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October 21, 1954, Lagny, Oise:

Reference for this case: 21-Oct-54-Lagny.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


The Press of October 22 and 23, 1954, mentioned that a "craft" was seen in the sky of the Melun region on October 21, 1954, in the evening. One of the mentioned observation places was Lagny.





Melun, 22. -- Many witnesses, residents of the communes of the regions of Bray-sur-Seine, Lagny, Moret, Thomery, said they saw a strange phenomenon after dark: an oval-shaped object, yellow orange in color, measuring more than 20 meters, at 300 or 400 meters of altitude. Clarification: the 20 meters would be the real measure of the object and not its size as it appeared to them.

The craft remained motionless for a while and disappeared at breakneck speed.

One of the witnesses, Mr. André L..., a weather specialist, who lives in Thomery, believes that the speed of machine was of the order of 10,000 km.p.h, quite simply. Mr. L... clarified:

"I am absolutely certain, because I know this question well, that it is neither an airplane nor a weather balloon."

In Melun itself, several young girls coming out of an evening class claim to have seen an almost similar craft in the sky; which, after having stopped for ten minutes, would have risen very quickly in the sky.

However, a luminous ball resembling a car headlight would have appeared, six times, to two industrialists from Melun who were traveling on the road national Melun-Rubelles. The appearance of this luminous hearth would have caused each time a very large flash illuminating the region.

Finally, several horsemen from a horse center in La Rochelle claim to have seen a character flee from their park. "He was strange", they said, "he could only be a Martian".

La Rochelle. -- A motorist from Cherbonnières was driving on the road to Souzou with his three-year-old son when he felt all over his body tingling sensations similar to electric shocks which increased as his car moved forward. The child, who felt the same discomfort, began to cry. Soon the car engine stopped and the headlights went out.

At the same time, a bright glow was seen, going from bright red to orange. Blinded, the motorist could however distinguish a craft stationary in space, for a few moments and then it would disappear soon. Immediately afterwards, the driver was able to restart the engine of his car.

... and from Italy

Rome, 22. -- Many discs, saucers and flying cigars were seen in the sky of Italy. Several people saw these craft move over Milan. While inhabitants of Perugia, Bologna, and other localities in the north of the Peninsula were also eyewitnesses to these incursions of flying discs or cigars.

The most precise testimony was collected in Naples, where two workers who were in the suburbs of the city clearly distinguished an apparatus, of circular shape, moving in the sky at an altitude of 800 meters approximately following a North-East direction. The phenomenon lasted three minutes and the two workers were able to specify that the metal carcass of the disc was painted red and that white smoke escaped from it.


In the sky of Ile-de-France

A luminous craft said to have evolved at 10.000 km. hour

Melun. -- A very large number of witnesses, inhabitants of the communities of the areas of Bray-sur-Seine, Lagny, Moret, Thomery stated to have seen, at the fallen night, a strange phenomenon: a craft of oval form, yellow orange color, measuring more than 20 meters, at 300 or 400 meters altitude. Precision: The 20 meters are said to be the real measurement of the object and not its dimension such as it appeared to them.

The machine remained motionless during a certain time and disappeared at a vertiginous speed.

One of the witnesses, Mr. André L..., weather specialist, who lives in Thomery, estimates that the speed of the machine was approximately 10.000 kilometer-hour. Quite simply!

Mr. L... specified: "I am absolutely certain, for I know this question well, that it was neither a plane, nor of a weather-balloon."

In Melun directly, several girls leaving an evening course claim to have seen in the sky a machine that was more or less similar, which, after having stopped during ten minutes, had risen very quickly in the sky.

Meanwhile, a luminous ball resembling a headlight of a car is said to have appeared, six times, to two industrialists of Melun who circulated on the national road Melun-Rubelles. The appearance of this luminous source is said to have caused each time a very broad flash illuminating the area.

Finally, several horse riders of center of a horsing center of La Rochelle claim to have seen a character fleeing from their park.

"He was strange, they say. It could only have been a Martian."

[Ref. lcx1:] NEWSPAPER "LA CROIX":


Saucers, cigars, etc.

A motorist from Cherbonnière (Charente-Maritime) was driving with his 3-year-old son, when he felt all over the body tingling similar to electric shocks that got worse as his car moved forward.

The child who felt the same stings began to cry. Soon the engine of the car stopped and the headlights went out.

At the same time, a bright glow passing from bright red to orange blinded the motorist who was however able to make out a motionless craft in space for a few moments, then it soon disappeared. Immediately afterwards the driver was able to restart the engine of his car.

It's getting hot!

On the national road 393, near Turquestein (Moselle), the engine of a truck was again suddenly stopped by a bright apparition. The driver, Mr. Schonbrenner, his hands riveted to the wheel as if he were paralyzed, saw a sort of phosphorescent-based cone, the tip of which was yellow-orange. Mr. Schonbrenner said he had felt a sensation of warmth, as already other people had in similar circumstances.

