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About this website:

The website:

This site is designed and operated by Patrick Gross. I welcome your suggestions, critics, comments, broken links reports and questions I will do my best to answer questions about UFOs.

If you wish to use any pictures, text, or other files from this site on yours please feel absolutely free to do so. I would obviously appreciate it if you add a link to this website in your web pages.

I tried to give credit on the relevant page or link the source of information used in these pages, in any media type, when I knew the source. No user data will be transmitted to anyone by the author unless you agree. You email address will not be published or used except by myself to answer your email or to contact you when this site is updated, unless you instruct otherwise.

If you have any news, photographs, interviews, articles or anything else you believe would benefit this website, then please contact me.


Send me an eMail.I answer whenever possible.

Technical information:

Title: "UFOs at Close Sight" by Patrick Gross.
Description: A web site dedicated to the topic of UFOs, extraterrestrial life and other related topics.
Created on: December 30, 1999.
Created and maintained by: patrick.gross@inbox.com.
Url: http://ufology.patrickgross.org
xHTML publishing tool: Windows Notepad.
Techniques: xHTML, CSS3, Javascript 1.1. You can disable style sheets in your browser for a non decorated version of this website.
Tested with: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Chrome Firefox.
Graphic tools: Paint Shop Pro.
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This page was last updated on January 20, 2014.