Eupen Nov. 29, 1989Belgium flapHome 

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The Belgium flap:

On November 29, 1989:

At 06:50 p.m. on the E-40 before Herve and Fléron, Mr. Raymond Strasters and his friend Mr. Bruno Pirlet:

SOBEPS gives this information:

On November 29, 1989 at 06:50 p.m., Mr. S. and his friend P. drove on the E40 and were a bit before exit 37 of Herve and Fléron, coming from the east.

The driver then saw before him three powerful lights, directed down, almost over the highway. As it was very intense, very low, and apparently motionless, he said to his friend: “Well, it's weird, there is no lighting of a soccer field here.”

Approaching these lights, they began to better discern a huge triangular shaped object, which moved slowly at the level of the lighting of a soccer field, about 100 meters away.

The object was very dark, dark gray, almost black, it was detached against the background of the lighter sky. The triangle was moving horizontally, with a constant speed but exceedingly slow.

The witnesses slowed down, without stopping altogether. Sitting next to the driver, Mr. P. had carefully scrutinized it, he even pulled down the window and leaned his head out of the car. The flying object went along the highway, on the north side, almost above the roadside. It moved to the east and crossed the witnesses path.

At one point, they found themselves virtually below the craft, as it advancing tip forward. It was enormous, since the width of the base corresponded to the size of a Boeing 727. Its shape was that of an equilateral triangle with rounded corners. Three large circular headlights, very powerful, were near the corners of the triangle.

The witnesses did not see a red light, flashing or not. The beams of white light were directed downward, but slightly forward. Despite its brilliance, the light was not dazzling and did not prevent the witnesses from clearly seeing the dark mass which carried the headlights.

They did not hear any noise exceeding that of their car, even when they were underneath the object.

At that time, Mr. P. however, noted the presence of many small “bright spots” on the base of the triangle .

The flying object had imperturbably continued his travel in the same way and the two witnesses lost sight of it of when they took the Fléron exit, as they were going to Fléron.

SOBEPS published a sketch showing the object like this:


Another report, in the Flying Saucer Review, had indicated for this observation:

At Herve, two other motorists, Monsieur Raymond Strasters and a friend, travelling towards Liege, perceived towards their right, three powerful lights “like the lights of a football ground”. Lowering a window, one of them saw a dark object, very slow, flying horizontally towards them. It was a triangle, flying this time with a point forward, and heading towards Chaîneux, with its lights illuminating the entire terrain below.

[...Other cases...]

All these pieces of testimony which we have given above are taken from the Report issued on December 18, 1989, by SOBEPS.


SOBEPS comes back to this sighting report in their second book, discussing various characteristics of the phenomenon.

It is reported that two witnesses said that on November 29, 1989 at 06:50 p.m., in Herve, the one who was driving manage to appreciate the particularly slow speed by slowing down the car, but as he was on the highway he could not stop completely.

It is reported that the object was of the size of a Boeing 737, and the ditance of observation was less than 100 meters.

The object was a triangle in a horizontal position horizontale and the point of the triangle was ahead relative to the movement.

It had three lights, huge, very clear, which lit to the ground, all three with the same power, projecting white beams slightly tilted forward.


There is a summary for this observation, published on the web by the Belgian ufologist Godelieve Van Overmeire in her catalog circa 1999, now gone, but much copied by UFO websites and forums. This summary is as follows:

1989, November 29


At 06:50 p.m. a lift maintenance technician observes a triangular object emitling 3 beams of light obliquely towards the ground, with reflections on the underside of the platform which supports it, altitude 150 m. (Franck Boitte, Inforespace #85 p. 36)

This was likely a double-entry in that catalogue, as it also contained:

1989, November 29

BELGIUM, from Aix-la-Chapelle to Liège

At 06:50 p.m. Raymond Strasters driving the van and Bruno Pirlet as a passenger, prepare to leave the motorway at the Fléron/Herve exit. They see before them three powerful lights above the road. By getting closer they distinguish a large triangular object, very dark, dark gray or black. In each corner a powerful projector lights towards the ground. The triangle was horizontal, point in the direction of travel. The driver did not clearly distinguished the rear, while the passenger had opened the window and saw little luminous dots on the rear base. They estimate the size of the triangle equal to that of a Boeing 727. (Inforespace # 78, p. 24, 25)

Source example:

Luminosity of the sky during this sighting:

06:40 p.m.
06:50 p.m.
07:00 p.m.
07:10 p.m.


Above: In the West, Liège, in the East, Verviers.

The witnesses drive on the E-40 highway, and are before the exit to Herve (red dot) or Fléron (blue dot). They are at the blue dot, and the sighting ends when they take the E-40 exit to Fléron. This exist is indeed exit Nr. 37 (small blue square).


Boeing 737 has a 37 meters wingspan.

Document history.

Version: Created/changed by: Date: Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross September 29, 2013 Creation.
1.0 Patrick Gross September 29, 2013 First publication.

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This page was last updated on September 29, 2013.