Always faster

Many witnesses, inhabitants of the municipalities of the regions of Bray-sur-Seine, Lagny, Moret, Thoméry, stated they had seen, at nightfall, a strange phenomenon: an oval-shaped craft, yellow-orange in color, measuring more than 20 meters, at an altitude of 300 or 400 meters.

The craft stood still for a while and vanished at breakneck speed.

One of the witnesses, Mr. André L., weather specialist, who lives in Thoméry, estimates that the speed of the craft was of the order of 10,000 kilometers per hour, quite simply.

Mr. L. clarified:

"I am absolutely certain, because I am familiar with this issue, that it is neither an airplane nor a weather balloon."

A Pekinese dog
victim of a "saucer"

Several workers at a factory in Pozzuoli, near Naples, said a Pekinese dog died of fright upon seeing a "flying saucer."

The workers and the dog saw a motionless silver object in the sky. Suddenly the object rose vertically, with a shrill hissing sound. The Pekinese dog barked and fell dead to the ground.



A yellow ball going at 10,000 km.-hour in the sky of Seine-et-Marne

VERY numerous witnesses, residents of the communes of the regions of Bray-sur-Seine, Lagny, Moret, Thomery declared to have seen, at nightfall, a strange phenomenon: an oval shaped object, of orange yellow color, measuring more than twenty meters, at 300 or 400 meters of altitude.

One of the witnesses, Mr. André L ..., weather specialist, who lives in Thomery, estimates that its speed was of bout 10,000 kilometers per hour.

"I am absolutely certain, because I know this question well, that it is neither an airplane nor a weather balloon," he said.

In Melun itself, several young girls coming out of an evening class, claim to have seen in the sky an almost similar machine which, after having stopped for ten minutes, would have risen very quickly in the sky.

Also, a luminous ball resembling a car headlight would have appeared, six times, to two industrialists from Melun who were traveling on the Melun-Rubelles national road. The appearance of this luminous source would have caused each time a very large flash illuminating the region.

Other "flying saucers" were seen yesterday. One near Luzy, the second on the RN 393, near Turquestein; the last ones finally near Ham, in Lorient and in Chevenon.

Near Altkirch, a motorist thought he had seen one too, but it was only the moon.



Another stack of saucers...

Few flying saucers have appeared in France in the past 24 hours, and those that have appeared, according to people who have seen them, were moving without much fantasy. One of them, near Luzy, even contented itself, affirm a pensioner of the Nevers railways, his wife and his son, to take the form of a metal airship flying at a very low altitude, but, it is true, at a "dizzying" speed...

Priority to mysterious

Near Ham (Somme), the passage of a mysterious craft was marked by a curious phenomenon. Two inhabitants of the region were traveling side by side, one on a motorbike, the other on a moped, when they saw an orange mass moving in the sky. When this mass was above them, the two engines suddenly failed and did not resume until the mass had moved away.

The craft
lit the ground

On national road 393, near Turquestein, the engine of a truck was suddenly stopped again by a "luminous apparition." The driver, Mr. Schonbrenner, hands riveted at the wheel as if he was paralyzed, saw a kind of cone with a phosphorescent base, the tip of which was yellow-orange, which moved in the sky while lighting the ground.

Mr. Schonbrenner said he felt a warm feeling, as did other people in similar circumstances.

- Also in Lorient, a retired navy worker, Mr. Jean Roignant, saw a circular white craft which emitted white and purple gleams. It is a disc, orange in color this time, that was seen by Mr. Leonard Roumy, deputy mayor of Raveau. In Chevenon, near Imphy, Guy Chevrier only saw a kind of rocket.

the "Martians"

Melun, 22. - Many witnesses, inhabitants of the regions of Bray-sur-Seine, Lagny, Moret, Thomery, said they saw a strange phenomenon after dark: an oval-shaped object, yellow orange in color, measuring more than 20 meters, at 300 or 400 meters of altitude. Note: the 20 meters would be the real measure of the object and not its size as it appeared to them.

The craft remained motionless for a while and disappeared at breakneck speed.

One of the witnesses, Mr. André L..., weather specialist, who lives in Thomery, believes that the speed of craft was in the order of 10,000 kilometers an hour, quite simply. M. L... clarified:

"I am absolutely certain, because I know this question well, that it is neither an airplane nor a weather balloon."

For their part, several riders from a horse center in La Rochelle claim to have seen a character flee from their park. "He was strange, they say. It could only be a Martian."



still appear
in the sky of France

Melun, October 22.

Numerous witnesses, residents of municipalities in the regions of Bray-sur-Seine, Lagny, Moret, Thomery declared to have seen, at nightfall, a strange phenomenon: an oval shaped object, yellow orange in color, measuring more than 20 meters, at 300 or 400 meters of height. Clarification: the 20 meters would be the real measure of the object and not its size as it appeared to them.

The craft remained motionless for a while and disappeared at breakneck speed.

