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UFOS where I live?

I wondered if there are UFO sighting reports in my own region, Alsace, in France. What are the cases? How many are there? Were they investigated, mentioned in the local or national media? What is the proportion of hoaxes, misinterpretations? Time to start to investigate...

Misinterpretation, 1997:

Whereas the regional press echoed estimates of ufology associations who claim that there has been from 200 to 400 cases of observation of UFOS in Alsace, this case is one of the only 3 cases of observation reported by the regional daily newspaper "L'Alsace" on its web archives, two cases among these 3 being misinterpretations.

The article in the newspaper "L'Alsace":


Regional information - Saturday, March 01, 1997

Two young inhabitants of Delle, in the Territory of Belfort, believed they saw a UFO coming from Switzerland, at the beginning of week, but the investigation of the gendarmes cleared the case: the laser show of a discotheque, on the other side of the border, was the cause of their observation. The two brothers described very precisely to the gendarmes in Dell the spaceship which they had observed from their window: a circular shape, with green and red twinkling lights, it had 30 meters in diameter and moved slowly and silently. Before alerting the Air Force, the gendarmes searched for information, as a similar phenomenon had already been observed from Ferrette. The origin was the same: a very powerful laser light show, equipped with a magnifying glass, sent from the roof of the Relay d'Ajoie, a bar-discotheque of Asuel, near Porrentruy, in Switzerland. "It is often discussed in the area, it regularly happens that people report its lights to the gendarmes", explained the manager, Jacques Boulanger, very satisfied with the repercussions of its "ray". Bought 25 000 F in Belfort, he turns it on every evening during several hours.

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This page was last updated on October 23, 2001.