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The 1954 French flap:

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Summer 1954, Bette, Creuse:

Reference for this case: Summer-54-Bette.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


Ufologist J.G. Dohmen shared with ufologist "Jean d'Aigure" (Jean Giraud) about a case on the road of location Bette, near Trois-Fonds, in the Creuse, France, in the summer of 1954.

The witness, who remained anonymous, workman with the factories Gibard [or Gibord] of [or de] Boussac, returned home by bicycle at approximately 9 p.m. and was on the RN 697 road when a circle of light suddenly came down from the sky and landed in a field at the edge of the road.

Two beings similar to men, with helmets with antennas, allegedly come out of it.

The witness was frightened, but when he wanted to accelerate, he had the feeling he was pedaling in the vacuum.

It is said he remained "struck with stupor" during a few days.

"Jean d'Aigure" adds that he and other ufologists could not find this witness when they investigated the area in the 1970's.



009 ../SUM/1954 - 9 p.m.° - TROIS-FONDS (Bette)

The witness was on a bicycle likely on the N. 697. Suddenly, a circle of light came down from the sky and landed in a field on the edge of the road. Two beings looking human came out, wearing helmets with antennas. The witness wanted to accelerate his pace, but he had the feeling he pedalled in the void. He remained awestruck for several days.

(L.D.L.N., #130, Dec 1973 "Pleins feux sur la Creuse")

- Later investigation by J. GIRAUD: case not confirmed, witness not found.

[Ref. gab1:] "G.A.B.R.I.E.L." UFOLOGY GROUP:


We knew that in 1954, during the summer, a worker from the Gibard factory in Boussac was pedaling on the road of Bete near Gouzon. It was about 9 pm when he saw a luminous disk landing in a field beside the road. There came out two "men" wearing helmets with antennae... The panicked witness pedalled more but he felt like forcing in the void as if he had been irresistibly attracted to the craft... Finally, ee succeeded in returning home, where he remained as if struck with astonishment for several days.


The two ufologists indicate that in the summer of 1954, at Trois-Fond in the Creuse, at 09:00 p.m., somebody who circulated by bicycle at the location known as "Bette" suddenly saw a luminous circle going down from the sky and land in a field at the edge of the road.

Two characters of human appearance went out of it. The only detail indicated by the witness was the presence of helmets with antennas. Seized by fright, he accelerated, with the feeling of pedaling in the void. He felt like attracted towards the apparatus. Finally, after a long detour, he arrived at his place and remained struck with stupor during several days.

The sources are given as J. G. Dohmen, Belgian researcher (1906-1970), study taken again in INFO-OVNI Creuse catalog by J. Giraud and R. Catinat, J. G. Dohmen "A identifier et Le cas Adamski" Travox publisher.

[Ref. jgd1:] "JAN D'AIGURE":

Jan D'Aigure indicates that it was the ufologist J.G. Dohmen who told him of this case in Bette, in the department of the Creuse, in 1954. The elements are as follows:

During the summer, an anonymous worker of the factories Gibard de Boussac, returned at his home riding his bicycle, at approximately 9 P.M.. He was on the national road RN 697 when a circle of light suddenly descended from the sky and landed in a field at the edge of the road.

Two beings similar to men carrying the helmets with antennas came out of it.

The witness felt that it was better to move away as fast as possible, but when he tried to accelerate his pace he had the impression to pedal in vain.

The witness remained "struck with stupor" during a few days.

Jan d'Aigure specifies that when they went on location to investigate, they could not locate this witness.



1954 Addenda

Summer, 1954 2100 Bette (Creuse), France Type B

M. X was returning home on a bicycle when he saw a circle of light descend from the sky and land in a field beside the road. Two beings similar to men emerged from it, wearing helmets with antennas. The witness tried to accelerate, but felt as if pedaling "in a vacuum." He remained "stupor-struck" for some days. During these days a peasant of Bette saw strange individuals maneuvering in the countryside."

Investigator: J.-G. Dohmen.

Source; LDLN #130 (12/73), pp. 15f.

[Ref. agd1:] ALAIN GAMARD:


Case # Date Time Locality Department Witness(es) name
014 Sum. 1954 02.40 Bette. 23 ---

[Ref. tbr1:] TED BLOECHER:

(Jean-Luc Rivera is the source of these items submitted by Ted Bloecher: Translations by Lex Mebane. Summarized by Mildred Biesele.)

