This document was reproduced in the ufological literature long ago.
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Maréchal des Logis Chief, Officer of the Criminal Police Investigation Department and Gendarme, Legal Policeman 16 to 20 and 75 of the Criminal Code of Procedure.
On March 15, 1974 at 5 hours 15, on duty at the police station of the Gendarmerie squad of [V1], gendarme [G2], is advised telephonically by the Sapper-Firemen of [V1] that an unidentified flying machine had been just seen in the sky of the locality, moving slowly in direction of the North-East, towards [V2].
We then go outside the court the barracks and do not note anything abnormal, nor the presence in the sky of any strange apparatus.
At 5 hours 35, the Central Police Station of the Police Force of METZ, also assure us by telephone communication, that Mrs [T1], divorced, domiciled in [V1], clearly saw a flying machine, of orange color moving at a very slow pace and perfectly visible with the naked eye. They specify that having gone outside at this same hour, they also saw an apparatus circulating without noise towards the South-east.
From the investigation carried out by M.d.L./Chief G1 and Gendarme [G2], it appears that no other clue could be collected making it possible to emit an opinion on the presence of such an apparatus.
Let us mention that lady [T1] gave us in support of her statements, a sketch of the flying machine, summarily done by herself at the time of the appearance. It is attached to this procedure.
Under-Sergeant [G3] announces that he heard a siren in the direction of [V3], sounding without interruption around 4 hours 30 minutes on March 15, 1974. It was only one siren of the allotment of [V4] which started by itself. The Sapper-Firemen of [V1] were advised in convenient time and did not have to intervene. In any event, this uninterrupted call did not have any relationship with the reported flying machine.
Checks were also carried out to the civil and military weather services at the air base of [V1], no weather balloon or any other object was located or released that day by the station.
It should be noted that any new information will be the subject of a later procedure.
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On March 16, 1974 at 8 hours 40, we heard: Mrs [T1], born the [-] 1939, divorced, five children, resident of [V1], of French nationality, who declares to us at 8 hours 50:
On March 16, 1974, at4 hours 30, I stood up to give a drink to with my seven months old son.
By the fact of having the double-curtains open in the bdroom of my son, I noticed by the window, an object above the old pharmacy, located opposite my apartment.
I first of all looked at it with the naked eye. This object had the shape of a rocket, very blurred because of luminosity, of a very sharp orange color. I can say that it was approximately 1500 meters high, his length was of 200 to 300 meters approximately. I cannot define his width.
Then, I looked at it with the binoculars to detail this machine. At the front, a band was detached, in the shape of a boomerang.
Around 5 hours, I saw a disc which penetrated in this object and moved forwards.
At 5 hours 15, the object disappeared suddenly, as if the light were cut. I can claim that it had remained stable, seen with the naked eye.
I thought of a projection of image, as if one took the clouds as a screen.
I phoned the Sappers Firemen of [V1], a first time at 4 hours 30 to warn them of the appearance of this machine and a second time at 5 hours 30 to announce its disappearance to them.
I cannot say if the sky were clouded or not, my glance being concentrated on the object.
March 16, 1974, 9 hours 50.
Having read the above statement, I persist and I have nothing to change, to add, or to remove there.
(Has signed the statements notebook.)
Continuing our investigation, on 03/18/74, we heard: Mr [G3], born the [-] 1928, Under-Sergeant of the Police force, resident of [V3], married, one child, of French nationality, who states to us at 20 hours 05:
On March 15, 1974, a few minutes before 5 hours, we are advised telephonically by the Sappers Firemen of [V1], announcing that a female resident of [V1] had seen a strange object in the sky.
Around 5 hours 02, whereas we are leaving in patrol and on the point of going to see Mrs [T1], we saw in the sky, a flying object coming from the North-western direction and moving towards the South-east. It had a rectilinear trajectory and advanced very slowly.
One saw two luminous rounds white eight centimetres in diameter approximately and spaced one from the other of thirty centimetres approximately.
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The white lights were very clear, which lets suppose that this machine flew at low altitude; the cloud cover being rather low.
It produced no noise.
Does not compare with the lights used by the planes. This machine did not leave any trail after its passage.
The lights did not produce any ray of light, like the projectors do.
Moreover I add that around 4 hours 30, the sirens of [V3] sounded during ten minutes, in a continuous manner.
March 18, 1974, 20 hours 20.
Having read the above statement, I persist and I have nothing to change, to add, or to remove there.
(Has signed the statements notebook.)
The same day at 20 hours 40, we heard:
Mr [G4], born the [-] 1922, [-] children, Under-Sergeant of the Police Force, resident of [V1], of French nationality, who states to us at 20 hours 43:
On March 15, 1974 at 6 hours, we are advised telephonically by the Sappers Firemen of [V1] announcing us that Mrs [T1], who lives in [V1], saw a strange machine in the sky.
While leaving the Station, my glance went automatically towards the sky. I saw two white lights, coming from the North-West and moving towards South-east. This phenomenon proceeded on the level of the clouds. This object did not make any noise.
March 18, 1974 at 20 hours 50.
Having read the above statement, I persist and I have nothing to change, to add, or to remove there.
(Has signed the statements notebook.)
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