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Date:After November 23, 1896
Place:Bakersfield, California

"The cities where observations of the airship were reported after the 23 [of November 1896] include... Bakersfield... " [1]

"Since many of the sighting locations were many miles inland (... Bakersfield, etc.), ..." [2]

By the end of November, sightings were reported by residents down the entire coast of California. Bakersfield and Los Angeles reported repeated visits by the "mysterious adventurer," as one newspaper called it. On the 28th of November it was seen again in the northern part of the state. [3]

November 24, 1896 Bakersfield (CA) Daily Californian
"One or two papers, notorious for their faking proclivities...

November 25, 1896 Bakersfield (CA) Daily Californian
"It is reported that the Call's flying machine ..."

November 27, 1896 Bakersfield (CA) Daily Californian
"That Air Ship"

November 30, 1896 Bakersfield (CA) Californian "THE AIRSHIP - Bakersfield People Who Are Sure They Saw It." [4]

"Since many of the sighting locations were many miles inland (... Bakersfield, ... etc.), ..." [5]


  • [1] Article by Loren Gross in "The mammoth encyclopedia of extraterrestrial encounters", compiled by Ronald D. Story, Robinson publisher, 2001.
  • [2] "The 19th century airship mystery", article by Don Berliner, in "INFO Journal", #29, pp 2-6, May-June 1978.
  • [3] ""The 1896-97 Airship Mystery: Fact or Farce?", article by Harv Howard.
  • [4] "The mystery airship log", newspaper articles listing,
  • [5] "The 19th century airship mystery", article by Don Berliner, in "INFO Journal", #29, pp 2-6, May-June 1978.
Notes:Insufficient information.
Explanation:Insufficient data.


Type of report:Second hand from local newspaper.
Number of witnesses:Not indicated.
Number of named witnesses:0.
Witnesses occupations:Not indicated.
Type of location:Not indicated.
Coordinates precision:
Description of "UFO":.Not indicated.
Description of "manoeuvers":Not indicated.
Reactions:Not indicated.
Occupants keywords:N/A
Daylight/nocturnal:Not indicated.
Weather:Not indicated.
Observation devices:None.
Strangeness:Insufficient information.
Explanation(s) at the time:Not indicated.

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This page was last updated on January 24, 2006