LDLN #130, December 12,1973: In the summer of 1954 at Bette, Creuse, a worker was returning home on a bicycle at about 11PM when suddenly a circle of light descended from the sky and landed in a field near the road. Out of it came two human-like beings wearing helmets with antennas. He tried to accelerate, but he had the feeling that he was pedaling in a vacuum. A peasant in the area also claimed to have seen strange individuals in the countryside.

[Ref. mft1:] MICHEL FIGUET:

This ufologist noted:

52 CE3 été 1954 09.00 p.m. Trois Fonds "Bette" 23320 B4 NI-RS [= not identified, sparse information], OVNI: p. 70

[Ref. jsr1:] JEAN SIDER:

Jean Sider indicates that one morning of the summer 1954, a person who remained anonymous was riding a bicycle at Trois-Fond on the RN697 road, at the level of the Bette location, in the department of the Creuse when his observation took place; which put him in a state of stupor, giving him the impression to him to pedal in the void. This stupor lasted a few days.

He had suddenly seen a thing in the shape of a circle which was posed in a field next to the road, from where two beings of human aspect spouted out. They wore helmets with antennas.

Jean Sider indicates that his source is Michel Figuet's book.


Renaud Leclet lists cases that he thinks have "similarities with helicopters", including this one:


Summer 1954 Trois Fonds (23) at 09 : 00 p.m. a circle of light with 2 beings wearing helmets with antennas (see pilots equipment).

[Ref. ars1:] ALBERT ROSALES:


Location. Bette Creuse France

Date: Summer 1954

Time: 2100

Mr. X was returning home on a bicycle when he saw a circle of light descend from the sky and land in a field beside the road. Two beings similar to men emerged from it, wearing helmets with antennas. The witness tried to accelerate, but felt as if pedaling "in a vacuum." He remained "stupor struck" for some days. During these days "a peasant of Bette saw strange individuals maneuvering in the country side."

Humcat 1954-13

Source: J G Dohmen, LDLN # 130

Type: B and E

[Ref. ars2:] ALBERT ROSALES:


Location. Trois Fonds France

Date: August 1 1954

Time: 2100

A saucer shaped object is seen landing on a field. Two men wearing helmets with antennas emerge from the craft. The observer feels dazed during the incident. No other information.

HC addition # 2509

Source: Figuet & Ruchon

Type: B


3740: 1954/09/01 21:00 1 2:15:00 E 46:14:40 N 3213 WEU FRN CRS 8:6


Ref# 30 FIGEUT[sic]&RUCHON: OVNI: Le 1er Dossier Page No. 70 : TOWN &CITY

[Ref. jbu1:] JEROME BEAU:




The morning: At Trois-Fond (Creuse), an anonymous witness rides his bicycle when he lives a CE3. He is plunged in a state of stupor and with the impression to pedal in the vacuum. His state of stupor lasts a few days [Figuet, p.70-71].

[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates that in the Creuse in Trois Fonds in 1954 at 09:00 p.m. "During the summer the witness travels by bicycle at the place known as "bete". Suddenly he sees a luminous circle going down from the sky and land in the field at the edge of the road. Two figures of human appearance emerge from it. Only detail noted by the witness, the presence of helmets with antennas. Frightened, he accelerated his pace, with the feeling to pedal in the vacuum. He felt like attracted towards the craft. Finally, after a long detour, he arrived home and remained like struck of stupor during several days."

Luc Chastan indicates that the sources are "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... by Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979" and "A identifier et le cas Adamski by Dohmen J.G. ** Guy Dohmen Pub 1972".


1954, summer (probable date)

FRANCE, Bette (Creuse)

An employee of the Gibord de Boussac factory pedalled around 21 hours on the Bette road. He saw a luminous circle land in a field and two helmeted men, carrying antennas, coming out of the apparatus. Frightened, he accelerated his pace, with the feeling to pedal in the vacuum. He felt like attracted towards the apparatus. Finally, after a long detour, he arrived home and remained like struck of stupor during several days. Another peasant would have met about the same period, still around Bette, strange unknowns in the countryside. (J.G. DOHMEN: "A identifier et le cas Adamski" - Guy Dohmen pub., Biarritz 1972, p. 100)

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that in Mid-1954 at 21:00 in Bette, France, "Man going home on bicycle saw circular object land in field. two beings emerged, wore helmets with antennas. Tried to flee but felt in stupor." And: "Close encounter with an unidentified craft and its occupants. One circular object, the size of the moon, was observed by numerous male children on a road for two minutes (Gentit). Two beings, each wearing a helmet, were seen."

