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Your sighting reports:

See here for reporting information.


Basic indications:

Date written:November 9, 2007
Date received:November 9, 2007
Date published:December 14, 2007
Date of sighting:November 5, 2007
Place of sighting:France, Essonne, Lardy
Original language of report:French
Reported using:e-mail
Unreleased information:Name, firstname, email address
Investigation, additional information:None
Explanation:Not looked for. Possible meteor entry.

The report:

Subject: UFO sighting
Date: November 9, 2007
From: [Firstname],[]

At approximately 08:00 p.m. Monday, November 5, while returning home with my partner and my children we observed a ball of green light verging towards turquoise crossing a part of the sky and lighting the field which we were going through by car on a small road not far from our premises lardy in the Essonne. This observation lasted approximately 2 seconds and the movement of this object was rectilinear and did not seem to be at high altitude.
The CEV base (flight test centre) of Bretigny sur Orge too is not far from this place, but we do not explain what it was... It is not a matter of a meteorite a priori either for I had already observed one 25 years ago and I have a memory precise of it but different from that one. Congratulations for your very interesting and rich website.


Note:The Taurids meteors, from October 10 to November 30, are usually slow, bright white. However a greenish rather slow shooting star cannot be excluded.

To: Other sighting reports.

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This page was last updated on December 14, 2007