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UFOs in the daily Press:

The British scareship invasion in the 1909 Press:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper Norfolk News, U-K., page 13, on May 22, 1909.

See the case file here.



Writing on Sunday, out Lowestoft representative says: --

The airship which has been seen at intervals during the past fortnight in various parts of the Eastern Counties was observed in the early hours of this morning passing over the town. It had apparently come from the direction of the North Sea and was flying at a fair speed in a south-westerly direction. Some of the inhabitants in the north part of the town distinctly heard a throbbing noise, others saw a brilliant light, whilst a lady living near Belle Vue Park is positively certain that she saw the airship. As near as I can gather, it was between one and two o'clock this morning when the airship actually passed over the town.

Mrs. Wigg, residing in North Lowestoft, related the following story to me in an interview this morning. She said she was awaked early by a noise similar to that of a motor car, and on looking through the window, which was immediately opposite her bed, she saw a dark object pass at a fairly quick speed and proceed in a south-westerly direction. It did not seem to be at a great height.

Asked if she could describe the object, Mrs. Wigg said it was bottle-shaped, in a horizontal position, and of considerable length. She also saw what appeared to be a man steering at the front of the machine. By a light in the bedroom Mrs Wigg noticed that the time was 1.30.

Mr. T. Plowman, who resided in the same house, added that at the same time he, in the next room, was dazzled by a brilliant light, which appeared to be that of a searchlight. A number of other people are reported to have had their attention attracted by vivid flashes of light, about the same time.

It may seem strange, but now that this flight of the mysterious airship over Lowestoft has become common talk, there are other residents who state that earlier in the month they saw the airship near the town. A well-known builder, whose story is confirmed by other member of his family, informed me that on the first Sunday in May - May 2nd - about 7.30 p.m., when at home, he was looking out of one of his window when he distinctly saw what he thought at the time was an airship sailing in the westerly direction.

"The airship," to give this gentleman's words, "was egg-shaped, with the larger end pointing skywards. It was dark at the time. But how I came to notice it was that, so far as I could judge, about ten miles to the West there was a dark bank of clouds. Above these there were bright clouds, and this airship was sailing between the two. It was going at a rapid rate, and passed quickly out of sight. I was so interested that I called my wife and children to the window, and they also distinctly saw the object in the distance."

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