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UFOS where I live?

I wondered if there are UFO sighting reports in my own region, Alsace, in France. What are the cases? How many are there? Were they investigated, mentioned in the local or national media? What is the proportion of hoaxes, misinterpretations? Time to start to investigate...

Near Jettingen, 1954:

Location: Jettingen, départment 68, Haut-Rhin, France
Date: October 7, 1954, at dusk
Witness: René Ott
Type: Mushroom shaped.
Duration: Unknown

An article in the national newspaper France-Soir:

Published on October 10, 1954.

[... other cases ... ]

7 October, at sunrise, in Jettingen (France):

An employee of the railway, René Ott, saw a mushroom-shaped object, 3 meters in diameter, in a field, three meters away from national road 16 and hovering 1 meter above the ground. A luminous rectangle, looking like a kind of doortrap, was seen on the side. The object raised and went 5 meters above the observer's head, following him until the witness reached the nearby village.

[... other cases ... ]

This case is now included with much more information in my general catalogue of all the UFO sighting reports in 1954 in France. Please check it out here.

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This page was last updated on July 21, 2013