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UFO - Aircraft incidents:

There are skeptics still scoffing at UFOs. One of the most frequent comment is "If there were UFOs, how do you explain that pilots do not meet them in the air?" Well they do meet. Sometimes pilots wonder if they will not meet just a little too close...

UFO and aicraft collision, 1984:

The Aviation Safety Group of the CAA maintains a list of incidents between planes and UFOs. 25 such incidents are indexed in this list, the oldest going back to July 1978.

One of them records the following event: August 24, 1984, a Trislander airfreighter of the Kondair air transportation company was struck by an UFO damaging an engine and the fuselage. Remains of the UFO were found and sent for analysis. The report ends here, no further information.

Pilatus Britten Norman
BN-2A Trislander.

The database of the Aviation Safety Network does not contain information on this incident. This database records only the incidents which have rendered the aircraft unusable. In this case, the plane was repaired.

The CAA report:

CAA report


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This page was last updated on March 2, 2001.