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September 23, Vierzon, Cher:

Reference for this case: 23-sep-54-Vierzon.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


At the moment, I only found in the press of the time on the observation in Vierzon mentions that it took place at the same time as other sightings, which puts it on September 23, 1954.

Aimé Michel indicated on his side in 1958, with the date of September 24, 1954, that in the night, at 3 a.m., Mr. Edmond Trochu observed from Vierzon a very glowing and luminous object, of considerable dimensions; which the witness compared to an "incandescent pot." Michel did not give a source.

Ardent explorer of the press, ufologist Michel Jeantheau would later find the source, Le Berry Républicain, of Bourges, for September 27, 1954, with the witness name spelled "Trochou" instead of "Trochu."




A luminous object
follows a car
near Bourges

BOURGES, September 27. -- Mr. Robert Patient, 35, assistant inspector of the P.T.T., living in Bourges, who, Thursday evening, drove to Vasselay, with his wife and children, aged 11 and 10, declared that he had seen, that night, in the hamlet of Jou, north of Bourges, a singular object, of extreme brilliance, seeming to descend into a field.

At the alleged landing spot, a glowing reflection appeared. An incandescent filament, about 50 meters long, was in the center of the hemispherical object, the diameter of which approached about fifteen meters.

For twenty to thirty seconds, it was dark. Suddenly there was a new light above the horizon.

Mr. Patient, who had stopped his car, left, followed silently for a few hundred meters by the object, which then disappeared.

Other witnesses from Bourges, from Saint-Dolchard and from Vierzon, claim to have seen a luminous object at concordant hours.




BOURGES, September 27. -- Mr. Robert Patient, 35, assistant inspector of the P.T.T., living in Bourges, who, Thursday evening, drove to Vasselay, with his wife and children, aged 11 and 10, declared that he had seen, that night, in the hamlet of Jou, north of Bourges, a singular object, of extreme brilliance, seeming to descend into a field.

At the alleged landing spot, a glowing reflection appeared. An incandescent filament, about 50 meters long, was in the center of the hemispherical object, the diameter of which approached about fifteen meters.

For twenty to thirty seconds, it was dark. Suddenly there was a new light above the horizon. Mr. Patient, who had stopped his car, left, followed silently for a few hundred meters by the object, which then disappeared. Other witnesses from Bourges, from Saint-Dolchard and from Vierzon, claim to have seen a luminous object at concordant hours.



A "luminous object"
reportedly chased
near Bourges the car
of a P.T.T. inspector

Bourges, 27. -- Mr. Robert Patient, assistant inspector of the PTT, living in Bourges, who, on Thursday evening, drove to Vasselay, with his wife and children, aged 11 and 10, said he had seen, that night, in the hamlet of Jou, north of Bourges, a singular object of extreme brilliance, seeming to come down into a field.

At the alleged landing point, a glowing reflection appeared. An incandescent filament about fifty meters long was in the center of the hemispherical object, the diameter of which approached fifteen meters.

For twenty to thirty seconds, it was dark. Suddenly there was a new light above the horizon. Mr. Patient, who had stopped his car, left, followed silently for a few hundred meters by the object; which then disappeared.

Other witnesses from Bourges, from Saint-Dolchard and from Vierzon, claim to have seen a luminous object at concordant hours.


Weirder and weirder!

Near Bourges: a luminous object follows a car

Bourges, September 27. -- Mr. Robert Patient, 35 years old, assistant inspector of the postal and telecommunications authorities, resident of Bourges, who, Thursday evening went by car in Vasselay, in company of his wife and of his children, aged 10 and 11, states to have seen, that night there, in the hamlet of Jou, in the north of Bourges, a weird object of an extreme brilliance, which seemed to go down in a field. At the apparent spot of the supposed landing, a reddish reflection appeared. An incandescent filament long of 50 meters approximately, was in the center of the object, hemispherical, which diameter approached about fifteen meters.

During 20 to 30 seconds, it was the darkness. Suddenly, there was a new gleam above the horizon. Mr. Patient, who had stopped his car, started again followed silently during a few hundreds of meters by the object which then disappeared. Other witnesses of Bourges, St Dolchand [sic] and Vierzon claimed to have seen, at concordant hours, a luminous object.

[Ref. lcx1:] NEWSPAPER "LA CROIX":


A "saucer"
follows a car
for several
hundreds of meters

For several hundred meters, a flying saucer followed a car, at least that is what Mr. R. Patient, assistant inspector of the P.T.T in Bourges, says.

