For more information related to the Ummo affair, visit this page.
What follows constitutes the totality of what the “Ummites” say in connection with the duration of their year in comparison with the duration of our year.
Our year is defined very simply: it is the duration needed for our planet takes to make one complete orbit around our sun, and in days, this duration is some 365 days.
Ref.document: 32
Title of the letter: Correspondences between the physical units Earth/Ummo
Date: 18/03/1966
Recipient: Mister Sesma
1 letter - 3 pages
LANGAGE: Spanish
Number of copies: 1
March 18, 1966
With the phoneme “XEE”, we express the EIGHTEENTH part of the duration that Planet UMMO need to make a complete cycle while moving on its orbit around the star IUMMA.
The concept of YEAR has a different eaning to us because it actually is a fraction of the duration of translation of UMMO.
[...] one YEAR of UMMO (“XEE”) = 1/18 Time of Translation.
What this tells us:
All things considered, the year on Ummo is defined as a duration of 18 XEE, and the “Ummites” do not tell us how long is one XEE, which is all the same ridiculous in the context of letter supposed to clarify the correspondences between Ummo and Earth measurement units.
This is as if you wrote to some extraterrestrial civilization and for the duration of the year on Earth, you would say: it takes 12 months, without specifying how long a month is.
Isn't Ummo a rather odd advanced civilization? Obviously, if these letters are not written by any “Ummites” but by a prankster who want to have a laugh at the gullible customers of the Madrid bar “the Merry Whale” in the Sixties, that's not so odd.
Ref. document: 41-3
Letter title: Day to day life on planet Oummo
Letter 3
Date: 1966
Recipient: Mister Sesma
1 - Let's say that mental practices contracted since several millenia (Year of UMMO = 0,2118 years EARTH)
What this tells us:
Here is a typical example of “Ummite” irrationality: they use here the word year in “Year of UMMO” and the reader is quite unable to know if they meant year within the meaning of the duration of a revolution of their planet around their star or if they meant year in the Ummite of their word XEE which is 1/18th of the duration of one orbit.
Once again, here funny of advanced civilization! Obviously, if these letters are not written by of the “Ummites” but by a joker who treats to to the head of credulous bar “the Merry Whale” in Madrid in the Sixties, that surprises less.
Let's see how many of our days are necessary for their planet to make one orbit of their star. We thus have two possibilities here:
In the first case, we get:
1/18th of one orbit is 0.2118 of our years. Thus:
1 orbit is 0.2118*18 = 3.8124 of our years. Thus:
1 orbit is 1391 of our days.
In the second case, we get:
1 orbit is 0.2118 of your years. Thus:
1 orbit is 77 of our days.
Let's remember these two results: 1391 or 77
Ref.document: 43
Letter's title: “UMMOWOA”, the incarnate god of planet UMMO
Date: 1966
Recipient: Mister Sesma
One year of OUMMO is divided into 60 days of OUMMO
As each day of OUMMO splits in 600 UIW (some 31 hours of the Earth, the duration of the year of OUMMO is equivalent to 111.312 minutes of the Earth. We can estimate that ONE YEAR of the Earth is equivalent roughly to 4,73186 YEARS of OUMMO.
To follow a reliable mnemotechnical method: when we refer to one year of OUMMO, imagine that it is equivalent (with a very weak error) to approximately TWO MONTHS and HALF of the EARTH.
What this tells us:
Information is still ambiguous. “One year of OUMMO is divided into 60 days of OUMMO”, fine, but which “year” is that? One orbit of 18 XEE, or one XEE, 1/18th of a revolution? This time again, they forget to specify, and we thus have two cases, the year in the meaning of an orbit and the year in meaning sense of the “Ummites” of a XEE defined as 1/18th of an orbit. Well, we shall make the two possible conversions.
We have the following statements:
“A year of OUMMO is divided in 60 days of OUMMO.”
We know that the day of OUMMO is worth 30.92 or 31 terrestrial hours according to the “Ummites”. They indicate that in the letters D21, D32, D41-4 etc.
Thus, a year of OUMMO is 60 days of 30.92 terrestrial hours each. Thus:
One year of OUMMO is 60*30.92 terrestrial hours which makes 1855.2 terrestrial hours. Thus:
One year of OUMMO is 1855.2/24 days terrestrial which makes 77.3 days terrestrial.
Therefore if by “year” they meant a XEE, i.e. 1/18e of an orbit, then an orbit is 1391 earth days, elseit is 77 earth days.
We also have 111312 minutes. This is 1855.2 hours or 77.3 days.
Then they say a year of the earth is 4,73186 years of Ummo. Hence the Ummo year is 4.73186*365 Earth days, i.e. ... 1727 earth days! Oops, the “Ummites” made a calculation error!
