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UFOs A to Z: O.

Click! Oakensen, Elsie
Click! Oannes
Click! Oberg, James
Click! Ocala
Click! Official UFO (Magazine)
Click! O'Hare sighting, 2006
Click! OINTS
Click! Oldham, Adam
Click! 'Omuamua
Click! Operation Mainbrace
Click! Orly 1956
Click! OSI
Cliquez! Orthoteny
Cliquez! Ouranos
Click! Oechsler, Robert

Oakensen, Elsie

Elsie Oakensen reported that when she was driving home from work near the village of Church Stowe, Northamptonshire, England, on November 22, 1978, she saw a bell shaped UFO hovering a 100 ft above the road. She drove underneath, and continued on, but her car lost power. She felt enveloped in a pulsating light, lost consciousness and found herself further down to the road 15 minutes later when she regain consciousness. Four woman who did not know about this reported a similar UFO seen two hours later four miles from there. The UFO paced them, their car begun to loose power, until they entered the village of Preston Cape.


Oannes is reportedly an almost god-like creature that came to Earth and educated the ancient Babylonians. Astronomer Carl Sagan, in his book with the Soviet astronomer I.S. Shklovskii "Intelligent Life in the Universe" 1966, suggested that the Babylonian Oannes myth might just perhaps recall an actual ancient extraterrestrial visit. Of course, neither the Babylonians nor Carl Sagan claimed that Oannes and his Apkallu had actually either seeded the Earth nor created Humanity. Both Sagan and the Babylonians merely portrayed Oannes as coming to teach the rudiments of civilization to an already existing human community.

Oberg, James

A computer specialist with an MS in computing sciences from the University of New Mexico in 1972. Oberg served in the USAF from 1970 to 1978, then was a flight controller at the NASA Johnson Space Center. In 1997, he started as freelance writer for several popular science magazine such as Astronomy and OMNI, and joined the ultraskeptic association CSICOP. He says that ufology is not serious, that ufologists are not serious, and UFOs a myth and that scientists should not waste too much time with that. As of his own interest in the subject, he says that it is "just in case" there would be something in the UFO phenomenon after all.


Pinecastle Electronic Warfare Range Tracking Station, a restricted facility operated by the U.S. Navy 32 miles east-southeast of Ocala, Florida, in the north central part of the state, was the site of a puzzling, still-unexplained multiple radar visual UFO incident late on the evening of Sunday, May 14, 1978.

Official UFO

A 1970's UFO magazine edited by Myron Fass (1926 - 2006), and editor sitting at the top of a pulp magazine publishing empire in the seventies that sometimes published as many as fifty titles a month, including such diverse mags as Official American Horseman, Hall of Fame Wrestling, True War, Show Dogs, Terror Tales, Horror Tales, Rock, Hard Rock, Super Rock, Punk Rock, Acid Rock, Groupie Rock, Son of Sam, Homicide Detective, Murder Squad Detective, Shooting Bible, .Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind, Clones, Space Wars, Space Trek, Private Confessions of Doctors and Nurses, Movie TV Secrets, TV Photo Story, PhotoTV Land, Movie Lies, The World of Sherlock Holmes, etc.

The content of his "Official UFO" magazine was acceptably accurate in the earliest issues but then Myron Fass started to publish entirely made up and outrageous UFO stories. In the January 1978 issue for example, Fass claimed that UFOs had attacked and entirely destructed the town of Chester, Illinois, on the night of August 2, 1977. After mainstream Press reporters interviewed Chester residents, who obviously suffered no UFO attack, Fass claimed the aliens had instantly rebuilt the town and erased most residents' memories of the attack.


O'Hare sighting, 2006

According to anonymous reports, on November 7, 2006, at 4:30 p.m at the O'Hare airport, Chicago, Illinois, USA, employees and pilots claimed sightings of a saucer-shaped craft hovering over a terminal, before shooting up vertically, leaving a "hole" in the clouds.