The sources are indicated as Webb, David, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports; Poher, Claude, Etudes Statistiques Portant sur 1000 Temoignag, Author, undated; FSR, FSR (formerly Flying Saucer Review), FSR, London, 1966; GEPA, Phenomenes Spatiaux; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Delaire, J. Bernard, UFO Register Volume 7 (1976), Data Research, Oxford, 1976.

[Ref. uda2:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 1 August 1954 at 21:00 in Trois Fonds, France, "A saucer shaped object is seen landing on a field. Two men wearing helmets with antennas emerge from the craft. The observer feels dazed during the incident. No other information."

[Ref. ud:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 1 September 1954 at 21:00 in Trois-Fonds, France, "Saucer descends into field. two human-looking beings in helmets with antennae emerge. Witness dazed. Close encounter with an unidentified craft and its occupants. One object was observed by one witness in a town."

The source is indicated as "Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002".

[Ref. prn1:] PETER ROGERSON:

Summer 1954 2300.


A worker was bicycling home when, suddenly, a circle of light descended from the sky and landed in a field near the road. From it emerged came two human-like beings wearing helmets with antennae. The witness tried to accelerate away, but he had a feeling he was pedalling in a vacuum. A peasant in the area also claimed to have seen some strange individual in the countryside.

Jean-Luc Rivera in MUFON UFO Journal 130, p.16 citing LDLN 130.


Location: Trois Fonds France

Date: August 1 1954

Time: 2100

A saucer shaped object is seen landing on a field. Two men wearing helmets with antennas emerge from the craft. The observer feels dazed during the incident. No other information.

Source: Figeut [sic, Figuet] & Ruchon


The author indicates that there was close encounter of the third kind in the Summer 1954 at 09:00 p.m. in Trois-Fonds in the Creuse: an anonymous employee of the factory Gibord de Boussac drove by bicycle on the RN697, when at the level of the Bette locality, he suddenly saw a luminous circle which landed in a field next to the road.

Two beings of human aspect spouted out of it, carrying helmets with antenna.

Frightened, the witness wanted to accelerate, but he had the impression to pedal in a void. He is remained in a state of stupor during a few days.

Julien Gonzalez points out that at the time of a later counter-investigation by Jean Giraud, this case could not be confirmed because the witness remained untraceable.

The sources are given as INFO-OVNI special issue "Trois-quarts de siècle d'observations creusoises" by misters Giraud et Catinat (L.D.L.N. investigators); J. G. Dohmen: A identifier et Le cas Adamsky, Travox publishers, page 100; Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI.. le premier dossier complet des rencon¬tres rapprochées en France, pages 70-71.

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19540000 00.00..1954 Bette France 21.00 CE III
19540000 00.00.1954 Bette France CE III


Summer 1954. 2300hrs.


A worker was bicycling home when, suddenly, a circle of light descended from the sky and landed in a field near the road. From it emerged came two human like beings wearing helmets with antennae. The witness tried to accelerate away, but he had a feeling he was pedalling in a vacuum. A peasant in the area also claimed to have seen some strange individual in the countryside.

Evaluation - Known only apparently second and third hand, possibly based on an investigation before 1972. Dohmen appears to have been a supporter of George Adamski



Unknown credibility.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Bette, Creuse, road, bicycle, light, descent, landing, field, occupants, humanoids, helmet, antenna, stopped, immobilization, effect, paralysis


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross November 7, 2004 First published.
0.2 Patrick Gross July 31, 2007 Conversion from HTML4 to XHTML Strict.
1.0 Patrick Gross December 23, 2008 First formal version. Additions [tbr1].
1.1 Patrick Gross October 21, 2009 Additions [goe1], [uda1], [lcn1].
1.2 Patrick Gross March 18, 2010 Addition [uda2].
1.3 Patrick Gross July 7, 2010 Addition [uda3].
1.4 Patrick Gross August 12, 2013 Addition [prn1].
1.5 Patrick Gross October 23, 2014 Addition [tai1].
1.6 Patrick Gross October 18, 2016 Addition [jgz1], Summary.
1.7 Patrick Gross November 22, 2016 Addition [ubk1].
1.8 Patrick Gross September 29, 2017 Addition [gab1].
1.9 Patrick Gross July 6, 2019 Additions [ioi1], [mft1], [rlt1], [lhh1], [prn2].
2.0 Patrick Gross August 24, 2021 Addition [tbw1].
2.1 Patrick Gross June 2, 2022 Addition [agd1].

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