And let us not forget the case in which, as they explain over and over again, their year is not an orbit like ours but the 18th of an orbit. In this case these 1727 days become 1727*18 days, that is 31086 terrestrial days 85 of our years...
Remember what the Ummo “believers” say. They say it can't be a hoax because it is the best science ever, thus if it was a hoax it would have required the greatest scientists of ou planet to work it out. Really?
Ref. document: 41-6
Letter's title: Day to day life on planet Oummo
Letter 6
Date: 1966
Recipient: Mister Sesma
The minimal duration [to educate a Ummite child] is of 9,46 XEE (some two Earth years) to 28 XEE (a little less than 6 earth years).
What this tells us:
The “Ummites” say that 9.46 XEE are like 2 Earth years.
9.46 XEE are thus 2*365 days, that is 730 days.
Thus 1 XEE is 730/9.46 days or 77 days. As 1 XEE is 1/18 of an orbit of their star, one thus needs 77*18 days for Ummo to make one orbit of their star, that is to say 1386 days, nearly 4 years. This still makes us a 1391 days approximation indicated elsewhere.
The “Ummites” say that 28 XEE are like 6 Earth years.
28 XEE are thus 6*365 days, that is 2190 days.
Thus 1 XEE is 2190/28 days or 78 days. As 1 XEE is 1/18 of an orbit of their star, 78*18 days are needed for Ummo to make one orbit of their star, that is to say 1404 days, nearly 4 years. This still makes us an acceptable approximation of the 1391 days indicated elsewhere.
The “Ummites” do specify “some” and “a little less”, therefore all this remains coherent.
Ref. document: 63
Letter's headline: Twin cosmos Astronomical nebulas
Date: 25/07/1967
Recipent: Mister Garrido
Date: 25-VII-1967
Since many XEE (year of UMMO 0.212 years of the earth) [...]
Regularly, such magnetic deteriorations followed one another all the two XEE (0, 42 years roughly)
(a XEE is equivalent to 0.21 terrestrial year, 76,65 days)
Unfortunately the interval which separated these two moments (thermal drops and tetradimensional crumpling) suffered from a considerable latitude, of 0.4 XEE (31 days) to 3.3 XEE (253 days).
What this tells us:
We first learn that a XEE, definite elsewhere as the 18th of one orbit, is worth 0.212 Earth years. Thus, one orbit is worth 3.816 Earth years, that is 1392.84 Earth days. Nearly 2 days too much.
In the same letter we learn that a XEE is worth 0.21 Earth years, therefore 18*0.21 Earth years, that is 3.78 Earth years or 1379.7 Earth days, therefore this time they misses a little more than one day. Ummites measure parsecs in centimeters and give utterly useless decimal precisions elsewhere, here, they are not short of two days. Let's forget about it.
We also learn that a XEE is worth 76.65 days. They still omit to specify if they mean terrestrial days of 24 hours or Ummites days of 30.92 or 31 hours, but let's assume what is most coherent in other letters and take this for terrestrial days since they tell elsewhere that a XEE is worth 60 Ummo days. We thus have for a revolution, 18*76.65 Earth days, that is 1379.7 days. One feels that to write “a XEE are equivalent to 0.21 year terrestrial, 76,65 days” the “Ummites” at least made some calculation. Of course, 2 XEE make 0.42 Earth years “roughly” since 1 XEE is 0.21 Earth years.
All this is “approximate” but coherent: an orbit makes 1391 Earth days, roughly 1379.7 or roughly 1392.84. Let's not haggle: we have three times an indication which authorizes us to retain the correct figure: some 1391 Earth day.
After all, it would be ridiculous if an advanced alien civilization did huge errors on such easy things, isn't?
Ref.document: 74
Letter's title: Who are we? Where are we coming from?
Date: 1969
Destinataire: Mister Ribera.
We define the XEE (“year” of UMMO) as the 1/18 fraction of the translation of our OYAA around IUMMA (currently the phoneme XEE is also synonymous to “cyclic Trajectory”)
They also believed that our OYAA performed three downward translations - fig. 2 - and three other rising - fig. 3 -, to complete a cycle. A XEE (“year” of UMMO) is equivalent to 0,212 terrestrial years (77,38 days)
We can now define the XEE as 1/3 of the period of true translation (the year of UMMO, orbits of their star, is thus a period equivalent to 232 “terrestrial” days). Six periods are thus equivalent to the very old XEEUMMO = 18 XEE.
![]() The explanation drawing by the “Ummites”. |
What this tells us:
It is again confirmed: a XEE is one 18th of an orbit. A XEE is again worth 0.212 Earth years, that is to say 77.38 days indeed. All right.
That's all spoiled in the following sentence, which now ensures us that the XEE is not one 18th of an orbit bit on third, in their corrected current definition!