According to Jon Hilkevitch of the Chicago Tribune in an interview on CNN's Glenn Beck program: "The disk was visible for approximately two minutes and was seen by close to a dozen United Airlines employees, ranging from pilots to supervisors, who heard chatter on the radio and raced out to view it."

The FAA initially denied having heard anything about it, but information gained by means of the Freedom of Information Act revealed a supervisor did report a UFO sighting. FAA then bluntly said the sighting was caused by "weather phenomenon", without specifying what phenomenon or how they knew it, and that they would not be investigating the incident. Many were angry or worried that this treatement contradicted the FAA's mandate to investigate possible security breaches at American airports such as in this case; an object witnessed by numerous airport employees and officially reported by at least one of them, hovering in plain sight, over one of the busiest airports in the world.


An acronym of little success termed by anomalist Ivan T. Sanderson for "Other INTelligences." Sanderson thought that extraterrestrial, bigfoot, yetis, strange animals, poltergeists, ghost and practically anything he viewed as "paranormal" must be put under the same label as one phenomenon, and could be anything from secret non human underwater civilizations snatching boats in the "Bermuda Triangle" to "invisible dimensions of parallel worlds."

Oldham, Adam

Newspaper reader who wrote a letter to the Clarksville Daily Leaf Chronicle, Clarksville, USA, published on April 17, 1897 in the midst of the airship wave, in which he suggested that "Martians, traveling at the speed of electricity", were the occupants of the mysterious reported craft. He said that the visitors "evidently fear to land among strange people who may be barbarous in their view, and therefore seem to be reconnoitering, and examining the country here and there before landing".

ORLY, 1956

In the night between February 17 and 18, 1956, a UFO chased and circle planes at Orly airport, Paris, France, during three hours. It was followed on radar and seen by pilots.


Term created by the French pioneer of ufology Aimé Michel, in his book "Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery" in 1958, to indicate straight alignments of several places of UFO sightings in a given day. Some of these lines were joined to a central point that seemed generally to be the place of observation of a more imposing UFO, whereas the other points in straight line were speculated to be those of observations of smaller saucers that the larger one had sent in exploration. The theory lost of its weight when Jacques Vallée showed that mere chance could result in the same effect, and definitively sank when French ufologist Michel Jeantheau showed that the alignments allotted to October 24 1954 corresponded to many incorrectly dated or doubtful sightings while other sightings at that day had unwillingly not been taken into account.


Divinized name of the sky in ancient Greece. In France in the 50's, title of the bulletin of the ufology group "Commission Internationale d'Enquêtes Scientifiques Ouranos." This group often Referred to UFO occupants as "ouraniens," that is, beings coming from the sky and by extension from space.


A US agency called the Office of Special Investigations, USAF.

Oechsler, Robert

Bob Oechsler joined the US Air Force in 1968 in the American Forces Radio and Television service filming classified prototype weapons systems during the Vietnam War. When he returned to the US, he spent eighteen months at Wright-Patterson AFB before working for NASA, specializing in missions technical analysis as a prototype designer of control and mobile surveillance systems. He gets his information from his alleged contacts in the US Intelligence Community. A controversial character, his work in ufology seems to be OK, even though he has made the odd wild claim. He claimed to have worked on a government project called 'Cosmic Journey' which was an exhibition of the various US space missions and included a section on aliens. He claims that there was going to be a UFO in the exhibition along with a cryogenically preserved alien body. This project was then shelved indefinitely due to the 1988 US presidential election. Then, in October 1993, he gave a radio interview on BBC Radio One and claimed that he had observed a UFO from 200 feet in the Nevada desert and basically hijacked Robert Lazar's story, claiming that everything Lazar heard and saw, he heard and saw too. In other words, whilst his UFO investigations work is very good (he did a very thorough and professional analysis of the Gulf Breeze photos with Bruce Maccabee), his claims of secret government projects are very suspect.

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