Thursday evening, Mr. Patient going by car, to Vasselay, in the company of his wife and children, aged 11 and 10 years old, saw, that night, in the hamlet of Jou, north of Bourges, a peculiar object of extreme brilliance, seeming to descend into a field.

At the alleged landing spot, a glowing reflection appeared. An incandescent filament about 50 meters long was in the center of the object, hemispherical, the diameter of which approached about fifteen meters.

For twenty to thirty seconds it was darkness. Then suddenly there was a new glow above the horizon. Mr. Patient, who had stopped his car, left followed silently, for a few hundred meters, by the object which then disappeared.

Other witnesses in Bourges, in Saint-Dolchard and in Vierzon, claim to have also seen a luminous object at concordant hours.

Also, Mr. Besse, designer at the E.D.F., in Tulle, saw, distinctly, Friday evening, around 11 p.m., above the city, a flying saucer. Using powerful binoculars, he was able to follow, for a few moments, the maneuvers of the craft which changed, he said, three times its color in a few moments.



Visitors of another world landed on Friday September 24, at 10:00 in the morning in a point located in the mounts of Gardunha, at the Spanish-Portuguese border: This is what reported a Portuguese peasant to the newspaper Diaro de Lisboa, who, with three others of his comrades, worked in the area. A sphere appeared in the sky, in the east, claims the witness. It flew at an incredible speed and launched multicolored flashes. It landed without noise at with 200 meters of us and two tall figures of approximately 2,50 meters went out of there. They looked like aluminum men. These visitors initially collected grass and collected stones which they deposited in one limps of a plugging glare. Then, when they saw us, they came to us and emitted some sounds. Face with our incomprehension, they invited us by gestures to go up in their machine. On our refusal, they went up in the craft which took off vertically and disappeared towards the south as quickly as it had arrived. The witness specified that only the "poles" of the sphere rotated and that the equatorial part was transparent and let see moving shades inside.

[On the next day, it was discovered that the above story was a hoax. This newspaper informed its readers about this.]


Mr. Robert Patient, 35, assistant inspector of the P.T.T. [State post and phone company], resident of Bourges, which, Thursday evening, was driving to Fasselay with his wife and children of eleven and ten years, stated to have seen this night, in the hamlet of Jou, in the north of Bourges, an extremely brilliant object, seeming to go down in a field. At the point of the supposed landing, an reddish reflection appeared. An incandescent filament of a fifty meters length approximately was in the center of the hemispherical object, whose diameter approached approximately fifteen meters. During twenty to thirty seconds, it was all dark. Suddenly, there was a new gleam above the horizon. Mr. Patient, who had stopped his car, started it again, followed silently during a few hundreds meters by the object which then disappeared. Other witnesses of Bourges, Saint-Dolchard and Vierzon claim to have seen a luminous object at concordant hours.

[Ref. aml1:] AIME MICHEL:

Aimé Michel indicates that in Vierzon, in the night of September 24, 1954 at three o'clock in the morning, Mr. Edmond Trochu observed from the village of Vierzon a very glowing and luminous object of considerable size, that the witness compared to an "fiery pot".

Michel notes that the description is similar with the testimonies of the observations of the two Gendarmes in Plombières and the Patient family in Bourges on September 23, the same night.

[Ref. aml3:] AIME MICHEL:

Writing about the alignment of observations Bayonne-Vichy for September 24, 1954, he thought he discovered, Aimé Michel noted:

I had, at the end of my investigation in 1957, found nine points in all. Searching for years, Jacques Vallée found five others.

It turns out that on five additional observations one (Sierra de Gardunha, Portugal) is situated on Bavic, which thus becomes a seven-point alignment of enormous improbability, and that the other four (Vierzon, Clermont-Ferrand, Besançon and Grenoble) form two new alignments.

[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:


September 24 1954

03:00 a.m.: Vierzon (Cher)

[Ref. gep1:] UFOLOGY GROUP "GEPO":

23 09 54 (03) Vierzon(cher) 107V2




Mr. Robert Patient, 35, PTT inspector, who Thursday evening, driving to Vasselay in the company of his wife and children, declares having noticed that night, in the hamlet of Jou, north of Bourges, a peculiar object of extreme brilliance, seeming to descend into a field. At the presumed landing spot, a glowing reflection appeared. An incandescent filament about 50m long, was in the center of the hemispherical object, whose diameter was about fifteen meters. For 20 to 30 seconds, it was darkness. Suddenly, there was a new light above the horizon. He had stopped his car and he left, followed silently for a few hundred yards by the object, which then disappeared. Other witnesses from Bourges, from St-Dolchard [sic] and from Vierzon, claim to have seen at a concordant time, a luminous object.

