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Project Blue Book case 9966:

Tulsa, Oklahoma, August 2, 1965:

The image is of the Tulsa, Oklahoma case, Project Blue Book case number 9666, 8/2/65.

The image shown there is large and of high quality. It is an enlargement from the original photo, which shows the object as occupying only a very small part of the picture. This lends additional credence to the details discovered upon enlargement.

The advanced explanation by faking is that the previous and next photographs on the film roll would be those of an aluminum Christmas tree, and that for this photograph, a decoration at the top of the tree would be all that one can see for the flash would not have functioned, as illustrated in this explanation by Joel Carpenter:


A large wave of UFO sightings occurred in 1965 in the US. From coast to coast strange low flying objects were reported almost nightly by people of all ages and walks of life. As the year progressed the number of reports rose dramatically. On the night of August 2, 1965 thousands of people in 4 midwestern states witnessed spectacular aerial displays by large formations of UFOs. That same night a multicolored disc was photographed in Tulsa Oklahoma while several persons watched it perform low altitude maneuvers. This picture was extensively analyzed, pronounced authentic, and later published by Life magazine and many newspapers.

But the year's most incredible development was yet to come. On the evening of November 9 hundreds of UFO sightings were reported throughout the northeast...

The cropped photograph:

UFO photograph

The full frame photograph:

Blue Book UFO photograph


The original photograph is at the NARA, the National Administration for Records and Archives, Washington DC, where the complete declassified USAF Project Blue Book files are available to researchers in NARA's microfilm reading room. You can view the image in a better quality and read the corresponding Blue Book case documentation.

The reference for this picture at NARA is National Archives Record Group 341, Project Blue Book Case No. 9966.

The photograph has also been published in a LOOK Magazine Special Issue on Flying Saucers, LC# 67-17223, page 34.

The non-enlarged photo can be seen in Brad Steiger's Project Blue Book, ISBN 0-345-26091-0-195.

The case is also mentioned in the following publications:

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This page was last updated on January 13, 2007.