What does that mean? Was everything wrong so far?
Indeed if one orbit is done in 3 XEE and not into 18, everything in all the other letters was totally wrong.
Go figure that out... And try to figure out who wrote the sentence between brackets here. He was surely not from planet Ummo, since the sentence says “the orbit of their star.” Was that the Spanish-English translator?
We now in any case have a second duration for the orbit, that of 232 Earth days, not to mention the introduction of a XEEUMMO which would make 18 XEE and be a sensible equivalent to the Earth notion of a year...
All that is very muddled. However, I was told that that it is rather simple: formerly, the “Ummites” were mistaken and divided the orbit in 18 XEE by mistake. When they understood their error, they realized the orbit is of 3 XEE, but they supposedly kept the 18 XEE by tradition. But this is not what the “Ummites” say. They do say that they can now define that an orbit is only of three XEE. To keep the XEE by tradition, that seems natural, but this is not the issue; they indicate that it is the number of 18 XEE per orbit which was false and which there is actually only 3 per orbit. Therefore 3*0.212*365 terrestrial days by orbit, therefore, as the unidentified commenter inserted in their letter: an orbit is of 232 Earth days.
All occurs as there if the author of the “Ummites letters” had tried to do a little bit of astronomy, but got completely confused in his nonsensical explanation which he could not control anymore, and then he made the big mistake: the 232 Earth days orbit whereas it is 1391 Earth days in other letters.
What is interesting and probably the key of all the chaos is that in many letters, the “Ummites” tell us a lot of figures about their system EXCEPT the duration of the orbit. Did someone censor something compromising in such paragraphs?
What can be concluded here? The conclusion is that the XEE is defined all of a sudden as a third of an orbit, that is, an orbit is suddenly 232 of our days while everywhere else it is one 18th of orbit. Gobbledygook!
Letter 68-2
Langue: Espagnol
N° de copies: 1
D. Manuel Campo
A few XEE (UMMO day) later, he got the approval from the UMMOELEWE for an interview with him.
What this tells us:
Here, the author is in a big mess with his alleged Ummite vocabulary: the XEE which is defined as some sort of “year” elsewhere, suddenly becomes a day! How could real aliens do that? See: this is just like if I was an Frenchmen telling that the battle of Waterloo was on the day 1815...
D 58-2 T1C-12/17 (notes: 18/22) ajh
corr: 24/04/04 I-I-2/8, 10 + 27/31
Letters headline: The biogenetics bases of the Cosmos
Date: 03/04/67
Recipients: Alicia Araujo
Notes: Letter 2 on a total of 25 pages
The sorting of the letters is not guaranteed and it is possible that one of them is missing.
Conclusions of the Earth biologists on the chromosomes are hardly different from the concept which we have, since many XEE (UNIT OF TIME BEING EQUIVALENT TO THE TRANSLATION OF UMMO AROUND OUR HOT STELLAR BODY IUMMA), [...]
What this tells us:
Here again a magnificent glitch! This time the XEE is not anymore 1/18 of an orbit nor 1/3 of their orbit, but... 1 orbit. This gets us to the duration of the orbit as 77 Earth days. The capital letters are in the original text.
Definitely the “Ummites” are quite inattentive.
Ref.document: 57
Letter's headline: First contact of UMMO with the Earth, in 1950, in La Javie
Date: January to June 1967
Recipient: Mister Villagrassa
Language: Spanish:
Date: 23-1-1967
We divide it in “XEE” and these are 18.
One XEE is the year of UMMO, and is equivalent to 60 days.
The XEE is to us the equivalent of the year on the Earth.
By all practical means you can suppose that one Terrestrial year would be equivalent, if we disregarded its character of NONSIMULTANEITY, to 4,72186 Years of UMMO or XEE.
What this tells us:
This time again, the “Ummites” are mistaken. A revolution is divided into 18, these portions are what they call years that they call XEE in their language. A XEE is worth 60 days. Fine. But Ummites days or terrestrial? Only the reading of other letters can indicate that these are “Ummites” days of 30.92 or 31 hours. Funny, on the part of an advanced civilization! Obviously, if these letters are not written by Ummo aliens but by a prankster, that is less surprising.
Let's take provided information: the XEE is one 18th of revolution and is worth 60 Ummo days of which each one lasts 30.92 Earth hours.
We thus have here for one orbit, 18*60*30.92 Earth hours that is to say 33393.6 Earth hours from on our premises. Let's divide by 24, and we learned that the Ummo orbit has a duration of 1391 Earth days.
But there's quite a glitch then!
As anyone can see they then write 4.72186 of our years are equivalent to one XEE. They do write that there are 18 XEE in each orbit.
