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Date:November 20, 1896
Place:Sacramento, California

"... These three cities [Sacramento, San Francisco and Oakland] are again visited by a "flying cigar" four days after [November 18, 1896] ..." [1]

"November 20 [1896]: In the evening, a sort of balloon with a headlight at the front, a mobile projector at the bottom and two pairs of wings at the front and at the back is observed in the sky of Oakland (California). Alleged inventors of the machine are not long in claiming paternity of it. However, several arships would keep on flying over California until the end of the year, as well as some flying lights." [2]

Jérome Clark mentions an observation in Sacramento on November 20, 1896. [3]


  • [1] "Le mystère des OVNIS", book by Paul Mauclair, Vernoy publisher, 1979.
  • [2] Jérôme Beau,
  • [3] "The UFO Book", Book by Jerome Clark, Visible Ink Press, 1998.
Notes:Insufficient information.
Explanation:Could be anything, including confusions of dates in ufology litterature.


Type of report:Second hand from local newspaper.
Number of witnesses:
Number of named witnesses:0.
Witnesses occupations:Not indicated.
Type of location:Not indicated.
Coordinates:Lat. 38°31'N Long. 121°30'W
Coordinates precision:10 kilometers.
Description of "UFO":Not indicated or unreliable.
Description of "manoeuvers":Not indicated.
Reactions:Not indicated..
Occupants keywords:N/A
Daylight/nocturnal:Not indicated.
Weather:Not indicated.
Observation devices:None.
Strangeness:Insufficient information.
Explanation(s) at the time:None indicated.

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