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UFOs in the daily Press:

Flying saucers in the 1960 French Press:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper La Liberté de l'Est, France, last page, on August 5, 1960.

Flying saucers reappear with the nice weather

Saint Omer. -- Three residents of Pas-de-Calais claim to have seen a flying saucer.

The facts date back to last Tuesday: shortly after midnight, Mr. Daniel Hiot, 26, a farmer in the hamlet of Difques in Moringhem, left his brother-in-law's home by taking a small country road.

He saw a strange purple glow that intrigued him, then continued on his way. But a little further, two meters above the ground, above the road, he met the mysterious machine, about four meters wide, whose thickness he could not make out and whose very luminous red circular belly lit up the road. Mr. Daniel Hiot had to brake then, when the craft moved some fifteen meters to the left, it set off again without asking for more.

The "saucer" then adjusted its speed to that of the motorist and followed him for more than a kilometer, to the entrance of the village, three meters above the ground. The machine was silent and gave off neither smoke nor sparks. At the entrance to the hamlet, it suddenly disappeared.

Mr. Hiot then woke up his parents and, walking, they went outside, but saw nothing anymore.

Two other people have confirmed the testimony of Mr. Hiot: on the one hand his wife, Anne-Marie, who was with him in the car and who adds that she distinguished a human form covering the saucer and, on the other hand, his father-in-law, Mr. Rifflard, who, while taking him back to the car, had shown him a red ball in the sky, in the direction he was to take.

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