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My Mailbag:

I gathered here answers to ufo related questions sent to me, and answer and thanks to everyone who helps me or makes suggestions. Do not hesitate to send me an email, I will not publish your address on the page, I'll just keep it anonymous.

Table of contents:

Click!English.Your questions and my answers, please send questions!
Click!French.Your questions and my answers, the French questions and answers, for those among you that are bilingual.
Click!English.My Mailbag, in English, the emails you sent me about this site.
Click!French.My Mailbag, in French, the emails French speaking persons sent me about this site.

Your messages and comments:

08.30.2001 HP:

(...) Gestern abend um 23.00 ist auf demTV sender Kabel TV eine Doku über UFOs gekommen.
Darin kamen alle die von Dir gesagten Vorfälle vor. War sehr interessant, mit Videos, Bildern etc.
Also ein galaktischer Gruss

Hi, Danke, wir werden am Dienstag sicher zusammen davon sprechen.

27.07.2001 ppf:

I'm a 20 years old guy from Norway. I'm a big UFO enthusiast.
I was wondering about that you have some free material you could send me?
I`m interesting in any kind of stuff that is about UFO's.

I would be very grateful if you could send me stuff about that.

Thank you for your interest.
All the material I have is on the site, and it's all free.
Take care

30.03.2001 Sara Cuevas:

Te invito a que conoscas esta pagina web www.ovnisaracuevas.com (aun en construccion) Y te enteres de lo ocurrido el 15 y 16 de Septiembre de 1994 en Metepec, mexico "el dia de la independencia". Puedes mandar tus comentarios a orzfiani@hotmail.com.

Te envio un saludo desde Mexico.

Gracias por te email, yo visitó te nuevo pagina Web. El acontecimiento del día de la independencia en Mexico en 1994 atontaba y recibió una cierta atención en Francia también. Felicitaciones. Continúe te buen trabajo.

Mis saludos de Francia.

08.08.2000 from ppufo:


VERY IMPRESSIVE!!! I'm currently surfing the WEB introducing "PROJECT PHOENIX FOR UFO'S" to my fellow colleagues across the globe! We are a 501(c)(3)non-profit Organization located in Mesa, Arizona. Dedicated to end ufo secrecy & promoting public awareness. If we can offer any assistance please don't hesitate in contacting us!

Project Phoenix for UFOs

Dear MS,
Thank you a lot for your appreciation. Actually this is the first thing that I need: encouragement! You provided it, thank you. Sending you a personal email now, I have questions about your organization, and maybe I can help you also, etc. Anyway, visit again, this site will grow a lot in the next weeks.

Bon courage and take care,

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This page was last updated on September 2, 2001.