One of the witnesses, Mr. André L ..., weather specialist, who lives in Thomery, estimates that the speed of the craft was of the order of 10,000 km per h., quite simply. Mr. L ... clarified:

"I am absolutely certain, because I know this question well, that it is neither an airplane nor a weather balloon."

In Melun itself, several young girls coming out of an evening class claim to have seen an almost similar craft in the sky, which, after having stopped for ten minutes, would have risen very quickly in the sky.

However, a luminous ball resembling a car headlight would have appeared, six times, to two industrialists from Melun who were traveling on the national road Melun-Rubelles. The appearance of this luminous focus would have caused each time a very large flash illuminating the region.

Finally, several riders from an equestrian center in La Rochelle claim to have seen a character flee from their park.

"He was strange, they said. He could only be a Martian."

The driver feels

La Rochelle, October 22.

A motorist from Cherbonnière was driving on the road to Pouzou with his five-year-old son when he felt all over his body tingling sensations like electric shocks which increased as his car moved forward. The child, who felt the same discomfort, began to cry. Soon the car engine stopped and the headlights went out. At the same time, a bright glow was seen, changing from bright red to orange. Blinded, the motorist could however distinguish a craft hovering in space for a few moments and then it soon disappeared. Immediately afterwards, the driver was able to restart the engine of his car.

In the Italian sky

Rome, October 22.

Many discs, saucers, and flying cigars were seen yesterday in the sky of Italy. Several people have seen these craft move over Milan. While residents of Perugia, Bologna, and other localities in the north of the peninsula were also eyewitnesses to these incursions of flying discs or cigars.

The most precise testimony was collected in Naples, where two workers who were in the suburbs of the city clearly distinguished a circular craft, moving in the sky at about eight hundred meters of altitude, following a direction to the northeast. The phenomenon lasted three minutes and the two workers were able to specify that the metal casing of the discs was painted red and that white smoke escaped from it.

In the Norwegian sky

Oslo, October 22.

Around Kongsvinger, a city about eighty kilometers northeast of Oslo, several people said they saw several luminous objects flying in the sky last night at an extraordinary speed, from the west to the southeast, to disappear on the horizon after a few seconds.

Some witnesses claim that these balls of fire exploded in their course.

According to most observations, it is a giant fireball that ignites on contact with the atmosphere.



on the coasts
of our region

Numerous witnesses, residents of municipalities in the regions of Bray-sur-Seine, Lagny, Moret, Thomery, declared to have seen, at nightfall, a strange phenomenon: an oval shaped object, yellow orange in color, measuring more than 20 meters, at 300 and 400 meters of altitude.

The craft remained motionless for a while and disappeared at breakneck speed.

Other strange apparitions were reported throughout France and especially on the coasts of our region.

The day before yesterday evening, around 7:30 p.m., various people noted the presence above Boulogne and the surrounding area, of a mysterious craft.

The object in question was heading in a fixed direction, that is to say coming from the sea heading for Desvres. It looked like fireworks according to all witnesses.

This craft was seen around the same time on Boulogne, Outreau and Desvres.

Around 8 p.m., Mrs. Decobert-Delhaye, residing Vieilles-Rue in Audruicq, was in her kitchen when she heard an unusual noise resembling a pendulum ticking. Immediately she went out into the courtyard and was amazed to see in the sky, towards Nortkerque, at a very low height, a ball of fire in multiple colors.

Frightened, she went home and, through the window, noticed that the ball remained motionless. A few moments later, she clearly saw the ball heading towards Calais.

Other people also noticed this phenomenon happening at the same time.

In the sky of Le Touquet, at 6:15 p.m., a craft of round shape and very shiny appeared. Its color was yellow-red, it looked like a plate. This object was followed by a trail, also very bright, whose length was about 2.5 times its diameter.

Coming from the sea, it was moving at a dizzying speed towards the east and it disappeared very quickly in front of the observers.

[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:


Night of October 22 to 23 [, 1954]

[... other cases...]

? [=unknown hour]: Region of Bray-sur-Seine/Lagny/Moret/Thomery/Melun (Seine-et-Marne): lumin.obj.

[... other cases...]


4234: 1954/10/21 19:00 2 3:14:00 E 48:26:00 N 3332 WEU FRN S&M 6:A


Ref#138 GROSS,L.:UFOs a HISTORY-1954/10 bks Book # 9 Page 71 : RESIDENT'L



Probable meteor.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Lagny-sur-Marne, Lagny, Oise, meteorological, fast, craft


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
1.0 Patrick Gross December 30, 2018 First published.
1.1 Patrick Gross January 3, 2020 Addition [ppe1].
1.2 Patrick Gross February 26, 2020 Addition [nnm1].
1.3 Patrick Gross June 11, 2020 Additions [nll1], [las1].
1.4 Patrick Gross July 6, 2020 Addition [jps1]. In the Summary, "The Press of October 23, 1954" changed to "The Press of October 22 and 23, 1954".
1.5 Patrick Gross January 4, 2021 Addition [lcx1].
1.6 Patrick Gross May 19, 2022 Addition [gqy1].

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