This article was published in the daily newspaper Le Journal de Saône-et-Loire, France, le 17 juillet 1994.
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Was the department flown over the same evening by one or more UFOs? From the Louhan area to Verdun-sur-le-Doubs, testimonys are indeed concordant.
CHALON. -- The researchers, scientists and ufologists of the whole world asked themselves the question more than one once: do the unidentified flying objects move according to a perfect logic, although it seems obscure to us? The simultaneous cases of observations of absolutely similar machines, but at several tens of kilometers of interval, pose a enigma at least as important than that of the very nature of these observations.
Ubiquity? Extreme pace of travel? Optical lures consciously put in scene to mislead us? Who knows?
In the evening of Tuesday, July 5, while three witnesses at least claim to have seen four apparatuses of oblong form, emitting multicoloured gleams, flying over the district of the water tower with Sornay in formation, other people spontaneously described a quasi similar phenomenon, observed during the same timeframe in Verdun-sur-le-Doubs.
That is about forty kilometers in the North-West!
"It was to be 11 p.m.," said Mrs. A., tradeswoman in Chalon-sur-Saône. "We were in the garden with friends, at the edge of the Petit-Doubs. Suddenly our attention was drawn by beams of light illuminating the countryside, whose origin was just above the top of the poplars. Initially motionless, the object did not make any noise.
Then it approached, its four sources of light of yellow-green color lighting down to the ground, forming rays of very sharp contours. You would have said that it was looking for something. At the moment when it seemed to us closest, we took three color photographs." (Editor's note: alas, the development of film, according to the statements of the witness, does not reveal anything significant...).
Mrs. A. goes on: "The UFO moved very slowly, silently. It was weird, completely unusual, its form was rather lengthened. At the precise moment when it passed by, showing its profile, at height of the dwellings, we heard a noise which was absolutely not that of a plane. The duration of the observation did not exceed five minutes, and the object that we saw was much larger than a plane in the full sky. In fact, the apparent size was that of an apparatus on the point to land or that had just taken off..."
Since months, or even several years, observations of "saucers", balls or flying "cigars" are reported above the area of Louhans. By ordinary persons and even by police officers, who made last year a report on an enormous luminous machine flying at very low altitude!
When it is understood why the UFO phenomenon remains stealthy, while offering since decades so provoking clues of its existence, one will undoubtedly have taken a decisive step towards the "light."
This "light" which seems to toy with us and to protect us at the same time...
Each year in the world, several thousands of people of all ages, races, backgrounds, religions, are witnesses of unexplainable appearance, and more rarely of encounters with those that are called (perhaps wrongly) E.T.
In the Fifties and the Sixties, a good number of these witnesses, of perfect good faith and honesty, were ridiculed, or even straightforwardly banned from society. These times are over, and that is good. More of three quarters of the Frenchmen believe in the plausible existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, therefore of possible contacts with their mysterious emissary.
This, it is at the very least astonishing, to see today still, witnesses panicked at the idea of revealing their identity. Though this position is commendable, it nevertheless shows the persistence of old social taboos which have a strong duration. Because nowadays, the ridicule does not strike any more those people who "saw" a UFO, but on the contrary those who, depsite all the evidence, deny the reality of the phenomenon and indulge in calling "crackpots" all its witnesses.
G. M.