for more debris, and it was then when the main saucer body was found, complete with four aliens, two dead, one seriously injured and another attending to it which seemed to be unharmed. Mac Brazel was then told that he shouldn't tell anybody about what he had found. He was rumored to have been bribed with a freezer (very expensive at that time).

Rydeen, Paul

Paul Rydeen works as an engineer when he's not chasing flying saucers. He is a contributing editor to Crash Collusion magazine, and has published widely on various aspects of anomalous phenomena, conspiracies, and the arcane. He is currently editing an anthology of essays and fiction exploring the metaphysical aspects of late science fiction author Philip K. Dick's mystical contacts experiences. A Minnesota native, he currently lives with his family in the cultural eddies of the deep south.

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This page was last updated on July 25, 2007.