Thus we have:
One XEE is 4.72186 terrestrial years. One orbit thus makes 18 XEE thus 18*4.72186*365 terrestrial days thus 310223 terrestrial days thus 85 earth years.
So many letters to explain us their year, and ultimately we get as figures 77 Earth days, or 232 Earth days, or 1391 Earth days, or 1727 Earth days or 310223 Earth days!
Think of those Ummo “believers” who say they “studied” these letters “for years” and found no contradictions!
In their dreams...
Let's have a look at something else that might be interesting.
All the letters mentioned by me above are letters which form part of a “complete collection”, a PDF file of 22 Mb and 841 pages (no, the “Ummites” did in no way write “thousands of pages”) made available on Internet via the website They are all considered “authentic” by the Ummo proponents.
But here we stumble on something weird:
This is the web page of the “skeptic” Dominique Caudron who throws down the castle made of hot air of the entire Ummo affair, including some generally sensible findings on the terrible “Ummites” astronomical fantasies.
Indeed on Dominique Caudron's web page, which makes so much fun of the ufologists and UFOs that only few people even wants to read ahead, we see that he quotes the “Ummites” as saying:
“Ummo is a oyaa (a cold star) of 7251.63 km ray, which rotates on its axis in one xii (day) of 600.0117 iuw, that is to say 30,92 terrestrial hours. It is surrounded by an ionized layer at 8536,92 km. The axis of the pole has a slope of 18° 39 ' 56,3" with a periodic variation of 19,8". The planet carries out its revolution into three xee of 0,212 terrestrial years, around Iumma, its ooyia (small hot star), located at 99,6 million km of it. Its orbit has a “walking zero” eccentricity, i.e. that it is sometimes 0.078 and sometimes 0,007833 (almost circular) with at its focus the WOLF 424 star (IUMMA). Outdistance WOLF 424 to the solar system on January 4, 1955: 3,68502 lights years.
Your read right: “The planet carries out its revolution in three xee of 0.212 terrestrial years”, i.e. 3*0.212 terrestrial years, or 0.636 Earth years or 0.636*365 Earth days or again 232 Earth days.
So? Do we need to suspect Caudron of having faked his text? Doesn't he indeed refrain from indicating to his readers which source he is using, being satisfied to say that it “goes back to 1966”?
And in the “complete collection” by, I do not find such a text!
All the letters of whih the text resembles what Caudron writes are precisely deprived of the duration of the orbit.
A letter somehow resembling the text by Caudron is in the Ummo book “La conspiration des étoiles” by Martine Castello, Philipp Chambon, and Isabelle Blanc, published in 1991. It is on page 47-49, but there again, the many figures on Ummo are provided, EXCEPT the duration of the Ummo orbit!
Nothing either in the Ummo book “Enquête sur des extraterrestres qui sont déjà parmi nous” (“Investigation into the extraterrestrials which are already among us”) by Jean Pierre Petit in 1991 also, giving on page 63 the main part of the data on Ummo, again with the exception of the duration of the orbit.
So, we have only one simple explanation: what Caudron indicates as “a Ummite letter of 1966” is in fact a “digest” of several letters, among which D74, the only stating expressly that one orbit is of 3 XEE, instead of 18. As a consequence, Caudron did not consider the internal coherence of the letters as of the duration of the orbit and missed the multiple contradictions. Only alternative: there is still another letter which says word for word what Caudron indicates, a letter that I have not found yet. To tell the truth, one more contradiction is not a big deal, Caudron found enough of those. Of course, the Ummo “believers” started to say that the “Ummites” make mistakes on purpose so that nobody really believes their letters. Why are there “believers” then? Well, “credo quia absurdum”, “I believe because it is crazy”, of course!
Let's leave it here.
We saw that the majority of the “Ummites” letters curiously omit to specify the duration of an orbit of their planet around their star. We saw that several letters do it, by indicating that they use a XEE which is 1/18e of revolution, but that another letter explains why it is an error of the former astronomers “Ummites” and that one needs for it in fact only 3 XEE for a revolution, and that by virtue of incompetence there are no less than 5 different orbit durations here and there.
Another thing we saw, and I found no contradictions on that one, is:
Their calendar year is of 60 Ummo days, that is 77 Earth days. Nobody disputes this. It is clearly written, several times, without contradictions, for once.
But then emerges a fatal problem. Read the D33-3 letter:
“But on the day 94 of the year 315, a new astonishing discovery was made...”
Yes, if paid attention, you cannot miss this: the “Ummites” say that the year 315 has much more than 60 days, it has at least 94 days!
Just as if you would write to the aliens and tell them stuff like: “on March 42, 1995” or “the 412th day of year 1958.”
You could not possibly make such a mistake, right? Except if you are a fake and Earth wouldn't really exist. This is exactly the kind of mistake due to the distraction in a hoax, the most difficult to avoid...