The source is said to be the newspaper Le Bien Public.

[Ref. lgs1:] LOREN GROSS:


[... Other cases...]

September 23rd.

"Incandescent kettle."

Vierzon (Department of Cher)

About two dozen miles from Bourges and the excitement there, a M. Edmond Trochu viewed a flying red-colored object in the sky near the village of Vierzon, France, at 3:00 a.m. He called the UFO an "incandescent kettle" 108.

[... Other cases...]


Michel Jeantheau confirms that according to the newspaper Le Berry Republicain for September 27, 1954, a "glowing boiler" was seen on September 24, at 3 o'clock in the morning in Vierzon. However this newspaper writes "Trochou" and not "Trochu."


3815: 1954/09/23 03:00 1 2:04:00 E 47:14:00 N 3333 WEU FRN CHR 6:6




The Belgian ufologist indicates that in 1954, on September 24 in France, in Vierzon "Edmond Trochu sees at about 03:00 a reddish glowing object, which he calls a, 'incandescent pot'".

The source is indicated as "Aimé Michel: 'M. O. C.', Seghers pub., p. 98".

[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates in his database that in the Cher in Vierzon on September 23, 1954 at 21:00 hours there was an "Observation of a luminous object (without other precise details)"

The source is indicated as "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... by Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979".

[Ref. lcn2:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates that in the Cher in Vierzon on September 24, 1954 at 03:00 hours "In the night, at three hours of the morning, a witness observed from Vierzon an object very reddish and glowing and luminous, of considerable size, that the witness compared to an 'incandescent pot.'"

Luc Chastan notes that the source is "M.O.C. by Michel Aimé ** Arthaud 1958".

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 24 September 1954 at 03:00 in Vierzon, France, "Red 'flying glowing kettle'". Explanation: Planet." And: "A flying disc was observed. One red dome-shaped object, about 600 feet across, was observed by six male witnesses in a residential area (Trochu)."

The sources are indicated as Michel, Aime, Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, S. G. Phillips, New York, 1958; Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002.

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

This case was recorded 3 times in this database:

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19540922 22.09.1954 Vierzon France Night NL
19540924 24.09.1954 Vierzon France 03.00
19540924 24.09.1954 Vierzon France 03.00 NL
19540930 30.09.1954 Vierzon France

[Ref. jqy1:] JEAN DE QUERCY:

18/09 - 1954 September 24 - Vierzon

A very glowing, luminous object of considerable dimensions that a witness, Mr. Edmont Trochu, describes as an "incandescent pot" is seen around 3 am (i.e. five hours after Vasselay's remarkable observation) from Vierzon, 30 kilometers west-northwest of Bourges. The description matches that of the Patient family.

(Source: In "Mystèrieux Objets Celestes" A Michel Seghers Pub. p.98)



There are two different moments for Vierzon, on September 23, 1954, at 3:00 a.m., or September 24, 1954, at 09:00 p.m. There may well have been be two different observations, but the lack of information and details on that of the 24th do not allow me to be sure.

Jimmy Guieu, it seems, also mentions this observation but by indirect means I noted that he situated it on September 22.

The "very glowing and luminous" object, of "considerable dimensions" prompted me to check the situation of the Moon for the two possible moments.

For September 23, 1954, at 03:00 a.m., there is a match: the Moon is at the azimuth 71° 35' and the low elevation of 1° 37', conducive to a red Moon red and misinterpretation. It is a very thin crescent with 15% of its surface illuminated.

For September 24, 1954, at 21:00, the Moon is below the horizon since 05:24 p.m..


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Vierzon, Cher, Edmond Trochu, object, red, luminous, glowing, large


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross December 21, 2005 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross February 10, 2010 Additions [vmr1], [lcn1], [uda1].
1.1 Patrick Gross December 8, 2016 Additions [lgs1], [ubk1].
1.2 Patrick Gross April 24, 2019 Additions [aml3], [lqh1], [via1], [lhh1], Summary. Explanations changed, were "Not looked for yet."
1.3 Patrick Gross February 20, 2020 Additions [cpd1], [nnm1].
1.4 Patrick Gross April 24, 2020 Addition [jps1].
1.5 Patrick Gross January 23, 2021 Addition [lcx1].
1.6 Patrick Gross March 15, 2021 Addition [gqy11].
1.7 Patrick Gross March 28, 2022 Additions [jqy1], [gep1].

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